miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

A bit little of heaven

The ignominy in the elections
A bit little of heaven
By: Carlos Damián June 28, 2012
They don't discard to investigate Josefina Vazquez Mota’s movements
México. - In eves of the closing of the campaigns, the Unit of Inspection of the Electoral Federal Institute (IFE, in Spanish) it has verified ‘in situ’ more than presidential candidates' 150 meetings and detected 21 thousand 500 spectacular, and it has under way 17 complaints related with financial operations of the parties. The responsible for the inspection, Alfredo Cristalinas (AC) that it will look for to speed up the investigations, because there won't be a political treatment of the complaints, but they depend on technical questions. AC underlines the innovation of legal reformations that, for the first time in a presidential election, they allow to the authority to give pursuit to the financial operations and to inhibit, as much as possible surpass of it stop of campaign.

It extends their comment, when he says, “we have a system that calls Siara, in which the inspection unit introduces the petitions to the Bank National Commission and of Values (CNBV, in Spanish) that in the foreseen terms, with up to 30 working days it remits the answer electronically. However still we have a lot to make in the revision of campaign expenses. The terms of delivery of the reports should be reduced. The unit of Inspection has material conditions to process them more quickly, but it is necessary to build the legal mechanism. It is a model in construction process.
The Mexican election
A growing number of people have stopped to trust what is of State, that is to say, of the governments, of the parties and the media. Certainly “the dirty shows", “psychological manipulations", and the “electoral days", they provoke us more distrust. This supposed democracy and their derived “democratic election” is not alternative to the armed way but its consolidation: it substitutes to the gunman instead of giving up the trigger. The revelation in these elections is not any of the presidential candidates but the juvenile social movement 132 where they revealed that none of us had matured among us a serious critic to the dirty play of the presidential elections.

We didn't wait us never a serious critic to the state that arose of the publicists, the speakers, and the surveys that they try to substitute the will of the citizens. If the push that has received Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), on the part of the oligarchy, to be able to mediatic, and the IFE that will follow it protecting after they finish the elections and if perhaps it arose as winner, with this perverse persistence, we would be come the style above ‘Atenco’ from governing. In the Ibero, EPN announced this way it, “the right of the state to repress” and to designate their adviser Colombian-American. To proclaim these flagrant violations finally to the law of their campaign is not incompetence. He will be able to be useful so that nobody calls you to deceit: we would not allow that the law intervened in its arbitrary exercise of the power.

The resistance of the town is intensified largely against an imposition announced, and the youths that vote for the first time, seek to make it in a responsible way: they announce that their vote will be against the system, “conscious and informed", it will be against, Peña Nieto and against the media that they invented its candidacy and its image. Many people sustain that the best form of preventing the catastrophe EPN is to vote for Lopez Obrador (AMLO). But in this context if the ship in that we all travel makes water, it doesn't have relevance captain's change: nobody will be able to avoid the shipwreck, a shipwreck that embraces so much what is of the State as that the cynic ones persist in calling democracy.
The true election
But the matter is not so irrelevant if we remember that where the captain sends this it can facilitate the task or on the contrary to hinder the task in which we all agree: to build with the pieces of the ship the salvation planks that will lead to the beach in which we will begin the reconstruction of the lay State Mexican. Perhaps this example will be able to put under an obligation to see up and to guide the look where we should be: toward our communities, toward the groups of social organization, toward the indigenous towns, inside us that it is what we are making really to transform the fight into our liberation, and to be able to play to Buda.

Perhaps we throw the rotten tree below with the bad quality that they offer us unctuously, we are devoted to follow the leader and to ask in the road if our route is the correct, appropriate, we will try to recover our proportion sense, real capacity of action and decision, since here we count in fact all and each one, at the same time. Let us wait in this action line that the youths of the 132 are the opinion leaders go to vote and to avoid the shipwreck of this ship in which we all transport, and we hope those that will vote indeed go on high with the heart and the cold head, we convinced that will be possible to resist the imposition in spite of all the changes suffered in the “electoral travel” or at least to document it.

All we will take in our hands the document that has with big letter a sign: urgency to take in our hands the destination of our homeland and we will take measures to use our autonomy and freedom to carry out changes that will be necessary, forcing the captain to obey us. We know that the road is long and serpentine, full with difficulties where the false announcements and ways full with forgers that lead us to the abyss are plentiful. This way we pack in our suitcases the false promises, and fools actions because the hope is not the conviction that the things will happen, but the conviction that something makes sense, independently of what happens. The dignity doesn't feed sadness, because it is born of the paradox: the contained and festival indignation, the serene boil. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 11 - 25, June 25, 2012).

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