viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

The professors reject the Enlace test

The governor of Guerrero it bets to divide the teaching
The professors reject the Enlace test
By: Carlos Damián July 19, 2012
AAR guides the vote against the progressive forces
México. - The State Coordinator of Workers of the Education in Guerrero (Ceteg) it ratified that it will impede that they are applied in the state the National Evaluation of the Academic Achievement in School Centers (Enlace, in Spanish) and the universal exam, worse evaluation the undersecretary of Education, Francisco Escamilla Embraces (FAE), he announced that of the 4 at June 8 the first exam will be applied that measures the knowledge of the third year-old children of primary at third of secondary of the entity. Minervino Morán Hernandez (MMH), spokesman of the Ceteg, noticed that the posture of the State’s governor Angel Aguirre Rivero (AAR) of the PRD-man who has shown in favor of the application of both exams, it could guide the teaching's vote in the elections of July 1.

"Without a doubt the State Executive's decision can influence in a negative way in the vote on behalf of the teaching in favor of the progressive forces; at least if the governor insists on supporting Felipe Calderon. Then Ceteg will revise its posture regarding the electoral process". MMH reproached to the state government that has refused to dialogue with the Ceteg. "It is evident that the governor is betting it to divide to the teaching, and with it to guide the vote against the progressive forces, because if he gives a favorable answer to the teaching's demands, that favors to the progressive forces, but if it is the other way around then it will harm them", it pointed. It reiterated that they won't allow that the Enlace test is distributed that is in the cellar of the Ministry of Guerrero’s Education (SEG, in Spanish), where the professors are in sit-dawn strike from last Monday.

Professors reject the Enlace test
In the context of national come out on strike of Workers of the Education (CNTE, in Spanish) to the one that they belong. But vice Minister FAE sustained that the Enlace exam it will carry out from Monday 4 to June 8. "In the state we have the intention of applying it at least by 28 percent of the students and by 43 percent of the schools that is where we have distributed the material, that is to say, to 543 thousand students of 6 thousand 297 facilities", it expressed. It assured that they already surrendered 153 thousand 586 formats so that the students of 2 thousand 825 schools fill them, although it recognized that they are pendings of receiving stationery 57 percent of the schools and 72 percent of the students.

He added that the SEP it presented paths accusations before agents of the Federal and state Public Ministry for the 'take it' of the warehouse of the SEG in this capital, where the members of the Ceteg, retain the documentation; they are people that work in the offices, it means they are not in front of group, they don't arrive neither to 300 teachers; as long as they are only in strike 70 schools ". Nevertheless, “we have hoped that we will reach an agreement (with Ceteg) that allows us to liberate that documentation", it concluded. In Michoacan, the state leader of the CNTE, Jorge Cazares Torres (JCT), it assured that 60 percent of the 10 thousand schools of basic level of the state is in strike and that they won't return to work until the federal authorities assist their demands. The CNTE pointed it rejects the universal exam and the Enlace test. Neither will it allow alliances high level between the federal government and the national president of the SNTE, Elba Esther Gordillo. JCT announced that the Michoacán’s teaching will increase the quantity of teachers that they are mobilized in the D.F.

They reject it standardized exams imposed by the OECD
Students of the five normal schools of the Federal District went to the meeting (6/1/12) to demand to the General Direction of Normal Education and Bring up to date of the Teaching (DGENAM) the ceasing of the application of exams standardized on the part of the National Center Of Evaluation (Ceneval, in Spanish), bigger budget and improvement of facilities, the recovery of the labor personnel that they had before, for the graduates and the increase of the number and the economic storing of the scholarships, as well as their punctual payment, among other demands. Before the noon, students and educational of the School Normal Superior, of the Meritorious National School of Teachers, of the National one for Teachers of Kindergarten, and other schools demanded to be assisted by Maria Luisa Gordillo Diaz, executive of this instance.

They after remaining almost five hours awaiting an answer, achieved that it achieved the official to receive on Monday (6/4/12) at the 16 hours to treat the petition sheets of the five schools, due to the rejection to the intermediate evaluation that the Ceneval, the School Normal Superior will apply determined “to boycott” this exam, for that that from early the arrival of students is expected to close the facilities. In the other schools not noticed similar situations, because the students discarded to undertake that action. Among the petitions of the students; it is the ceasing of the "pursuit" and the "reprisals" toward students that participate in the movement, and it stressed: "we fight for the grant of the automatic labor’s places for the graduates and we want to toss the exams standardized imposed below from the OECD, because they are mechanisms that don't evaluate capacities," any competences.

Another professor considered that these evaluations “are instruments that look for to justify the educational politicians, they don't have a finish of academic evaluation, neither they are to improve the education, they are only measured political". We don't oppose ourselves to the evaluations, but we could design internal evaluations, each institution makes its. The DGENAM can even establish a work team to design them; we don't need of external evaluations" that don't evaluate educational contents. The professor that “we are concerned added because it is sad the situation of abandonment to that they have subjected to the schools". In general the facilities for the professors are ruined since, “the Internet is faulty, the libraries and almost all the facilities of the normal ones", in the country they are it is that situation”, it pointed. (La Jornada, educacion y justicia, p. 4, June 3, 2012).

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