viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

The power of the corruption

International/ political
Brazil before the coup d'état by corruptive and reactionary legislators
The power of the corruption
By: Carlos Damian                                           Sept 14, 2016
The stage behind the curtains in the theatre of the democracy
México. -  Before the passive coup d'état that was consummated in Brazil the second August fortnight, with the dismissal of the senate House against the chairperson Dilma Rousseff, the giant enters a difficult democracy stage. In reality the possibilities in fact that Rousseff return by the institutional route to her previous charge are practically void, though her attorney requested to the Supreme Court that discontinue the effects of the decision of the Senate and order  a new judgment, the measure seems a mere procedure to exhaust the legal road and is given practically by discarded that the maximum court accede to the petition. But the perspective of a consolidation in the position of the now president Michel Temer either seems probable, not alone by the lowest popularity  of who until a little while ago was vice-president, but also by the economic program that it is not popular that their government has established since occupied the charge in quality of interim, and that includes the loss of occupational rights, the increase of the minimal age for the retirement and the clipping or the elimination of the social programs established by the presidencies of Inazio Lula da Silva and the own Rousseff. 

In the dismissal of the country more important in the south Cone, we have to Brazil before a terrible inflection in the short term, where the well-organized conservators impose their agenda. We have in a context this context must the policies of the reactionary right ally with the financial The States capital shows us a dynamism little usual short term. Upon making an analysis of this action against the progressive line that supports the PT, we soar ourselves to 1990, manipulated by the victory of the Washington Consensus, collapse it of the socialistic block and the victory of the neoliberalism in America. Perhaps are before the losses of the social conquests of the workers, but in reality are as compared to unequal society, which seeks to generate more earnings for the chiefs and the transnational, generating the ancient struggle system of classes, and creates a shock generational and social between generations. This conclusion is global and is notified a terrible future for the humanity. However this event already was come to come in Mexico when the progressive were mastering the region but this be reversed by the growing alliance between the middle class and the richest impelled by the culture consumer, conservative and generating a culture that creates in the youths a lack of political culture. 

The sharp change of the economic policy with respect to the governments of the Workers Party (PT) is one of the reasons by those which was managed the conspiracy that peaked with the dismissal of the now ex-president. The other motive is the zeal of good part of the both legislators House by burying the investigation - call Lava Jato. -, that notes to them as participating in acts of corruption and that the president declared never attempted to stop. In the external front emphasize, on the one hand, the proposal of the Unión de Naciones Sudamericanas Union (Unasur, for their initials in Spanish) of celebrating an  extraordinary meeting to analyze the impacts that has in the region the interruption of the popular mandate in Brazil, and that in what is immediate has carried already to Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia to move away their ambassadors from Brasilia. For the other, the spokesperson of the American State Department, John Kirby, was hurried to qualify the white neck blow as "a decision of the Brazilian people" and a performance "as the democratic institutions within their constitutional framework". Similar brand pronouncement clearly the pleasure as Washington before a legalistic maneuver that it did not had nothing of democratic and before a process mounted on an accusation without legal substance: that of that the government of Dilma Rousseff retarded some transfers of consignments in the context of set of laws about budgets that are returned to make them.

In short, it is there has consummate, the third of a blows series suddenly of new generation that began in June of 2009 in Honduras, when an oligarchical conspiracy declared to the Manuel Zelaya president, and continued in Paraguay three years afterwards, when the leader Fernando Lugo was vacated of the power through a lacking parliamentary judgment of tests in against of the accused. As in those accusations, the dismissal of Dilma Rousseff constitutes the annulment of the elemental democratic principle of the sovereignty of the popular mandate and represents the seriously affected access to the power of oligarchical corruption nets. On the other hand we are before a political stage in the one which the reactionary right-wings is indicated it to maintain things state and it does not has legalistic scruples, either is prepared to observe the democracies of the region, and intends to level with the health systems and educational progressive. In the South cone is present the Scholastic movement Escola Sem Partido, that assaults to the popular public education, intends to control to the educational lock, stock and barrel, and disappears the legacy from Paulo Freire. 

In this point carries us to start an argument with respect to the education, and instruction, and has a panorama that trends brand, in the one that the national teaching would be sanctioned by “indoctrination ideological”, if are applied the pending legislation in the Brazilian parliament. It is notifying in rigor a strong control of the expression freedom, an impulse in laws that forget the violence that there are against the women. They are these the policies of the reactionary and conservative right wing toward the one which travels the political line of the oligarchy, and transnational. Has in this century the opened tyranny and is dumped the violence in against of the people as a norm to control it and to domesticate it. It is as well as appears in the stage to Theresa May, first minister British, assures be prepared to use nuclear weapons though cost the life innocent (The Guardian, 18/07/16); and in this context has to Hillary Clinton that is dumped in aggressive expressions putting on perspective to Vladimir Putin the "new Hitler" , and all these are not furtive statements, but it is the spirit state of the reactionary right wing, that is prepared to devastate totally nations and end with nation cultures, as they are making in the middle East and Asia included. 
But are outlined two antagonist forces so that there is struggle, if in this inflection we consider the social and juvenile struggles in Brazil, the social organizations in dispute in Colombia, and the emergence of the Afro-American resistances, the renewed force of the peasants in Paraguay; the resistance against the soybean sowing-miner in Argentina. In this stage also is considered the government of Macri against the social conquests, and social presentations of the workers (Argentina); the social mobilizations of the women against the violence that the state does not control is neglect against them (Peru, in August); and the obstinacy of the present indigenous movements in Bolivia and Ecuador. Social mobilizations in Chile in against of the fraud of the pensions system (Afp), key of a favorable system to the wealth accumulation in the regime after Pinochet. Therefore nine of each 10 pensions are smaller to 220 dollars, receive a 60 percent from the minimal salary, and in Mexico the pensions that receive are a misery (Afore), and the new generations will not receive pensions you deign.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 17-20, September 2, 2016).

El poder de la corrupción

Internacional/ política
Brasil ante el golpe de Estado por legisladores corruptos y reaccionarios
El poder de la corrupción
Por: Carlos Damián                                           Sept 14, 2016
El escenario detrás de los telones en el teatro de la democracia
México. -  Ante el golpe de Estado pasivo que se consumó en Brasil la segunda quincena de agosto., con la destitución del senado en contra de la presidenta Dila Rousseff, el gigante entra en una difícil etapa de democracia. En realidad las posibilidades de que Rousseff vuelva por la vía institucional a su anterior puesto son prácticamente nulas, aunque su abogado pidió a la Corte Suprema que suspenda los efectos de la decisión del Senado y ordene un nuevo juicio, la medida parece un mero trámite para agotar el camino legal y se da prácticamente por descartado que el máximo tribunal acceda a la petición. Pero la perspectiva de una consolidación en el cargo del ahora presidente Michel Temer tampoco parece probable, no solo por la ínfima popularidad  de quien hasta hace poco era vicepresidente, sino también por el programa económico antipopular que su gobierno ha establecido desde que ocupó el puesto en calidad de interino, y que incluye la pérdida de derechos laborales, el incremento de la edad mínima para la jubilación y el recorte o la eliminación de los programas sociales establecidos por las presidencias de Inazio Lula da Silva y la propia Rousseff.

En la destitución del país más importante en el Cono sur, tenemos a Brasil ante una inflexión terrible en el corto plazo, donde los conservadores bien organizados imponen su agenda. En este contexto tenemos que las políticas de la derecha reaccionaria aliada con el capital financiero de Estados Unidos nos muestra un dinamismo poco usual a corto plazo. Al hacer un análisis de esta acción en contra de la línea progresista que sostiene el PT, nos remontamos a 1990, manipulado por el triunfo del Consenso de Washington, el derrumbe del bloque socialista y el triunfo del neoliberalismo en América. Tal vez estamos ante las pérdidas de las conquistas sociales de los trabajadores, pero en realidad estamos frente a una sociedad desigual, que busca generar más ganancias para los patrones y las trasnacionales, generando el antiguo sistema de lucha de clases, y crea un choque generacional y social entre generaciones. Este desenlace es global y se avizora un futuro terrible para la humanidad. Sin embargo este suceso ya se venía venir en México cuando los progresistas dominaban la región pero esto ser revertiría por la creciente alianza entre la clase media y los más ricos impulsada por la cultura consumista, conservadora y generando una cultura que crea en los jóvenes una falta de cultura política.

El brusco viraje de la política económica con respecto a los gobiernos del partido de los trabajadores (PT) es una de las razones por las cuales se gestó la trama que culminó con la destitución de la ahora ex presidenta. El otro motivo es el afán de buena parte de los legisladores de ambas cámaras por sepultar la investigación -llamada Lava Jato.- que apunta a ellos como partícipes en actos de corrupción y que la mandataria depuesta nunca intentó detener. En el frente externo destacan, por un lado, la propuesta de la Unión de Naciones Sudamericanas (Unasur) de celebrar una reunión  extraordinaria para analizar los impactos que tiene en la región la interrupción del mandato popular en Brasil, y que en lo inmediato ha llevado ya a Ecuador, Venezuela y Bolivia a retirar sus embajadores de Brasilia. Por el otro, el portavoz del Departamento de Estado estadounidense, John Kirby, se apresuró a calificar el golpe de cuello blanco como “una decisión del pueblo brasileño” y una actuación “de las instituciones democráticas dentro de su marco constitucional”. Semejante pronunciamiento marca claramente el agrado de Washington ante una maniobra legalista que no tuvo nada de democrática y ante un proceso montado sobre una acusación sin substancia legal: la de que el gobierno de Dilma Rousseff atrasó algunas trasferencias de partidas en el contexto de reordenamientos presupuestales.

Se ha consumado en suma, el tercero de una serie de golpes de nueva generación que empezó en junio de 2009 en Honduras, cuando una conspiración oligárquica depuso al presidente Manuel Zelaya, y siguió en Paraguay tres años más tarde, cuando el mandatario Fernando Lugo fue desalojado del poder mediante un juicio parlamentario carente de pruebas en contra del acusado. Como en esas acusaciones, la destitución de Dilma Rousseff constituye la anulación del elemental principio democrático de la soberanía del mandato popular y representa el gravísimo acceso al poder de redes de corrupción oligárquica. Por otra parte estamos ante un escenario político en la que la derecha reaccionaria es la indicada para mantener estado de cosas y no tiene escrúpulos legalistas, tampoco está dispuesta a respetar las democracias de la región, y pretende arrasar con los sistemas de salud y educativos progresistas. En el cono sur está presente el movimiento Escola Sem Partido, que agrede a la educación pública popular, pretende controlar al docente en su totalidad, y desaparece el legado de Paulo Freire.

En este punto nos lleva a polemizar con respecto a la educación, e instrucción, y se tiene un panorama que marca tendencias, en la cual el magisterio nacional podría ser sancionada por “adoctrinamiento ideológico”, si se aplicaran los proyectos de ley pendientes en el parlamento brasileño. Se avizora en rigor un fuerte control de la libertad de expresión, un impulso en leyes que olvidan la violencia que hay en contra de las mujeres. Son estas las políticas de la derecha reaccionaria y conservadora hacia la que transita la línea política de la oligarquía, y trasnacionales. Se tiene en este siglo la tiranía abierta y se vuelca la violencia en contra del pueblo como una norma para controlarla y domesticarla. Es así como aparece en el escenario a Theresa May, primera ministra británica, asegura estar dispuesta a usar armas nucleares aunque cueste la vida a inocentes (The Guardian, 18/07/16); y en este contexto se tiene a Hillary Clinton que se vuelca en expresiones agresivas colocando en perspectiva a Vladimir Putin el “nuevo Hitler” , y todas estas no son declaraciones furtivas, sino es el estado de ánimo de la derecha reaccionaria, que está dispuesta a arrasar naciones enteras y terminar con culturas enteras, como la están haciendo en Medio Oriente y Asia incluida. 

Pero se perfilan dos fuerzas antagonistas para que haya lucha, si en esta inflexión consideramos las luchas sociales y juveniles en Brasil, las organizaciones sociales en disputa en Colombia, y el surgimiento de las resistencias negras, la renovada fuerza de los campesinos en Paraguay; la resistencia en contra de la siembra de soja en Argentina. En este escenario también se considera el gobierno de Macri en contra de las conquistas sociales, y prestaciones sociales de los trabajadores  (Argentina); las movilizaciones sociales de las mujeres en contra de la violencia que el estado no controla es descuidada en contra de ellas (Perú, en agosto); y la tozudez de los movimientos indígenas presentes en Bolivia y Ecuador. Movilizaciones sociales en Chile en contra del fraude del sistema de pensiones(Afp), clave de un sistema favorable a la acumulación de riqueza en el régimen después de Pinochet. Por lo que nueve de cada 10 jubilaciones son menores a 220 dólares, reciben un 60 por ciento del salario mínimo, y en México las pensiones que reciben son una miseria (Afores), y las nuevas generaciones no recibirán pensiones dignas.  (La Jornada, política, p.p. 17-20, Septiembre 2, 2016).

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

Trump promises to criminalize

International/ political
Trump loses the support of the Latino and Mexican voter
Trump promises to criminalize
By: Carlos Damian                                           Sept 6, 2016
The encounter with the Mexican president is surrealistic: The New York Time
México. -  After returning from the express trip to Mexico, scourged and will monitor to the undocumented promising to return them to their country, ending the speculation on whether the candidate was thinking to moderate his enemy rhetoric of the migrant for the final rectum of the political contest. Though their political bases that support his hatred speech, racism, discrimination and xenophobic expressed his happiness with their statements, this will annul all possibility from obtaining minimal support between the Latino and Mexican electorate. This annuls all hope from obtaining the possibility from including the support of the Latino, women, segment lesbian-gay, and part of the Afro-Americans segment that reject the hatred speech, and in short of earning the presidential elections 8 of November. In his speech in Phoenix, after returning from the visit to the Los Pinos residence tenant, the republican candidate lets in clear that the Latino immigrants are the responsible for the worse offenses in his country, since kill to "countless American ", and they are the great threatens to the public and national safety of the country of the bars and the stars. 

Therefore in his speech continues insisting that is going to build a wall that will pay the Mexicans, and that from the first day it will insist on accomplishing massive deportations - approximately 6 million, between them many age minors, undocumented immigrant children - and will annul all the measures impelled by the government of Barack Obama to shelter to several million, includes in their draconian measures in disappearing the ObamaCare - between them the baby dreamers - and  - includes the vicinity policeman - and the public safety forces that they have been devoted to stop and deport to the undocumented, and in his hatred speech asserts that there will not be amnesty nothing that is seemed to an amnesty.  In his express visit to Mexico, and as if we were in a hangover after a wild drunkenness, the journalists attempt to reconstruct what actually happened with the president of Mexico and their estate minister, that was revealed as a political activist in favor of Donald Trump, is included their sight Phoenix. The consensus to regulate between all they is that continues being the same satanic and brave actor, with the same xenophobic vision, dragging covers it of all his hate, and rancor toward the Latino migrant that from a principle there has hoisted as his principal weapon in his empty political campaign. The American newspaper The New York Times, in his visit to the tenant of Los Pinos residence, "he painted to Mexico as a rapists country, smuggling of drug and trade swindlers", it was treated as "mandatory visitor in a press conference", but Trump is not make aware nothing, to the contrary recaptured with greater frenzy his hatred and rancor speech to Mexico.

In his proposed, superficial and satanic says that it is going to make the life "miserable" and tried to arguing his hate upon comparing them with the tornados "they are hollow in the center, but make much damage". Actually such is as portrayed his life and his political speech the Yankee, with small mouth, and lacking of hair but huge in his desire of making damage, to the poor and miserable sector of The States.  The government activist of the republican, tried it as a great statesman, but returned to The States, "in the dread and suspicion of, racism and misogyny… and his promise from drawing to 11 million from persons that live in The States without permit".  With this zeal of making damage to the Latino, it has lost the little support of the Latino leaders that they daring to offer it. These leaders say that upon listening their speech, announce that resign to the National Council of Hispanic Advising of the political campaign of Trump, well with this dung bag and his empty speech that it has not moderated in nothing, and it perceive that they have been "used", and they are evaluating his position in the xenophobic political campaign.

The speech of Trump is "the most extreme position of any presidential candidate in the modern era" (Frank Sharry); "if you live without papers would have to live in dread. (Trump) promises, and threat, that the police corps… only it is waiting a green light to pull your door… to deliver you to the migrant authorities to deport you" (Dara Lind); "This was pure political stained with blood of white nationalism that it has lit to a meaningful minority of the electorate", (John Marshal). In short, what achieved Trump after Phoenix and Mexico is to lose the little electorate that had cheated with his hatred and rancor speech, even within Republican Party, those that have warned that it has lost a meaningful percentage of that vote with the one, which Trump will not be able to earn the presidential election. While in their political trip, post mortem, according to Jorge Ramos, hosting of the national Univision newscast – one of the leaders of opinion more meaningful in the Latino world - commented than as writer in the pages of opinion in the Washington Post newspaper, and it reiterates that the meeting was between "the political two more hated by Mexican in both sides of the frontier. It was an encounter of the most unpopular" state men. Both managed by leaders of opinion of their respective parties, were gathering because they "were thinking to earn, but finally only Trump achieved it", since did not change their positions and was bead "without offering an excuse to the Mexican people". (La Jornada, David Brooks).

Add that Trump it was the one which earned in the meeting with EPN, but "their real test will be 8 of November in The States. To difference of the Mexican president, Latino here they will not stay quieted", and lost in their own and miserable existence. "There is no doubt the trip to Mexico Trump obtained a resounding success", and offered to them an opportunity of inaugurating to the " diplomatic Trump" and to receive the " presidential stamp" from his host, who remained as the loser of the bet, and it is logical EPN, it does not has any diplomatic stamp, and of statesman less. Trump it use as accessory and useful furniture to the Mexican president for their electoral end in The States, and the Mexican president with this public work achieved that "of the good things nobody speaks".

Andres M. Lopez (AMLO) reiterates that it is a smoke curtain, the visit of Trump with the tenant of Los Pinos residence, and "he will say pure lies", "is a smoke curtain" to divert the attention" from the citizens on the increase from the fuels and their corresponding impact in the popular economy, since it is considered a "imposed to the consumer people". This goes through the corruption that prevails in the government of Grandson Rock, what previously they were the past administrations of Vicente Fox, and Felipe Calderon (PAN), they as the current did not build no oil refinery, and to buy gasoline, it is as if sold orange and it is buying orange juice to United States. AMLO considered "the better foreign policy is the interior", and before inviting to foreign that used you as an old rag, the president would have to consider guaranteeing internal matters as the stability of the economy. Requested "prudence, respect and firmness" before political foreign bearing of the hatred and rancor message of an old empire that it is being falling to chunks. "At the beginning of the score did not have to accept the visit of Trump that it does not has policy neither statesman experience, it is a "mistake" historical. Morena orgnization thinks on putting a wall to the intolerance of the republican party throughout the frontier. (La Jornada, opinion, p.p. 16-17, September 7, 2016).

Promete criminalizar a latinos

Internacional/ política
Trump pierde el apoyo del votante latino y mexicano
Trump promete criminalizar a latinos
Por: Carlos Damián                                           Sept 6, 2016
El encuentro con el presidente mexicano es surrealista: The New York Times
México. -  Después de regresar del viaje exprés a México, hostigara y vigilará a los indocumentados prometiendo regresarlos a su país, terminando la especulación sobre si el candidato pensaba moderar su retórica enemigo del migrante para la recta final de la contienda política. Aunque sus bases políticas que sostienen su discurso de odio, racismo, discriminación y xenófobo expresaron su felicidad con sus declaraciones, esto anulará toda posibilidad de obtener mínimo apoyo entre el electorado latino y mexicano. Esto anula toda esperanza de obtener la posibilidad de incluir el apoyo de los latinos, mujeres, segmento lésbico-gay, y parte del segmento de afroamericanos que rechazan el discurso de odio, y en suma de ganar las elecciones presidenciales el 8 de noviembre. En su discurso en Phoenix, después de regresar de la visita al inquilino de Los Pinos, el candidato republicano deja en claro que los inmigrantes latinos son los responsables de los peores delitos en su país, pues matan a “innumerables estadounidenses”, y son la mayor amenaza a la seguridad pública y nacional del país de las barras y las estrellas.

Por lo que en su discurso sigue insistiendo que va a construir un muro que pagarán los mexicanos, y que desde el primer día insistirá en realizar deportaciones masivas –aproximadamente 6 millones, entre ellos muchos menores de edad, hijos de inmigrantes indocumentados- y anulará todas las medidas impulsadas por el gobierno de Barack Obama para amparar a varios millones, incluye en sus medidas draconianas en desaparecer el ObamaCare –entre ellos los children dreamers- y  -incluye la policía de vecindad- y las fuerzas de seguridad pública que se han dedicado a detener y deportar a los indocumentados, y en su discurso de odio afirma que no habrá amnistía nada que se parezca a una amnistía. En su visita relámpago a México, y como si estuviéramos en una resaca después de una borrachera salvaje, los periodistas intentan reconstruir lo que realmente sucedió con el presidente de México y su ministro de hacienda, que se reveló como un activista político a favor de Donald Trump, se incluye su vista a Phoenix. El consenso regular entre todos ellos es que sigue siendo el mismo actor satánico y bravo, con la misma visión xenófoba, arrastrando la cobija de todo su odio, y rencor hacia el migrante latino que desde un principio ha enarbolado como su principal arma en su vacía campaña política. El periódico estadounidense The New York Times, en su visita al inquilino de Los Pinos, “pintó a México como un país de violadores, contrabandistas de droga y estafadores de comercio”, fue tratado como “mandatario visitante en una conferencia de prensa”, pero Trump no se sensibilizó nada, al contrario retomó con mayor frenesí su discurso de odio y rencor a México.

En su propuesta hueca y satánica dice que va a hacer la vida “miserable” y trató de argumentar su odio al compararlos con los tornados “están huecos en el centro, pero hacen mucho daño”. Realmente así es como retrató su vida y su discurso político el yanqui, con boca chica, y carente de pelo pero enorme en su deseo de hacer daño, al sector pobre y miserable de Estados Unidos.  El gobierno activista del republicano, lo trató como un gran estadista, pero retornó a Estados Unidos, “en el temor y sospecha de, racismo y misoginia… y su promesa de sacar a los 11 millones de personas que viven en Estados Unidos sin permiso”.  Con este afán de hacer daño a los latinos, ha perdido el poco apoyo de los líderes latinos que se atrevieron a ofrecerlo. Estos líderes dicen que al escuchar su discurso, anuncian que renuncian al Consejo Nacional de Asesoría Hispana de la campaña política de Trump, bueno con esta bolsa de boñiga y su discurso vacío que no ha moderado en nada, y perciben que han sido “usados”, y están evaluando su posición en la campaña política xenófoba.

El discurso de Trump es ”la posición más extrema de cualquier candidato presidencial en la era moderna” (Frank Sharry); “si vives sin papeles deberías vivir en temor. (Trump) promete, y amenaza, que la policía… sólo está esperando una luz verde para tirar tu puerta… entregarte a las autoridades migratorias para deportarte” (Dara Lind); “Esta fue pura política ensangrentada de nacionalismo blanco que ha encendido a una minoría significativa del electorado”, (John Marshal). En suma lo que logró Trump después de Phoenix y México es perder el poco electorado que había engañado con su discurso de odio y rencor, incluso dentro del Partido Republicano, los que han advertido que ha perdido un porcentaje significativo de ese voto con el cual Trump no podrá ganar la elección presidencial. Mientras en su viaje político, post mortem, según Jorge Ramos, conductor del noticiario nacional de Univisión –una de los líderes de opinión más significativos en el mundo latino- comentó que como escritor en las páginas de opinión en el periódico Washington Post, y reitera que la reunión fue entre “los dos políticos más odiados por mexicanos en ambos lados de la frontera. Fue un encuentro de los más impopulares” hombres de estado. Ambos dirigidos por líderes de opinión de sus respectivos partidos, se reunieron porque ellos “pensaban ganar, pero al final sólo Trump lo logró”, ya que no cambió sus posiciones y se fue “sin ofrecer una disculpa al pueblo mexicano”. (La Jornada, David Brooks).

Añade que Trump fue el que ganó en la reunión con EPN, pero “su verdadera prueba será el 8 de noviembre en Estados Unidos. A diferencia del presidente mexicano, los latinos aquí no permanecerán callados”, y perdidos en su propia y miserable existencia. “No hay duda el viaje a México Trump obtuvo un éxito resonante”, y le ofreció una oportunidad de estrenar al “Trump diplomático” y recibir el “sello presidencial” de su anfitrión, quien quedó como el perdedor de la apuesta, y es lógico EPN, no tiene ningún sello diplomático, y de estadista menos. Trump uso como accesorio y mueble útil al presidente mexicano para sus fines electorales en Estados Unidos, y el presidente mexicano con esta obra pública logró que “de las cosas buenas nadie habla”.

Andrés M. López (AMLO) reitera que es una cortina de humo, la visita de Trump con el inquilino de Los Pinos, y “dirá puras mentiras”, “es una cortina de humo” para desviar la atención” de los ciudadanos sobre el incremento de los combustibles y su correspondiente impacto en la economía popular, pues se trata de un “impuesto al pueblo consumidor”. Esto pasa por la corrupción que prevalece en el gobierno de Peña Nieto, lo que anteriormente fueron las administraciones pasadas de Vicente Fox, y Felipe Calderón (PAN), ellos como el actual no construyeron ninguna refinería de petróleo, y comprar gasolinas, es como si vendiera naranja y se compra jugo de naranja a Estados Unidos. AMLO consideró “la mejor política exterior es la interior”, y antes de invitar a extranjero que te usen como un trapo viejo, el presidente debería considerar garantizar asuntos internos como la estabilidad de la economía. Pidió “prudencia, respeto y firmeza” ante políticos extranjeros portadores del mensaje de odio y rencor de un viejo imperio que se está cayendo a pedazos. “Por principio de cuentas no debió aceptar la visita de Trump que no tiene experiencia de política ni estadista, es un “error” histórico. Morena piensa en colocar un muro a la intolerancia del partido republicano a lo largo de la frontera. (La Jornada, opinión, p.p. 16-17, Septiembre 7, 2016).

The budget proje

National/ political
It is maintaining a neofascist university in Mexico.
The budget project
For: Carlos Damian                                           Sept 12, 2016
The fundamentalism of the catholic Clergy in Mexico
México. -   In our country in fact of be governed by right-wing regimen are enthroned governing of trend ultra-right wing in public Universities. in past eras there was a extremism controversial in our study houses, however the critical spirit we believe must be inherent to the universities that they are sustained by money of the public exchequer, and therefore it will be rational and efficient there to act. If we observed to our around occurs a critical case in the Hidalgo and Morelos universities and it is emphasized a grotesque cartoon in the rector by their conservative and reactionary trends. In the Guadalajara University (maestro Itzcoatl Tonatiuh Bravo Padilla) would be seen a particular alliance with Emilio Gonzalez, the acolyte "fuck - mothers" but finally the citizens achieved to throw went to the governing - pious. In the case of Hidalgo State, the university could not be removed from above to a rector that it could bemire and fill with thanks opprobrium to a bodyguard equipment that it could control the situation and in this way it humiliate to the teachers equipment. This action was possibly when it conceded of the Book Faire to get even, the faculty meeting of this institution granted the degree of doctor honoris cause to the Spaniard Jose Maria Aznar " modern follower of the Spanish ‘franquismo’ ", in other words follower of the fascism, something which not by be of ‘tambourine’ it doesn’t let of be accomplice of committing crimes against humanity.

This outsider allied of the fascism, in his mind has a huge antipathy to the education and to the culture, and a clear antagonism to the lay education, that supported by the reactionary and straight system, their hosts have been able to avoid their appearance in the Spain current. It is mentioned the foregoing due to university recognition of a outsider that it has been characterized by having principles and normative contradicts to the education superior Mexican, and the rector together with his administrative equipment has been gone through the ‘arch of the victory’, the Mexican culture. Not glad with its to act monstrous and reactionary, they had the hard face of conceding the honor of inaugurating the International Book Fair, protected by a custody of slugger university. Before such infamy there was not a wide press coverage, and some writers refused in protest be not made present, but such action was not generalized, and some authors of "left-wing" are concerned more about their career, of writer that about the aggression to the university culture and to the dignity of the Mexican citizen. (La Jornada, Jose M. Muria).

We stalk it of the fundamentalism of right-wing
The Mexican clergy there has assignment a serious mistake to make official their support  to the Frente Nacional de la Familia (FNF), due in fact that they are countersigning to the personage more obscure and conspirator of the reactionary right-wings, though always it has existed a close relationship to the catacombs of the Christian fundamentalism, that it has received the open support of the  High Mexican Clergy. The delirious fanaticism of the Anvil appears the public field and is empowered of the "good consciences" anticipating to impel to the new soldiers of Christ, which appeared in the marches of the 10 and 24 of September. They have expanded their revenge political and they have achieved to open a door in the weak government of EPN, principal driving in Mexico of Donald Trump, and now the lay state is facing to the reprisal catholic of ultra-right wing, but in Mexico, the organization citizens try to preserving their/its/your/his lay identity. These organizations of the obscure past supported by the episcopate try to be recovering with the pretext of the defense of the basic values of the family and the country. These appearances are not missed since in 1961, under the slogan "Christianity if, communism not", and with the pretext of be defended of "the desecration of the mores", was reactivated these groups "cristeros", bearing of a physical violence, and verbal. Assault to the Mexican citizen with their speech of hatred and historical compensation disguised of good mores and love to the family. 

Finally they have to be the arguments and methods brandished from the weekly "Desde la Fe" where the Mexican episcopate has underlined their differences with the Pope Francisco, what contrasts with Rome where the opening the mercy and the comprehension toward this homosexual trend and lesbian abound, in so much in Mexico with their neoliberal and conservative speech play with fire to be confronted with the speech of the Vatican. This speech is accompanied of aberrant practices in Mexico, they are not only ideas that influence in our daily life, and in short is fruit of the changes in the contemporary culture. In this context emerges from the political underground lines a movement against cultural that rejects radically the changes and are grappled to the obscure and anarchic past of Mexico, that general Cristeras militancy with a pernicious deviation of the history that invite to return to our rebellious origins, rapist and inflaming of passenger trains, and gunmen innocent passenger assailants in the field. Thus, we have to uncompromising religious movements that combat to the modern and tolerant culture and to that call to them fundamentalist. They recover the reading of basic religious texts, such as the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, that the man in their resistance to what is contemporary is transmitted to these fundamental books to the religion that they profess.

The religious party (PS) denies it
In The States, there was a religious movement after the World War II it was calling literalism biblical, being submitted freely to the intransigence of practices established by the sacred writings. In the Islam around the end of the seventies was applied the fundamentalism, and being present in the religious revolution of the Ayatollah Khomeini (Iran), a activism religious that seeks to restore in the bulks humanize the purity of their religion applying of strict way the Koran in the social life to the style of the century 4 or 5, where was inciting to the violence. Of similar way emphasizes Donald Trump, as fruit of the fundamentalism Anglo - Saxon, expanding their hatred speech, rancor and xenophobic. Directing their speech homophobe and racist against the Latino and especially against the Mexican culture fruit of the country mother, moving this hatred that there was before between England and Spain. In Mexico is intending to establish this hatred and rancor the ultra-right-wings catholic as in the Cristera war 1926 -1929, showing a delirious militancy in the streets of the Mexico City.  Intending to build an order theocratic medieval, because of this the social ethics, the values and the policy are the favorite fields, of the new social order that intend to establish.

The historical roots of this social movement, return us to the radical rejection from the systems and social values built by the contemporary state that is sustaining in the neoliberalism and the rationality.  The Catholics believe to have the absolute truth and stain to other with calumnies, libel and make damage, therefore the fundamentalism catholic should reject and combat.  In global form is invading a new mutant culture, and not only they are ideas but contemporary practices, though disorder the theory with practice is called to them common sense with alternate codes. They are different forms of working, living together and be informed, organized the economy and the family, is lived together now with a social plurality and of gender explicit. It is to this that we call to them tolerance. The pretext of the equitable marriages exalts the religious fanaticism, but seeing to Mexico within itself, it is a cultural dispute, and the confrontation with the obscure conservative anvil is a reality, and the religious party, Encuentro Social party that handlings Hugo Eric Flores Cervantes, is made present though deny it. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 16-17, September 7, 2016).

El proyecto de presupuesto

Nacional/ política
Se mantiene una neofascismo universitario en México.
El proyecto de presupuesto
Por: Carlos Damián                                           Sept 12, 2016
El fundamentalismo del Clero católico en México
México. -  En nuestro país el hecho de estar gobernados por regímenes de derecha se entronizan rectores de tendencia ultraderecha en Universidades públicas. En épocas pasadas había un extremismo contestatario en nuestras casas de estudio, sin embargo el espíritu crítico creo debe ser inherente a las universidades que están sustentadas por el dinero del erario público, y por lo tanto será racional y eficiente su actuar. Si observáramos a nuestro alrededor ocurre un caso crítico en las universidades de Hidalgo y en Morelos se destaca una caricatura grotesca en el rector por sus tendencias conservadoras y reaccionarias. En la universidad de Guadalajara (maestro Itzcóatl Tonatiuh Bravo Padilla) se veía una particular alianza con Emilio González, el beato “menta-madres” pero al fin los ciudadanos lograron echar fuera al rector – beato. En el caso de Hidalgo la universidad no pudo quitarse de encima a este rector que pudo enlodar y llenar de oprobio gracias a un equipo de guardaespaldas que pudo controlar la situación y de esta manera humillo al equipo de profesores. Esto fue posible cuando concedió la víspera de la Feria del Libro, el claustro de esta institución otorgó el grado de doctor honoris causa al español José María Aznar “seguidor moderno del franquismo español”, en otras palabras seguidor del fascismo, lo cual no por ser de pandereta no deja de ser cómplice de cometer crímenes de lesa humanidad.

Este extranjero aliado del fascismo, en su mente tiene una enorme antipatía a la educación y a la cultura, y una clara animadversión a la educación laica, que apoyado por el sistema reaccionario y derecha, sus huestes han podido evitar su aparición en la España actual. Se menciona lo anterior debido al reconocimiento universitario de un extranjero que se ha caracterizado por tener principios y normativa contraria a la educación superior mexicana, y el rector junto con su equipo administrativo se ha pasado por el arco del triunfo, la cultura mexicana. No contentos con su actuar monstruoso y reaccionario, tuvieron la cara dura de conceder el honor de inaugurar   la Feria Internacional del libro, protegidos por una guardia de porristas golpeadores. Ante tal torpeza no hubo una cobertura de prensa amplia, y algunos escritores se negaron en protesta no hacerse presentes, pero tal acción no fue generalizada, y algunos autores de “izquierda” se preocupan más por su carrera, de escritor que por la agresión a la cultura universitaria y a la dignidad del ciudadano mexicano. (La Jornada, José M. Muriá).

El acecho del fundamentalismo de derecha
El clero mexicano ha cometido un grave error al oficializar su apoyo  al Frente Nacional de la familia (FNF), debido a que están refrendando al personaje más obscuro y conspirativo de la derecha reaccionaria, aunque siempre ha existido una estrecha relación con las catacumbas del fundamentalismo cristiano, que ha recibido el apoyo abierto del Alto Clero mexicano. El fanatismo delirante del Yunque aparece en la esfera pública y se apodera de las “buenas conciencias” previendo impulsar a los nuevos soldados de Cristo, que aparecieron en las marchas del 10 y 24 de septiembre. Han expandido su revanchismo político y han logrado abrir una puerta en el débil gobierno de EPN, principal impulsor en México de Donald Trump, y ahora el estado laico se enfrenta al revanchismo católico de ultraderecha, pero en México las organizaciones ciudadanas tratan de conservar su identidad laica. Estas organizaciones del pasado obscuro apoyadas por el episcopado tratan de reivindicarse con el pretexto de la defensa de los valores básicos de la familia y la patria. Estas apariciones no son extrañas ya que en 1961, bajo la consigna “cristianismo si, comunismo no”, y con el pretexto de     defenderse de “la profanación de las costumbres”, se reactivaban estos grupos “cristeros”, portadores de una violencia física, y verbal. Agreden al ciudadano mexicano con su discurso de odio y desquite histórico disfrazados de buenas costumbres y amor a la familia.

Finalmente se tienen los argumentos y métodos esgrimidos desde el semanario “Desde la Fe” donde el episcopado mexicano ha subrayado sus diferencias con el Papa Francisco, lo que contrasta con Roma donde la apertura la misericordia y la comprensión hacia esta tendencia homosexual y lésbica abundan, en tanto en México con su discurso neoliberal y conservador juegan con fuego al confrontarse con el discurso del Vaticano. Este discurso se acompaña de prácticas aberrantes en México, no son sólo ideas que inciden en nuestra vida cotidiana, y en suma es fruto de los cambios en la cultura contemporánea. En este contexto surge desde las líneas subterráneas políticas un movimiento contracultural que rechaza radicalmente los cambios y se aferran al pasado obscuro y anárquico de México, que general militancias cristeras con una desviación perniciosa de la historia que invitan a retornar a nuestros orígenes rebeldes, violadoras e incendiarias de trenes de pasajeros, y gavilleros asaltantes de pasajeros inocentes en el campo. Así tenemos a movimientos religiosos intransigentes que combaten a la cultura moderna y tolerante y a eso le llamamos fundamentalistas. Ellos reivindican la lectura de textos religiosos básicos, como: La Torah, la Biblia y el Corán, que el hombre en su resistencia a lo contemporáneo se remite a estos libros fundamentales a la religión que ellos profesan.

El partido religioso (PES) lo niega
En Estados Unidos hubo un movimiento religioso después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial llamada literalismo bíblico, sometiéndose libremente a la intransigencia de las prácticas establecidas por las sagradas escrituras. En el Islam a finales de los setentas se aplicó el fundamentalismo , y estuvieron presentes en la revolución religiosa del Ayatollah Jomeini (Irán), un activismo religioso que busca restaurar en las masas humanas la pureza de su religión aplicando de manera estricta el Corán en la vida social al estilo del siglo 4 ó 5, donde incitaba a la violencia. De manera similar destaca Donald Trump, como fruto del fundamentalismo anglo- sajón, expandiendo su discurso de odio, rencor y xenófobo. Dirigiendo su discurso homófobo y racista en contra de los latinos y en especial en contra de la cultura mexicana fruto de la madre patria, trasladando esta enemistad que hubo antes entre Inglaterra y España. En México se pretende instaurar este odio y rencor la ultraderecha católica como en la guerra cristera 1926-1929, mostrando una delirante militancia en las calles de la Ciudad de México. Pretendiendo construir un orden teocrático medieval, por ello la ética social, los valores y la política son los campos favoritos, del nuevo orden social que pretenden instaurar.

Las raíces históricas de este movimiento social, nos regresan al rechazo radical de los sistemas y valores sociales construidos por el estado contemporáneo que se sustenta en el neoliberalismo y la racionalidad.  Los católicos creen tener la verdad absoluta y manchan a otros con calumnias, difaman y hacen daño, por lo que el fundamentalismo católico debemos rechazar y combatir.  En forma global está irrumpiendo una nueva cultura mutante, y no solamente son ideas sino prácticas contemporáneas, aunque desordenadas la teoría con la praxis se le llama sentido común con códigos alternos. Son formas distintas de trabajar, convivir e informarse, organizar la economía y la familia, se convive ahora con una pluralidad social y de género explicita. Es a esto que le llamamos tolerancia. El pretexto de los matrimonios igualitarios exalta el fanatismo religioso, pero viendo a México dentro de sí mismo, es una disputa cultural, y el enfrentamiento con el obscuro yunque conservador es una realidad, y el partido religioso, Partido Encuentro Social, que dirige Hugo Eric Flores Cervantes, se hace presente aunque lo niegue. (La Jornada, opinión, p.p. 16-17, Septiembre 7, 2016).

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

The pederasty

The Church must face their problems
The pederasty in the Church
For: Carlos Damián                                             Dec 1, 2012
We don’t conceal what is evident to the public
México. - Mexico. - In the context of a congress organized by the Vatican in the Gregorian University of Rome, the American specialists Michael J. Berni and Patricia Neal indicated that the cost that the Catholic Church has must pay due to the accusations for sexual abuse of their priests - already it will be on account of legal services, compensations, medical treatments, and psychological for the victims - "it is located very above the two billions of dollars". The figure though scandalous seems conservative if is taken into account that, in addition to the listed expenses, the catholic hierarchs have had to destine large add to vote extrajudicial agreements with the pederasty victims, to effect of deterring them so that waive of their accusations against clergymen. In any event, much more expensive that the economic losses is the disparagement in which is found submerged the catholic Church by the pederasty scandals: it is unavoidable to establish a causative link between that stigma and the pronounced loss of parishioners - 10 in Latin America, according to data of the Latin American Episcopal Council - that suffers in the present moment.

Tolerant Guadalajara’s cardinal
The costs in economic matter, in public image and in moral authority, permit to weight the counteractive character of the conduct of the hierarchy before the accusations against cures pederasts, the one which has been characterized by the hypocrisy and the will of concealment. The case most representative is that of founding of the Legion of Christ, Marciel Macial, whose sexual offenses against smaller were known from mid of the century gone through the highest ecclesiastic levels, and this includes Juan Pablo II and Benedict XVI. However, already it would be by dread to lose the quotas of economic and political power that Maciel was providing to the Catholic Church or by mere insensibility, Rome opted during decades for hiding the crimes of the priest Michoacan man and scourged in systematical form to the victims that denounced in their opportunity the suffered abuses. Of have acted with transparency and attachment to the law before the accusations against Maciel and other cures abusers; of have imposed exemplary sanctions to the responsible for those crimes, and of be consecrated to the punishment and to the prevention of new child sexual assaults perpetrated by priests. 

The beams of the sun hardly reach to heat the tomorrow in the luxurious Atlas Country golf club, and the Guadalajara City has been awoken of a long lethargy to be deposited that the catholic chief with headquarters in Guadalajara there will be of be behaved with moderation, without protagonist political, neither candidates tutelage, ethylic pious governors, and Emilio Gonzalez (EG) says “mother fuck you” to rebels that they do not be in agreement with the governor EG. The Vatican would have been able to avoid the huge it discredit that those offenses have caused to them and be saved large add of money on account of compensations and extrajudicial agreements with the victims. If the Roman curia wishes to retain in some measured the deterioration provoked by his own conduct as compared to the cases of assignments sexual abuse by clergymen, must face, and not to follow concealing, the reality; to undertake a wide self-criticism exercise and exonerates; not to stop the presentation of the corresponding penal accusations against aggressor priests that yet enjoy institutional protection, and to indicate publicly to the ecclesiastic authorities that incurred in cases of concealment of the criminals.

Nothing of bodyguard neither showiness
Grubbing what is incredible, this cardinal will not seek cases neither will pronounce altered phrases. Juan Sandoval Iñiguez (JSI), it is a convert to the humility, to the tolerance, and to the prudence. Since not, it is try of the cardinal Jose Francisco Robles Ortega (JFRO), who was to charge of the diocese of Monterrey and it has relieved to the previous cardinal by age reasons. The cardinal JSI reports the nearness of the cardinal with the high classes, more than with the classes less favored of Mexico, which they are those which nourish to the Church that headed. The relieved cardinal was of sullen modal, explosive personality, and as few rustic and insensitive. Only enough with scanning some phrases to describe to him: "the human rights commissions only serve to defend delinquent"; "to the violated women them passes that by going provoking"; "the rebels don’t have mother". On Miguel Hidalgo the "father of the country", it was referred as "violating of nuns", to the militants of the PRD them called "children of the gloom", and of the ministers of the Supreme Justice Court arrived to assert that "they had been handled with weed" to approve the unions between persons of the same sex. Finally it ends the era 7 of February of this polemic personage of ultra-right-wing, ferrous oppose of the sexual diversity and the adoptions. 

Now they do not breathe yet of relief that still JSI will be remained to end his great work: the Sanctuary of the martyrs in Guadalajara City. For the one which already they have made some appropriateness in the arteries vials, the ‘Metro’ station of the corresponding light train to this Church already it has changed of name. But we recover the breath; with difficulty the catholic Church will accept progressive ideas, their paper from the Colony is precisely be of the side of the oligarchy, that is their historical paper, because of this always it has been opposed to the progress and to the economic development of Mexico. The claw of this catholic chief let an indelible fingerprint by 40 years since had interference in the priests training in the seminar of Guadalajara, of where they have graduated more than 6 thousand priests. This priest was first teacher, governing, and then as cardinal continued as prejudicial shade to the cult ministers. JFRO it was student of JSI, but will follow the shade of the ancient cardinal putting noise on the Guadalajara City. Of the contrary, and in spite of the warnings of "zero tolerance" launched by the hierarchs of Saint Petro, it is of supposing that the cases of sexual abuse by priests will continue, and there will not be money neither political of control of damages that scope to reverse the wrong reputation that they have acquired to pulse. (La Jornada, politica, p. p. 6 - 8, 9 February 15, 2011).

La pederastia

La Iglesia tiene que afrontar sus problemas
La pederastia en la Iglesia
Por: Carlos Damián                                             1 de Diciembre de 2012
No ocultemos lo que es evidente al público
México. - En el contexto de un congreso organizado por el Vaticano en la universidad Gregoriana de Roma, los especialistas estadounidenses Michael J. Berni y Patricia Neal señalaron que el costo que la Iglesia Católica ha tenido que pagar debido a las denuncias por abuso sexual de sus sacerdotes –ya sea por concepto de servicios jurídicos, indemnizaciones, tratamientos médicos, y sicológicos para las víctimas- “se sitúa muy por encima de los dos mil millones de dólares”. La cifra aunque escandalosa parece conservadora si se toma en cuenta que, además de los gastos enlistados, los jerarcas católicos han debido destinar grandes sumas para sufragar acuerdos extrajudiciales con las víctimas de pederastia, a efecto de disuadirlas para que desistan de sus acusaciones en contra de clérigos. En todo caso, mucho más caro que las pérdidas económicas es el descrédito en que se encuentra sumida la Iglesia católica por los escándalos de pederastia: es inevitable establecer un vínculo causal entre ese estigma y la pronunciada pérdida de feligreses -10 en América Latina, según datos del Consejo Episcopal latinoamericano- que sufre en el momento presente.

Los costos en materia económica, en imagen pública y en autoridad moral, permiten ponderar el carácter contraproducente de la conducta de la jerarquía ante las denuncias contra curas pederastas, la cual se ha caracterizado por la hipocresía y la voluntad de encubrimiento. El caso más representativo es el del fundador de la Legión de Cristo, Marciel Macial, cuyos delitos sexuales contra menores fueron conocidos desde mediados del siglo pasado por los más altos niveles eclesiásticos, y ello incluye a Juan Pablo II y a Benedicto XVI. Sin embargo, ya fuera por temor a perder las cuotas de poder político y económico que Maciel aportaba a la Iglesia Católica o por mera insensibilidad, Roma optó durante décadas por encubrir los crímenes del sacerdote michoacano y hostigó en forma sistemática a las víctimas que denunciaron en su oportunidad los abusos sufridos. De haber actuado con transparencia y apego a la ley ante las denuncias en contra de Maciel y otros curas abusadores; de haber impuesto sanciones ejemplares a los responsables de esos crímenes, y de haberse consagrado al castigo y a la prevención de nuevas agresiones sexuales de niños perpetrados por sacerdotes.

Cardenal tolerante guadalajarense
El Vaticano habría podido evitar el enorme desprestigio que esos delitos le han causado y ahorrarse grandes sumas de dinero por concepto de indemnizaciones y acuerdos extrajudiciales con las víctimas. Si la curia romana desea restañar en alguna medida el deterioro provocado por su propia conducta frente a los casos de abuso sexual cometidos por clérigos, tendrá que afrontar, y no seguir ocultando, la realidad; emprender un ejercicio de autocrítica amplia y sincera; no obstaculizar la presentación de las denuncias penales correspondientes contra sacerdotes agresores que aún gozan de protección institucional, y señalar públicamente a las autoridades eclesiásticas que incurrieron en casos de encubrimiento de los criminales. Los rayos del sol apenas alcanzan a calentar la mañana en el lujoso club de Golf Atlas Country, y la Ciudad de Guadalajara se ha despertado de un largo letargo al enterarse que el jefe católico con sede en Guadalajara habrá de comportarse con moderación, sin protagonismo político, ni tutelaje de candidatos, gobernadores piadosos etílicos, y mienta madres como Emilio González.

Nada de guardaespaldas ni ostentación.
Rozando lo increíble, este cardenal no buscará pleitos ni pronunciará frases destempladas. Juan Sandoval Iñiguez (JSI), es un converso a la humildad, a la tolerancia, y a la sensatez. Pues no, se trata del cardenal José Francisco Robles Ortega (JFRO), quién estaba a cargo de la diócesis de Monterrey y ha relevado al anterior cardenal por razones de edad. El cardenal JSI relata la cercanía del purpurado con las clases altas, más que con las clases menos favorecidas de México, que son los que nutren a la Iglesia que encabezó. El cardenal relevado era de hoscos modales, explosiva personalidad, y como pocos rústico e insensible. Sólo basta con repasar algunas frases para describirle: “las comisiones de derechos humanos sólo sirven para defender delincuentes”; “a las mujeres violadas les pasa eso por andar provocando”; “los protestantes no tienen madre”. Sobre Miguel Hidalgo el “padre de la patria”, se refirió como “violador de monjas”, a los militantes del PRD les llamó “hijos de las tinieblas”, y de los ministros de la Suprema Corte de Justicia llegó a afirmar que “habían sido maiceados” para aprobar las uniones entre personas del mismo sexo. Por fin termina la época el 7 de febrero de este personaje polémico de ultraderecha, férreo opositor de la diversidad sexual y las adopciones.

Ahora no respiren aún de alivio que todavía JSI se quedará para terminar su magna obra: el Santuario de los mártires en Guadalajara. Para la que ya han hecho algunas adecuaciones en las arterias viales, la estación del metro correspondiente a esta Iglesia ya ha cambiado de nombre. Pero recobremos el aliento; difícilmente la Iglesia católica aceptará ideas progresistas, su papel desde la Colonia es precisamente estar del lado de la oligarquía, ese es su papel histórico, por ello siempre se ha opuesto al progreso y al desarrollo económico de México. La garra de este cacique católico dejó una huella indeleble por 40 años ya que tuvo una injerencia en la formación de sacerdotes en el seminario de Guadalajara, de donde han egresado más de 6 mil sacerdotes. Este sacerdote fue primero profesor, rector, y luego como cardenal siguió como sombra perjudicial a los ministros de culto. JFRO fue alumno de JSI, pero seguirá la sombra del antiguo cardenal poniendo ruido en la ciudad de Guadalajara. De lo contrario, y a pesar de las advertencias de “cero tolerancia” lanzadas por los jerarcas de San Pedro, es de suponer que los casos de abuso sexual por sacerdotes continuarán, y no habrá dinero ni política de control de daños que alcance para revertir la mala fama que han adquirido a pulso. (La Jornada, política, p. p. 6 - 8, 9 de Febrero 15, 2011).

War´s figures

AI: demand transparency in the figures of dead
War´s figures
By: Carlos Damián                                           3 of April, 2012
Michoacan: It cannot control to the organized crime and requests federal help
México. - The power implies responsibilities. Therefore the mistakes, corruption or wrong faith of the governors should have consequences. It must exist punishment for the parties that promote candidates that betray the confidence of the electors. Not all is arranged with throwing the things to the "judgment of the history", because in the century XXI, where reign the technology and the communication, the history is here and now. Nevertheless for George W. Bush, the rancher that waits impassive the judgment of the history in Texas Crawford, the history will reach us "when we are all dead". With the same dread and patience the previous presidents by the PAN in Mexico, wait the judgment of a country that governed without yielding counts to them never. 

Upon establishing a party in 1939 on principles and values but that there would be of falling in entrepreneur hands "new-PAN men" upon changing these values as reaction to the posture of left-wing values of Cuauhtemoc Cardenas at that time when established with collaborative several as: Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, Heberto Martinez between other outstanding personages of the policy and social struggle. Such new PAN men have in Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderon to these managers of the franking called "Mexico", and it is not real that the levity of Fox "democratized" the presidency made it vulgar with their personal attitudes of "cowboy" with their rustic and uneducated style, and furthermore subtracted to this dignity, and with Calderon, a uncompromising and authoritative personage, supplied the legitimacy that denied to you the polling-booths. It is perceived the ghost of the ex-president Gustavo Diaz Ordaz but in fascist version, in the presidential chair.

It was surrounded of advising unskilled outsiders, was surrounded of American expert elite soldiers in safety of the American invasion wars that in exchange for the crumbs of the Initiative Merida were seeking to know our safety systems for power to armor the south frontier and to extend it all until Central America (to check to: http// The secretary Leon Panetta of The States declares that in reality died those in these six internal war years have been 150 thousand. (To check to:, in these figure colds are more dead than in Iraq. It is as well as was plotted the plot of the apocalyptic monster of the drug traffic: a scarecrow that grew uncontrollable until be converted into our equivalent of the massive destruction weapons invented by Bush. Just as Bush in Iraq, Calderon it unleashed unconscious of cause an equal proportions civil war. That permitted to him to govern under a military regime and be exhibited as leader of the national safety. With the excuse in fact that in Michoacan the governor had requested to you the federal help, to control the snap of the organized crime.

The secretary of the National Defense, Guillermo Galvan Galvan, (GGG) denounced that in reality are 150 dead thousand, those which have fallen in the war against the drug traffic in the six years of the president Felipe Calderon, and it is a figure that purportedly it is to continental scale, only their expert know of what countries drew the statistics. The informants added that in the context of the first meeting trilateral of Defense ministers of Mexico, Canada and The States that was accomplished in Ottawa, Galvan (GGG) was who commented the annual deaths figure product of the violence that generates the organized crime, that in the encounter deprived between the chiefs of the armed forces of the three nations: figure that made public in press conference on Tuesday past (03/27/2012), the secretary of The State’s Defense, Leon Panetta.

Meanwhile International Amnesty (IA) demanded to the government of Mexico to finish with the opaqueness in the victim figures of the violence generated by the organized crime, since the offers up until now lack a clear methodology. Rupert Knox, investigating on Mexico of that civil organization, emphasized that it is "actually serious the fact of the fact that there is uncertainty on a matter so serious, as the number of assassinations that they have occurred", since " we what have handled are 50 thousand deaths, that it is a figure that leaves of a not confirmed information, of the follow-up that they have made the newspapers, as of the General office of the Prosecutor of the Republic (PGR, for their initials in Spanish".

It is rewarded the incompetence, intransigence and levity
Underlined personages as Jorge G. Castañeda, and Ruben Aguilar they have demonstrated in 'The drug-trafficker: the unsuccessful war', that "the primary reason of the war statement (…) was political: to achieve the legitimation purportedly lost in the polling-booths and the sit-down strikes, through the war in the plantations, the streets and the highways, now populated by soldiers and marines". In this transition of the authoritarianism of the PRI to the fascism, the PAN-men abandoned the "well common" to hands of consulting outsider and they make "campaigns mediates" devoid of ideology. In this betrayed democratic transition of the change; the outrage, the international trips of the presidential couple, the children of Martha Sahagun, the electoral fraud, the weapons contraband for both war decrees with the express The States agreement and Calderon, the over flies of the CIA with their drones and spy satellites, the death of the gremlins Mexican with nearby figures to 150 thousand of the one which there will not be immediate consequences of the martyrlogy Mexican.

The PAN prepares the federal elections without fear (http:/, it being denied the virtual president of the PAN, Felipe Calderon in facts and of the corruption. Check to: http:/ In two federal administrations the PAN has defrauded to Mexican citizens and this should be reflected in the punishment votes. Mexico has now more than 15 million of poors and goes letting in the social collapse, economic, political and of national safety with 150 died in the continent. (La Jornada, economia y justicia social, p.p. 4-5, September 22, 2012).