miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

The Plan of the SNTE: 5 million votes

It is denominated Agora with strategy raccoon
The Plan of the SNTE: 5 million votes
By: Carlos Damián July 21, 2012
It contains intelligence strategy and communications in favor of EPN
México. - The report was given to know for the Democratic National Executive Committee (CEND, in Spanish) of the union, in charge of Artemio Ortiz Hurtado (AOH). The organization that is part of the grouping of dissident teachers noticed that that whole strategy is “to operate in favor of the candidate of the PRI, Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN). The objective of Agora is to build the fraud from before. To have the picture of the movie before it passes the movie", AOH alerted. With the logo of the SNTE, the document details the organizational lattice that will be carried out before and during July 1, for that which they are already had located the polls.

The strategy includes a Call Center to call to each one of the 3.4 million people that they will be mobilized to the urns; the unfolding of 27 thousand 473 “mobilizers", each one with a cellular telephone to send been by message SMS in “real time” and to state scale, district and union section; a previous survey, June 30 with 2 thousand 500 cases; another exit survey the day of the election, with 12 thousand 500 interviews, and a fast count of the results, “according to records", in 250 points “keeping watch” of the country. All that information will be a correspondent to the “call control room", created for the “taking of decisions". By means of a sophisticated operative electoral denominated Agora which includes strategies of " headquarters " of communications and it mentions six states of supreme importance for the day of July 1 -, the National Union of Workers of the Education (SNTE, in Spanish), headed by Elba Esther Gordillo (EEG), it seeks to capture 5 million votes.

The electoral operative states
The six states that the operative Agora considers of supreme importance, according to its competitiveness, are: Aguascalientes, Chiapas -where Monica Arriola, Gordillo’s daughter , is candidate to the Senate for the Panal -, Nayarit, New Leon, Sinaloa -the state of where the son-in-law of the EEG, Fernando Gonzalez Sanchez, comes who also looks for a bench -, and Tamaulipas. In reason to the above-mentioned, they will be given an additional budget that in the group of the entities sum near 0.47 million dollars, as well as a thousand 580 activists more for the six states. The territories with the highest “mobilization” costs and bigger number of having “contacted” will be: Mexico State, where the “transporting” of 477 thousand 500 people will be operated, 855 thousand “contacted” and there will be 3 thousand 820 activists in the sections 17 and 36 of the Mexico’s Valley. The above-mentioned will have a cost of 604 thousand 833 dollars.

Then it follows the Federal District, with the sections 9, 10 and 11, where it will be mobilized 426 thousand 500 people, it will be contacted at 853 thousand and 3 thousand 412 "mobilizers" will be hired. In third place Sinaloa State, where they will spend 544 thousand 825 dollars, it will be contacted 880 thousand 250 people, it will -already be “mobilized” 530 thousand 125 citizens with the additional ones - and there will be 3 thousand 841 activists. This operative one consists of “a computer development” of six stages: intelligence (that consists of: projecting, organization, priorities and goals); rising (work of brigades); incorporation with the help of geo-code data, segmentation, cutting of execution of goals for activist, prosecution” and preparation of the mobilization “with having listed by activist, location of polls and logistics". Everything it before the first of July.

For the day of the elections the phase five denominated “mobilization " will enter in operation, with the “reports of advances in real time”, via phone cellular, of the mobilization for activist with aggregations for municipality, district, state and to national scale". The stage six is “the control room", which has “three location points for the taking of decisions, with monitors informing the behavior of the electoral stalls in real time during the day D y a “Call Center". The “modern technology” computing that will be used according to the writing, will allow “to guarantee the best results for the reception of sympathetic of the political party - which never defines but we suppose that it is the PRI -, as well as to mobilize ours promoted to the polls". In the subtitle “users ", it is only spoken of “organization, parties and candidates", and in that of “installation” it is included until the” lodging of the application", this is, of the "mobilizers" thousands.

The army of 27 thousand 500 activists they take to vote to the group
The subtopic "reports" include “national, state, municipal electoral thematic maps, and districts, sectional maps", as well as it “information with the classifications of the electoral sections". The obtained data of the surveys will have the “following profiles of voters: social-demographic, party’s identification, retrospective evaluation and civic expectations, evaluation of authorities, of candidates, campaigns, and calendar political-legislative". The 250 surveyor will send their information gathered via message SMS to a Call Center. In “operability ", the document aims that there will be “three different points” and each one will have a “monitor 1. results of Agora; “monitor 2. control board of the mobilization to state level, district and union section"; “monitor 3. historical results of voting for state, district, electoral section and location of federal and polls"; and “monitor 4. exit poll."

"The fraud will make it before…. With the census, EEG’s people already visited to the drawn of the polls, to those that will be officials… they already convinced them that they is with them or they threatened them so that they don't go; their people were already formed in the line, in case the officials don't arrive. During the day, they already carried people, they already made change of tickets, they already bought people…", AOH complained. (La Jornada, elecciones 2012, p. 3, June 25, 2012).

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