domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

The government apologizes

Auto-exoneration unfounded
The government apologizes
By: Carlos Damian February 23, 2012
The brutality and the violence in the jail
México. - In the context of the inauguration of a hospital in Queretaro, the federal Executive's leader, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, sustained that the penitentiary systems “in some entities of the Republic, in Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon", they are in crisis. On the other hand, the leadership of the Department of the Interior, Alejandro Poire (AP), in an intent to delimit the federal government of episodes like the one happened in the prison of Apodaca, Nuevo Leon -where the weekend it took place a massacre and a massive escape of internal -, it sustained that in the jails it under control of the Federation it has not registered “any incident". meanwhile, in the one referred penitentiary center more disturbances they were raised (2/21/12), fire attempts, fights between convicts and fights among family and state forces, although the authorities affirmed to have all under control from last Sunday, and nevertheless the dismissal of the chiefs and custodians of that prison.

Nobody can deny, by the light of the available evidence, the level of decomposition and uncontrol to that the jails of Nuevo Leon have arrived and another point can be said of those of Tamaulipas, where they have registered five episodes of violence at least in the last half a decade, with balances of dozens of dead. However, to seek to reduce the crisis of the penitentiary system in the country to those two entities constitutes an absurdity: from 2006, when the current government began, similar tragedies to those referred have also happened in penitentiary of Baja California, Chihuahua, Guerrero and Durango. Significant and in contrast of that sustained by AP, a fight in Guadalupe Victoria's prison, Durango, which operates under federal control from September of 2010, threw a balance of at least a wounded person (2/21/12).

Prison brutality
Therefore, for convenient that it implies is in electoral terms and of political knocking to bound the problem of the anarchy and the prison decomposition to the state environments -particularly in entities governed by the PRI, as Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas -, the certain thing is that the situation that reigns in the jails of the country puts in perspective a widespread crisis of the institutions of procurement of impartición of justice that embraces the three government levels; a loss of the way of social reinsertion that is contained in the laws, and an overwhelming deterioration in the capacities of the State, the one which, as long as leadership of the monopoly of the force and the legitimate violence, he would have to make prevail the order and the public security in all the environments. Particularly in the prisons.

On the other hand, the allegations auto-exonerates in what refers to the crisis of the prison administration in Mexico confirms the tendency exhibited by the federal government to distribute between their speakers and predecessors the responsibility for the current paroxysm of violence, for the insecurity, for the without of control that reigns in fringes of the territory, for the corruption that larval is had in public offices and for the institutional deterioration that it suffers to the country. But if in principle it is correct that the three powers of the Union and the three government levels have a degree of responsibility in the configuration of those lashings, the catastrophic current circumstance is attributable, in good measure, to actions or omissions made by the federal administration in shift: in the preventive order, the Calderon’s government has opted for the perpetuation of the economic pattern that ends, in hopeless form, give an obscene concentration of the wealth, the generation of millions of unemployed and poor, in the deeply and generalization of the corruption, in sum, in explosions of violence, disintegration and institutional decomposition.

The most expensive hotel in the world
In Mexico overpopulation exists in 204 prisons, with a total of 43 thousand 191 interns, and Nuevo Leon occupies the fifth place to national scale as for accumulation, since his capacity has been overcome by 50.44 percent, of steel with information of the Vice-Ministry of the Federal Penitentiary System. In the case of the Center of Social Readaptation (Cereso) of Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, where in passed days it happened the escape of 30 interns and other 44 were murdered, the overpopulation reaches more than 79 percent of the installed capacity. According to the report of the month of December of 2011 of the Administrative Bureau Spreading of Prevention and Social Readaptation in Mexico 230 thousand 943 criminals existed, of which 183 thousand 127 are judged to have made crimes in the common jurisdiction and 47 thousand 816 made crimes of federal order. In that context 220 thousand 324 men and 10 thousand 619 women exist.

In the tactical thing, the current administration opted to face to the growing delinquency by means of a politics of security that, in the best in the cases, it is only directed to the symptoms and not to the causes that it has generated results contrary to the prospective ones -this is of manifesto with the high number of mortal victims in the last half a decade -, and that it has implied, to make limit; the intrinsic brutality of the facts of violence that they happen in the jails and outside of them it is multiplied, in the present hour, for the official tendency to the autopraise and the escape of the reality. Pronouncements like on Tuesdays (2/21/12), they confirm the perspective fainted of a condemned citizenship to live, at least of here to the next one November 30, at the mercy of the without of control, the mismanagement and and the doubt sinks us. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-15, February 22, 2012).

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