sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

The pederasty

The Church must face their problems
The pederasty in the Church
For: Carlos Damián                                             Dec 1, 2012
We don’t conceal what is evident to the public
México. - Mexico. - In the context of a congress organized by the Vatican in the Gregorian University of Rome, the American specialists Michael J. Berni and Patricia Neal indicated that the cost that the Catholic Church has must pay due to the accusations for sexual abuse of their priests - already it will be on account of legal services, compensations, medical treatments, and psychological for the victims - "it is located very above the two billions of dollars". The figure though scandalous seems conservative if is taken into account that, in addition to the listed expenses, the catholic hierarchs have had to destine large add to vote extrajudicial agreements with the pederasty victims, to effect of deterring them so that waive of their accusations against clergymen. In any event, much more expensive that the economic losses is the disparagement in which is found submerged the catholic Church by the pederasty scandals: it is unavoidable to establish a causative link between that stigma and the pronounced loss of parishioners - 10 in Latin America, according to data of the Latin American Episcopal Council - that suffers in the present moment.

Tolerant Guadalajara’s cardinal
The costs in economic matter, in public image and in moral authority, permit to weight the counteractive character of the conduct of the hierarchy before the accusations against cures pederasts, the one which has been characterized by the hypocrisy and the will of concealment. The case most representative is that of founding of the Legion of Christ, Marciel Macial, whose sexual offenses against smaller were known from mid of the century gone through the highest ecclesiastic levels, and this includes Juan Pablo II and Benedict XVI. However, already it would be by dread to lose the quotas of economic and political power that Maciel was providing to the Catholic Church or by mere insensibility, Rome opted during decades for hiding the crimes of the priest Michoacan man and scourged in systematical form to the victims that denounced in their opportunity the suffered abuses. Of have acted with transparency and attachment to the law before the accusations against Maciel and other cures abusers; of have imposed exemplary sanctions to the responsible for those crimes, and of be consecrated to the punishment and to the prevention of new child sexual assaults perpetrated by priests. 

The beams of the sun hardly reach to heat the tomorrow in the luxurious Atlas Country golf club, and the Guadalajara City has been awoken of a long lethargy to be deposited that the catholic chief with headquarters in Guadalajara there will be of be behaved with moderation, without protagonist political, neither candidates tutelage, ethylic pious governors, and Emilio Gonzalez (EG) says “mother fuck you” to rebels that they do not be in agreement with the governor EG. The Vatican would have been able to avoid the huge it discredit that those offenses have caused to them and be saved large add of money on account of compensations and extrajudicial agreements with the victims. If the Roman curia wishes to retain in some measured the deterioration provoked by his own conduct as compared to the cases of assignments sexual abuse by clergymen, must face, and not to follow concealing, the reality; to undertake a wide self-criticism exercise and exonerates; not to stop the presentation of the corresponding penal accusations against aggressor priests that yet enjoy institutional protection, and to indicate publicly to the ecclesiastic authorities that incurred in cases of concealment of the criminals.

Nothing of bodyguard neither showiness
Grubbing what is incredible, this cardinal will not seek cases neither will pronounce altered phrases. Juan Sandoval Iñiguez (JSI), it is a convert to the humility, to the tolerance, and to the prudence. Since not, it is try of the cardinal Jose Francisco Robles Ortega (JFRO), who was to charge of the diocese of Monterrey and it has relieved to the previous cardinal by age reasons. The cardinal JSI reports the nearness of the cardinal with the high classes, more than with the classes less favored of Mexico, which they are those which nourish to the Church that headed. The relieved cardinal was of sullen modal, explosive personality, and as few rustic and insensitive. Only enough with scanning some phrases to describe to him: "the human rights commissions only serve to defend delinquent"; "to the violated women them passes that by going provoking"; "the rebels don’t have mother". On Miguel Hidalgo the "father of the country", it was referred as "violating of nuns", to the militants of the PRD them called "children of the gloom", and of the ministers of the Supreme Justice Court arrived to assert that "they had been handled with weed" to approve the unions between persons of the same sex. Finally it ends the era 7 of February of this polemic personage of ultra-right-wing, ferrous oppose of the sexual diversity and the adoptions. 

Now they do not breathe yet of relief that still JSI will be remained to end his great work: the Sanctuary of the martyrs in Guadalajara City. For the one which already they have made some appropriateness in the arteries vials, the ‘Metro’ station of the corresponding light train to this Church already it has changed of name. But we recover the breath; with difficulty the catholic Church will accept progressive ideas, their paper from the Colony is precisely be of the side of the oligarchy, that is their historical paper, because of this always it has been opposed to the progress and to the economic development of Mexico. The claw of this catholic chief let an indelible fingerprint by 40 years since had interference in the priests training in the seminar of Guadalajara, of where they have graduated more than 6 thousand priests. This priest was first teacher, governing, and then as cardinal continued as prejudicial shade to the cult ministers. JFRO it was student of JSI, but will follow the shade of the ancient cardinal putting noise on the Guadalajara City. Of the contrary, and in spite of the warnings of "zero tolerance" launched by the hierarchs of Saint Petro, it is of supposing that the cases of sexual abuse by priests will continue, and there will not be money neither political of control of damages that scope to reverse the wrong reputation that they have acquired to pulse. (La Jornada, politica, p. p. 6 - 8, 9 February 15, 2011).

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