martes, 3 de agosto de 2010

Rise the federal debt

The balance of debit instruments internal of the government arrived to $ 185 thousand 467millions dollars
Rise the federal debt
By: Carlos Damian June 22, 2009
The sum of that line with the indebtedness of the IPAB arrives to $ 235 thousand 733 millions dollars
México. – The administration of the president Felipe Calderon Hinojosa reached the record of increasing the balance of the internal debt of the federal government to a pace of little more than billion pesos daily, included weekend and holidays, according to official information. The balance in instruments traffic of the internal debt of the federal government reached beginning of this month 185 thousand 467million of dollars quantity that represented a growth of 63.4 percent respect of the beginning of the government, according to data of the Banco de Mexico (BdeM) and of Secretariat of Treasure and Public Credit (SHCP), cited this week in a report of Banco Nacional de México (Banamex), the second financial group of the country.
The increase in the amount of the internal debt of the federal government occurred yet when from the beginning of the current federal administration the powers of the State have counted on growing budgets and at least until the first trimester of 2008, the public arks had of greater income by crude oil export.
Investors expectation The amount of the debt and the capacity of the public sector to finance it are in the center of the review that the qualification international accomplish of the payments profile of the government, once it was approved the economic package for 2010. The investors with interest about the country are to the expectation of the fact that the qualification issues some opinion, after that conclude the negotiations of the fiscal package in the Congress. Apparently a great majority assumes that there will not be a meaningful deterioration.
The solutions that emerge of the Congress are not carrying a fiscal fund reform. There is no an amplification of the taxable base, are increased taxes and stays high the dependency of the price to which we sell a quantity of oil every time smaller. According to Standard & Poor's, from December of 2006 until November of this year, the balance of the debt was increased in 71 thousand 976 million of dollars, quantity that, for comparative effects, represents an indebtedness pace of 68 million 533 thousand of dollars per day, from the beginning of the current government and until today.
The debt of the federal government The internal debt of the federal government does not include the passive cargo of the Institute for the Protection Banking Saving (IPAB), commissioned organization with administering the cost of the banking rescue for the bankers of 1995. The data of the Central Bank cited by Banamex realize of the fact that to November of this year the debt put by the IPAB on the local market reached 50 thousand 171 million of dollars, 26.7 percent more than in December of 2006, when was located in 39 thousand 564 million of dollars. The sum of the internal debt of the federal government and issued it by the IPAB arrived upon beginning this month to 235 thousand 733 million of dollars, when to the beginning of the government was of 185 thousand 467 million of dollars. The amount that reached both passive is comparable to the federal budget approved the awoken in November 17, 2009, by the Deputies Chamber for 2010, that adds 235 thousand 733 million of dollars, the highest in the history of the country.
The corruption in Mexico The corruption is found "gravely extended" in most of the Latin America countries; receding Mexico 17 places in the International Transparency evaluation (IT), to be located with 3.3 points in a measurement 10 unit indicate low corruption levels. IT mention that the high corruption levels are reflex of weak institutions, practical of governability lacking and inserting excessive of private interest. In the study practiced by TI that measures the corruption in 180 countries, Mexico happened of the place 72 in 2008, to the 89 this year.
Mexico is found surpassed by countries of the region as Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru and Brazil, and far from Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay. Canada continues in the first position in America, with 8.7 points; followed by The States, that was maintained in 7.5 points, "in spite the general preoccupation on the lack of control of the government on the financial sector". Between praises countries that they did not achieve to surpass the mean punctuation appeared Brazil (3.7), Colombia (3.7), Peru (3.7), Peru (3.7) and Mexico (3.3). Furthermore Bolivia (2.7), Nicaragua (2.5), Honduras (2.5) and Paraguay (2.1). (La Jornada, economia, p. 23, November 18, 2009)

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