jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

The budget proje

National/ political
It is maintaining a neofascist university in Mexico.
The budget project
For: Carlos Damian                                           Sept 12, 2016
The fundamentalism of the catholic Clergy in Mexico
México. -   In our country in fact of be governed by right-wing regimen are enthroned governing of trend ultra-right wing in public Universities. in past eras there was a extremism controversial in our study houses, however the critical spirit we believe must be inherent to the universities that they are sustained by money of the public exchequer, and therefore it will be rational and efficient there to act. If we observed to our around occurs a critical case in the Hidalgo and Morelos universities and it is emphasized a grotesque cartoon in the rector by their conservative and reactionary trends. In the Guadalajara University (maestro Itzcoatl Tonatiuh Bravo Padilla) would be seen a particular alliance with Emilio Gonzalez, the acolyte "fuck - mothers" but finally the citizens achieved to throw went to the governing - pious. In the case of Hidalgo State, the university could not be removed from above to a rector that it could bemire and fill with thanks opprobrium to a bodyguard equipment that it could control the situation and in this way it humiliate to the teachers equipment. This action was possibly when it conceded of the Book Faire to get even, the faculty meeting of this institution granted the degree of doctor honoris cause to the Spaniard Jose Maria Aznar " modern follower of the Spanish ‘franquismo’ ", in other words follower of the fascism, something which not by be of ‘tambourine’ it doesn’t let of be accomplice of committing crimes against humanity.

This outsider allied of the fascism, in his mind has a huge antipathy to the education and to the culture, and a clear antagonism to the lay education, that supported by the reactionary and straight system, their hosts have been able to avoid their appearance in the Spain current. It is mentioned the foregoing due to university recognition of a outsider that it has been characterized by having principles and normative contradicts to the education superior Mexican, and the rector together with his administrative equipment has been gone through the ‘arch of the victory’, the Mexican culture. Not glad with its to act monstrous and reactionary, they had the hard face of conceding the honor of inaugurating the International Book Fair, protected by a custody of slugger university. Before such infamy there was not a wide press coverage, and some writers refused in protest be not made present, but such action was not generalized, and some authors of "left-wing" are concerned more about their career, of writer that about the aggression to the university culture and to the dignity of the Mexican citizen. (La Jornada, Jose M. Muria).

We stalk it of the fundamentalism of right-wing
The Mexican clergy there has assignment a serious mistake to make official their support  to the Frente Nacional de la Familia (FNF), due in fact that they are countersigning to the personage more obscure and conspirator of the reactionary right-wings, though always it has existed a close relationship to the catacombs of the Christian fundamentalism, that it has received the open support of the  High Mexican Clergy. The delirious fanaticism of the Anvil appears the public field and is empowered of the "good consciences" anticipating to impel to the new soldiers of Christ, which appeared in the marches of the 10 and 24 of September. They have expanded their revenge political and they have achieved to open a door in the weak government of EPN, principal driving in Mexico of Donald Trump, and now the lay state is facing to the reprisal catholic of ultra-right wing, but in Mexico, the organization citizens try to preserving their/its/your/his lay identity. These organizations of the obscure past supported by the episcopate try to be recovering with the pretext of the defense of the basic values of the family and the country. These appearances are not missed since in 1961, under the slogan "Christianity if, communism not", and with the pretext of be defended of "the desecration of the mores", was reactivated these groups "cristeros", bearing of a physical violence, and verbal. Assault to the Mexican citizen with their speech of hatred and historical compensation disguised of good mores and love to the family. 

Finally they have to be the arguments and methods brandished from the weekly "Desde la Fe" where the Mexican episcopate has underlined their differences with the Pope Francisco, what contrasts with Rome where the opening the mercy and the comprehension toward this homosexual trend and lesbian abound, in so much in Mexico with their neoliberal and conservative speech play with fire to be confronted with the speech of the Vatican. This speech is accompanied of aberrant practices in Mexico, they are not only ideas that influence in our daily life, and in short is fruit of the changes in the contemporary culture. In this context emerges from the political underground lines a movement against cultural that rejects radically the changes and are grappled to the obscure and anarchic past of Mexico, that general Cristeras militancy with a pernicious deviation of the history that invite to return to our rebellious origins, rapist and inflaming of passenger trains, and gunmen innocent passenger assailants in the field. Thus, we have to uncompromising religious movements that combat to the modern and tolerant culture and to that call to them fundamentalist. They recover the reading of basic religious texts, such as the Torah, the Bible and the Koran, that the man in their resistance to what is contemporary is transmitted to these fundamental books to the religion that they profess.

The religious party (PS) denies it
In The States, there was a religious movement after the World War II it was calling literalism biblical, being submitted freely to the intransigence of practices established by the sacred writings. In the Islam around the end of the seventies was applied the fundamentalism, and being present in the religious revolution of the Ayatollah Khomeini (Iran), a activism religious that seeks to restore in the bulks humanize the purity of their religion applying of strict way the Koran in the social life to the style of the century 4 or 5, where was inciting to the violence. Of similar way emphasizes Donald Trump, as fruit of the fundamentalism Anglo - Saxon, expanding their hatred speech, rancor and xenophobic. Directing their speech homophobe and racist against the Latino and especially against the Mexican culture fruit of the country mother, moving this hatred that there was before between England and Spain. In Mexico is intending to establish this hatred and rancor the ultra-right-wings catholic as in the Cristera war 1926 -1929, showing a delirious militancy in the streets of the Mexico City.  Intending to build an order theocratic medieval, because of this the social ethics, the values and the policy are the favorite fields, of the new social order that intend to establish.

The historical roots of this social movement, return us to the radical rejection from the systems and social values built by the contemporary state that is sustaining in the neoliberalism and the rationality.  The Catholics believe to have the absolute truth and stain to other with calumnies, libel and make damage, therefore the fundamentalism catholic should reject and combat.  In global form is invading a new mutant culture, and not only they are ideas but contemporary practices, though disorder the theory with practice is called to them common sense with alternate codes. They are different forms of working, living together and be informed, organized the economy and the family, is lived together now with a social plurality and of gender explicit. It is to this that we call to them tolerance. The pretext of the equitable marriages exalts the religious fanaticism, but seeing to Mexico within itself, it is a cultural dispute, and the confrontation with the obscure conservative anvil is a reality, and the religious party, Encuentro Social party that handlings Hugo Eric Flores Cervantes, is made present though deny it. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 16-17, September 7, 2016).

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