martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Renunciation of Bazbaz

Bazbaz they should process it by great mistakes in the event of Paulette
Renunciation of Bazbaz
By: Carlos Damián August 15, 2010
It was sought not to affect the electoral aspirations Enrique Peña Nieto, coincide attorneys
México. - A day after that Lisette Farah questioned the judgment through the one which the General Justice office of the prosecutor of the Mexico State (PGJEM) concluded that the death of hers daughter Paulette Gebara was resulted of a "accident", and was complained of the fact that the headline of the dependency, Alberto Bazbaz Sacal, incriminated it without elements, this presented his renounce. About 14 hours Bazbaz offered a message to the means, of only three minutes, with the argument that his exit of the dependency is motivated by the wear that suffered the institution with this matter, to the degree of the fact that was lost the confidence and credibility in this institution.

The governor of the state of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto announced that was accepting the renunciation of the procurator of the entity, Alberto Bazbaz, since in spite of the transparency of the results on the investigations of the case Paulette, the performance of the now ex official carried to the institution at a level of wear and social distrust that was making impossible his permanency in the cargo.

PRD - PAN: insufficient, the resignation of Bazbaz
The renunciation of Alberto Bazbaz does not release to the governing of the entity, Enrique Peña Neto, of the political responsibility by the dirty managing of the investigations by the death of the kid Paulette Gebara Farah, coincided separately the leaders of the PAN, to Cesar Nava, and of the PRD, Jesus Ortega. With his particular vision, the coordinator of the deputies of the PRD in San Lazaro Building, Alejandro Encinas, supported that this case is one more in the one which prevails the selective justice of a few.

"We’re before the chronicle of an announced turpitude, where evidently all the dirty managing entered a political damages phase by the government of the Mexico State, which it has treated of going covering all the investigation to coast, not just of an injustice, but of a jeer to the public opinion". Jaime Cardenas of the PT said that Bazbaz "should be submitted to responsibility procedures not political only, but administrative and penal, since the investigation made it with the feet". The exit of Bazbaz was a “political need" for the governing Peña Nieto, so as not to affect its electoral aspirations with you watch to obtain the Presidency from the Republic in2012.

Late and insufficient renunciation
After have concluded that the death of the kid Paulette Gebara was had to "an accident", the procurator Bazbaz renounced to his cargo in the middle of a deep discredit personal and of a great on the up and up loss citizen toward the dependency that headed and toward the institutional of the Mexico State as a rule. Preferable to the renunciation of makes days would have been a dismissal makes at least a month, when resulted evident that the investigation of the case Paulette did not had more course than that of the persistent mistakes: starting, the obsequious servility toward a rich family that contrasted with the lack of interest and the lack of will-power that provoke in the authorities many cases from children disappeared in the Mexico state and whose familiar, from scarce resources, they can not aspire to an attention personalized as the one which offered the highest officials of the office of the Mexico prosecutor to the family Gebara Farah.

After, the now ex procurator promoted, with insinuations and filtrations to the media, lacking of sustenance. The social lynching and mediatic of the mother of the expired child. The commissioned with the investigation acted with unwarranted carelessness in the central site of the inquiry, and by if it would be little, the own Bazbaz supported in public that your child had been murdered.

As well as results untenable the official version, it should be to permit that the late resignation of Bazbaz will be used as measure of control of damages. It is necessary on the other hand, to remake the investigation in connection with the death of the expired child, not only because the explanation of the PGJEM is unlikely as compared to the presentation of praises facts, but because in the non- presentable inquest, various officials could commit offenses and violations to the human rights.

El gobernador Peña Nieto, lejos de asumir su responsabilidad y la de sus subordinadlos, se quejó de que los partidos quieran “llevar la ganancia política a sus terrenos”. Se equivoca este personaje político: el desastroso manejo oficial en torno a este caso penal no produce ganancias a nadie; se traduce en cambio, en graves pérdidas para la credibilidad de la justicia en el estado de México y en el país, y en un rotundo descrédito a las instituciones mexicanas.

The governing Peña Nieto, far away from to assume his responsibility and that of its subordinates, he was complained of the fact that the parties want "to carry the political profit to its lands". This political personage is mistaken: the disastrous official managing in connection with this penal case does not produce earnings at nobody; it is translated on the other hand, in serious losses for the credibility of the justice in the Mexico State and in the country, and in a categorical disparagement to the Mexican institutions. (La Jornada, estados, p.p. 4-33, May 26, 2010).

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