domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

The myth of the private education

The pattern of current teaching
The myth of the private education
By: Carlos Damián July 16, 2012
The youth is better prepared in the XXI century
México. - In all report that is valued when it is analyzed the youth of the XXI century, it stands out their high formation level. It is attributed to be better prepared, with a good training accompanied by the information technology evolution, with a vision of the global world of which their homologous of the XX century lacked. The technological advances grant them to be in the social nets and to enjoy a horizontal, more democratic communication and open with a speed of vertigo. They are also granted inherent behavior at their time, to be independent, resolved, venturesome, and mainly competitive. Also, statistics publish for international organisms as the International Organization of the Work (IOW), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Cepal), and the Program for the Development of the United Nations (PDUN), they underline the decrease of the illiteracy and the slop school desertion in the last decades.

Now the youth is better qualified
The young today’s day they are more competitive and with desires of eating up to the world of a bite, they are recycled for the “labor market". They have discovered the global message, they live socially a day in their social nets, and they have begun to work against all and none. Some that have obtained a title are not satisfied and they try to possess another diploma that is a specialization course, a master or a doctorate. They carry out specialization courses, they are skilled in several languages, they are an example of perseverance and application to the study, in sum they are some born winners. However the current crisis has limited them, its hopes and dreams have stopped, they cannot carry out their dreams, and it is perceived in them the frustration, and the melancholy.

In the labor, educational market, it appears like for charm the witchcraft and the neoliberal system as an illusion that dispels any dream, and the night nightmare appears as something real. The ninis appears, the lack of employments for the prepared better elite, the yielded wages are so low that neither a worker of the construction can be sustained economically. Their parents have invested in education, as an asset so that can live better, to progress economically, and to be members of that professional elite, middle class consumer. But the monster capitalist predator gives them a bathroom of reality and it indicates them that his future is uncertain and little terrific. The professions received in the private university have many competitors, and they have to accept low wages without social benefits, and not being able to work in what they studied should accept in any other employment to subsist since they are indebted until the neck.

The education in the world
In the ranking of the index of perception of the corruption that publishes International Transparency for 2010 Finland it appears with an index of 9.2 of a maximum of 9.3, that it concerns Denmark. Mexico showed one of 3.1 (of 3.6 in 2002). The children from Finland have the place number one world from 2000 in that the test PISA (in Spanish), it began to be applied to global scale, with slight variations in the evaluated items: language, mathematics, and sciences. The Mexican children occupy the place 49 (PNUD 2007-2008). In these years of the XXI century the level of entrance of a country is certain, basically for the level of knowledge and of the population's aptitudes to solve problems and to innovate in all the planes of the social life.

The scientists that have been devoted to complete the human genome find that the external physical features of people correspond to only 0.01 percent of the genes, for what to measure the intelligence, the aptitudes, and the character for the color of the skin is something unaware to the scientific reality. In 2011 the GIP per capita of Finland was of 35 thousand dollars and that of Mexico 13 thousand 900, with the added difficulty that the coefficient of Gini was in Finland 0.2688 (year 2000), and in Mexico was of 0.5174, in 2008; in passing: in 2006 it was 0.4811, and the concentration of the entrance advances more and more, and the coefficient of that of Gini among more near the zero, more even it is the distribution of the entrance.

Because we are comparing Finland with Mexico, perhaps because this nation-state possesses one of the best educational systems in the world that began to reform courageously it makes something more than thirty years, when ours began to the drop. This is the answer behind the referred data of this state-nation, and it is necessary in retrospective to assist to this wonderful fact that they have been able to make with the education dedicated to the town. We make echo of professor Paul Robert's discoveries, director of the Nelson Mandela College it of Clarensac, Gard in France, of April of 2006, and we reproduce them in this space: The difference among children is much smaller that in any other of the participant countries. The children don't respond as well as the girls between both in reading, but the difference study groups it is much smaller that in any other country.

Fraud to the educated youth
Before such a fraud, the youth is indignity, they leaves to the street, they protest, they take the squares and demand to be assisted in their recoveries. they are considered in teaching process. These youths ignore currents and thought schools. If at all there are studies compared among different generations of university students to today's day, we don't believe that the current students come out better qualified that their equal. Today the educational system in the neoliberalism is an empty shell. It doesn't prepare citizens, They don't form to be better people, it only interests it to have bigger control on the population and among more ignorant better. To possess a licentiate, a graduate degree, grants title and status. That is the logic we don't forget it. (La Jornada, mundo, p. 22, July 14, 2012).

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