martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Intact academic model in Legionary Associations

They give a strict @in doctrinally indoctrination based on the teachings of the founding
Intact academic model in Legionary Associations
By: Carlos Damián August 8, 2010
Hundred of educational institutes that form part of the order have not been investigated
México.- In spite of the explicit rejection of the Vatican against the immoral and criminal conduit of Martial Maciel, schools and university tens continue in Mexico with the educational model created by the founder of the Legionaries of Christ. Under the motto Vince in bono malum (Defeats the evil with the good makes), 10 campus of the Universities net Anahuac located in Mexico, Xalapa, Queretaro, Puebla, Cancun, Tamaulipas and Oaxaca; the fifteen universities of Chile, Spain, Italy and The States support an educational model under the concept foundational of Maciel: "Each student will be able to defeat the evil that besieges to the man".

The black history of the leader of the legionaries, however, it affects not only to the catholic order that created, but also to 150 associations, 21 institutes, 25 universities and the school tens for poor children of Friend Hand, that they have not been included in the investigation that accomplished the Vatican to the Congregation, neither checked by the educational institutions. "The educational model of the legionaries is a private school more and we do not must investigate neither question it", says Antonio Dávila, general director of educational services of the Public Education Secretariat, (SEP). "We do have neither complaint, nor particular accusation that deserves supervision. We can not act".

The academic elite Between the legionary associations are found the Alpes, Cumbres, Cecvac, Godwin, Highlands, Irlandés, Kilimanjaro, Andes, Everest, Maddox, Oxford, Rosedal, and of the Bosque:"They are recruitment centers", comments María Álvarez Morales, who studied in "El Alpes" of Guadalajara, Jalisco, from preschool until the preparatory. "They carry a strict indoctrination catholic based on the teachings of Maciel". How are they go to disown of he if all their religious ideology is based on his legacy? If the apple that established it is rotten, it is rotten all the order, the associations, and the universities.

To be discovered that this man was a criminal, a madman, a pederast, all would have to disappear, because all is based on a absolute lie. So, Why do they want recruitment centers of a rotten institution? The life in the private schools and colleges maintains a normal pace in spite of the accusations against Maciel. The directors solely they have removed the photos from the founding in the educational facilities and they have eliminated of their schedule the two head-board books written by the untruthful lit priest, insanity and criminal priest. The book “Tiempo y eternidad y El salterio de mis días”, text that recently was discovered that plagiarized of “El salterio de mis horas”, of Luis Lucía Lucía.

The richest families of the country have registered to their children in the associations and the universities legionaries for generations, first by a social status issue, and by the high academic level united to a moral virtue that today it does not exist as such. However the student body does not reduce in spite the revelations of the criminal Maciel, committing pederasty with his disciples and with his children. The psychotherapist Josefina Leroux says, "Inside of the legionary movement there is denial and isolation. There is people that thinks that Maciel was an alone person, but the work stays by his implicit kindness and deposit to follow endorsing it. They do not recognize that the work this rotten and stinks". "There is much elitism; it can not be criticized to the association, neither to the teachers. There is favoritism and preference with the children of the counselors and benefactors".

The wealthy people is saved of dangers and pumps Leroux comments us, "We recollection that on one occasion in the association gave pump notice. They spoke by telephone to the children of the millionaires and to the other let them there. They must to have to be saved then they were the children of the rich only." "There is a denial of the legionaries because within their all speech that that criticizes them or questions their model is heretic, traitorous or conspirator against the Catholic Church". In an article that we published around the end of the decade of 80’s abounds, "we don’t referred me to the legionaries, but in conference was referring me to some cases that receipt of abuses catholic priest ".

We go to wash heads
The increase of the legionaries’ hosts is achieved through indoctrination in their associations divided by sex. It is from there where the priests and the consecrated go capturing pupils to convert them into seminarians or "misses". They have the mission net, by means of juvenile clubs as the Faro, Giro and Juve for men and workshops for Misses of the Regnum Christi. They promote constantly retire spiritual them and have a wide foundations net that collects million of dollars, as the National Association For Personal Overcome. Contradict to the opinion of Carolina Lopez the pedagogue Alicia Leal considers to the pernicious educational system because promotes the dogma without accepting the critique and encourages the fear to the impulses and instincts. Monterrey is territory of “Maciel’s academy”. (La Jornada, sociedad y justicia, p. 46, 14 de Junio, 2010).

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