jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

The leader of AFL-CIO

The crashes happened in Oakland and San Francisco, California
The leader of AFL-CIO
By: Carlos Damián June 27, 2012
For the workers the crisis was translated in misery and it lacks of employment
México. - The martyrs from Chicago resuscitated in dozens of cities of The States, when people's thousands responded to the convocation of the movement Occupy Wall Street to celebrate “one day for 99 percent", and with it, the first of May was marked for the first time in decades like workers' day in the country where the movement that today is celebrated around the world was born. Very early it would be added to the meeting it left the street 42 headed by an army of guitars and like leadership by the rocker Tom Morello, singing fight, and rebellion songs.

The musician collaborates with Bruce Springsteen in his last disk, he declared through the famous “human microphone” that ended up being added here those of Occupy “to be in the streets singing these songs of justice until assuring that the powers that prevail realize that we will be listened". He announced that ‘This land is your land’, the great alternative hymn of the legendary singer and author Woody Guthrie. More than 30 they were arrested here during the day, although the actions continued tonight, with the police using excessive force against demonstrators that they didn't threaten any physical damage to people neither property.

For the employees the crisis is the loss of the purchasing power
Richard Trumka (RT), is directing of the powerful AFL-CIO from September of 2009 (before he had been the treasurer of the organization), Trumka worked in mines of coal in the region of Pennsylvania from the 19 years. "We were in Mexico to express the leaders of the Group of the 20 the sense of urgency for the employment creation in the world. So that people return to work and that the actions that take to make in front of the international crisis are focused in that way", RT said. We have many challenges. The first one is to insist with the leaders of the countries that instead of political of austerity that are those that now impel, the governments should be focused to invest and to apply politicians to return to the generation of employments.

We are presented another challenge, and it is the one that we have when emphasizing on the urgency that this happens, that it is necessary that people return to work, we have to create labor position in the world in an immediate way. There is other, we challenge stood out and it is that the countries are a pressure to try to eliminate the collective contracts. "We insist with the leaders of the governments that they are necessary the stimuli for the employment creation. The labor movement knows that the economy is very fragile, but he insists in that instead of austerity the focus should be on the creation of employments, because in another way the crisis will be bigger."

In the labor reformations the word code is labor flexibility to try to eliminate to the independent unions. Of what we are speaking it is that they treat that the workers pay for a problem that they didn't create. The opposed side, the financial sector, the one that a party was given was and now they want the workers to pay for it, although they didn't participate that pay for the broken plates (the workers) now. We oppose ourselves. If the labor laws weaken, that means less progress, less benefits working, less opportunities and wages more low, as well as less voice for the workers.

We have an international cooperation among unions to avoid that the prejudicial labor reformations to the workers progress. It is it he makes the International Confederation of Union Associations. We have 150 millions of affiliated in 135 countries to treat these topics. In the AFL-CIO we have a complete team for this coordination and representatives in 35 countries, as Mexico and Colombia, to guarantee that it is pushed against this type of reformations. Our mission is to help the workers in these countries to have a stronger voice and negotiation capacity. In the Summit of G-20 in Pittsburgh (carried out in 2009 in this industrial city of EE. UU.), we achieve that the countries won't only speak of the financial part of the solution of the crisis, but rather there was also a focus in the investment, in the nets of social security, in the creation of labor sources, in the pensions, and the social security of the workers.

Emergency in Seattle May 1
In Chicago, Illinois that is the epicenter of the movement for the labor day of 8 hours that May 1, 1886 exploded with a national general strike and that today it takes place around the world with marches people it showed in downtown with Occupy's watchwords against the power of 1 richer percent and in the immigrants' defense. In The Angeles California, hundred showed they carried out marches during the day, and they hoped thousands were added to the movement. There they waved blankets of “all we are from Arizona", and until one of Morena in the one that was declared, “Not to the past. Yes to a new future. Let us save Mexico". In Seattle it signed an emergency measure after integral of the call “black block” they caused what the means reported as “chaos " in downtown when making acts of vandalism against trade.

The discussion of the topic in the summit of the G-20, is a success
From then on these summits also treat the topic of the employment generation; there is a dialogue between governments and unions. Before Pittsburgh the human dimension of the crisis was not to discussion. The ministers of finances only met to decide that they had to make a cutting here and a cutting there. We insist in this dialogue to bring to the discussion the human dimension of the crisis. We always have to reiterate and to protect what leaves being able to make. If you lower the watch in any moment like worker you lose land before the hits of the Great Capital. (La Jornada, economia, p. 30, June 24, 2012).

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