jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

The refined petroleum is not business

Those derived of the petroleum: in the focus
The refined petroleum is not business
By: Carlos Damián July 14, 2012
Expenses of operation 146% rise in Pemex
México. - The insistent spokesmen of the Mexican and foreigner oligarchy don't stop to scream that “the refineries are not business", and for the same thing, “it would be a serious error to build this type of plants in national territory and an unjustified loss of public resources", the promoters of the oil privatization scream to choir. That they scream, all that they want but if revenues for 112 thousand million dollars in six years are not only business, then what is it. Regrettably the business is not for Mexico, because that voluminous quantity of money lost it the country before the firm negative of the Calderon’s government to revert the growing dependence of the exterior as regards oil by means of the construction of at least a refinery.

The terrible news says this way: "the infrastructure lack to refine the oil ones that it consumes the national market, particularly automobile’s gasoline has cost to the country 112 thousand 569.2 million dollars, besides a superior quantity at 511 thousand millions of pesos with subsidies during the current government. With base in official reports, the current government federal spent 53 percent of the revenues for oil exports in the purchase of a volume every time bigger than automobile’s fuels that it reached a historical maximum in October of last year, with 467 thousand barrels daily”, that is to say, more than 74.3 million liters, enough to fill to the tank of 18.5 million automobiles every day.

The expenses of operation of Pemex rise
The operation expenses were increased of Mexican Petroleum (Pemex, in Spanish) by 146 percent in 11 years of emanated administrations of the PAN, but their industrial results have not been proportional to the growth in the figures of the expenditures. On the contrary, the production fell 16 percent, between 2001 and 2011, and if it is considered the highest point in the extraction reached in 2004 when it arrived to a maximum of 3.4 million daily barrels, the collapse in the production is of 25 percent.

The operation expenses are the money distributed to maintain to the company in their existent condition to either improve it to maintain it under conditions of more work efficiency. In last decade, Pemex went back in indicators of proven reservations of raw when passing of the place nine in 2001 at the 17 in 2011. Official reports reveal that the efficiency in the operation expense spent of 3 thousand 906.67 million dollars in -first 2001 year of an administration of the PAN - to 9 thousand 618.33 millions when concluding 2011, what meant a growth of 145.9 percent. This without including other stranger’s operations for account of third.

The one derived of the petroleum it is not business
"Those purchases represented an expense average for the Mexican government near to 2 thousand 500 million monthly dollars. That increase in the imports of gasoline coincided with the lowest production of gasoline of recent decades, with an average of hardly 367 thousand 100 barrels per day, that is to say, little more than 58 million liters. The lack of capacity to refine raw, and the lack of decision that it was necessary to enlarge the corresponding infrastructure they allowed that the benefits have concentrated on a limited group of oil companies, among those that are some of those but big of the world, with those that stay contracts of purchase of the gasoline, according to sources of Pemex”.

Transnational as Shell, Exxon, the Venezuelan Citgo Petroleum Corporation (subsidiary PDVE-INC, but constituted legally in The States) and American also, Valero Energy Corporation concentrates around 75 percent of the purchases of gasoline that waste away in Mexico. Only two oil companies, the American Exxon and the Anglo-Dutch Shell, they sell Mexico more than half of the imports of automobile’s fuels, under the argument that “it buys itself to the one that offers the cheapest price". The purchases of gasoline for Pemex concentrate by 60 percent by the American market and 20 percent it is acquired in European companies (particularly Shell). (La Jornada, Victor Cardoso).

The Mexican oil company is not business
The “wrong business” of the transnational oil companies has an enormous business that they won't loose in Mexico -the honey was not made for the muzzle of the donkey - it is insisted that those derived of the petroleum for national spokesmen are not business. It “doesn't negotiate" of the American oil companies that so much repeats the goldfinches privatized, and Mexico accumulates 34 years without building a refinery. The most recent refinery in the system dates of 1979, and for these times it no longer gives for more. With Calderon in Los Pinos residence, the refinement capacity of the country has gone in decline, and the prices of the oil one in rigorous contrary way. Nobody moved a finger to avoid the growing and quick external dependence of those derived of the petroleum.

To the urgent necessity of building new refineries, the five neoliberal governments, so much of the PRI as of the PAN; “they responded” with " remodeling ", " bring up to date " and " modernizations ", of the existent facilities, but they took so much time in finishing the readjust that were obsolete when re-inaugurated the refineries another time. They also decided to close the refinery of Azcapotzalco in 1993 (Carlos Salinas de Gortari), without replacing it, and in their place they built an ecological park that to means to finish Calderon inaugurated 18 years after the one mentioned closing. These goldfinches privatize to the one who they will move it the cradle. It is question. (La Jornada, economia, p. 28, June 29, 2012).

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