domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

We will give love and non shots

In the debate you were to go with the hot heart and cold head
We will give love and non shots
By: Carlos Damián June 13, 2012
The political campaign gave a turn with the movement 132
México. - To close their presidential campaign Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) it will head June 27 a meeting the Angel de la Independencia to the Zocalo, square in which will carry out a meeting. “Today the last pull begins win again!” AMLO pondered that the campaign gave a turn with the student movement. It will be necessary to stand out in the calendar he said, the date in that the movement ‘#yosoy132’ began, because soon “we will speak of the 30 days that changed the history of Mexico". "Starting from there the steep cliff began to fall"!, a man exclaimed from the multitude squeezed together in the main square of Puruandiro, Michoacan.

Following the voices of the meeting that emerged under the hats, the flags and the umbrellas, “Peña continues falling every day", the multitude took place. It evaluated that they go so well in their campaign that “they already began to become nervous those that thought that with the publicity, the marketing, with a soap opera television, they will be able to sit down to Peña in the presidency. They had it until up, well inflated. They had very fact their show. Will they realize what is thinking? It threw everything with the awakening of the university boys. They came to give the example. It is necessary to guide people that to sell the vote from necessity it is to accept the slavery.

He exposed what the intention, it is to avoid that it repeats that happened in 2006, “when we already won the Presidency, but they stole us because we lacked organization. We ask them to help us to make campaign among all. The organized people only it we can save to the nation". We have a total registration. "The Center of Investigation and National Security, Cisen (in Spanish), it knows it perfectly, they have done me with glass magnifying, and they have given me pursuit, during many years". The edginess, stood out, it is mainly in the offices of the tri-colored one, “where we have information, and there are meetings every hour of the physicians of Peña, like previously it was known the doctors, strategists and specialists in publicity”.

"There is an evident situation, they know it and they measure it every day, they make surveys, they already know what is happening. We don't say lies, they cannot fall in the auto-deceit and now they speak that there is a clouding over situation. Gotcha, it isn’t". “Even, it considered that he doesn't have anything to hide in the handling of the resources with which his movement has been sustained. To remind them that they can call me ‘pehe’, but non lizard. We don't have anything to be embarrassed."

The fears of the Mexican
The collective fears made sleepy now by the electoral campaign return to the national scenario impelled by spokesmen that enter now with similar intentions: to maintain the current system of privileges for the governing elite. It is shown with rigor the effects about the organized coexistence of the Mexicans. The prevailing ambitions have been hit by the technical tie among the two presidential forwards, the dirty passions were uncovered, and without caring the terrible consequences they clean the weapons of the false arguments, the forced similes, and the panoramas of imminent disasters. The above-mentioned is to avoid at any cost the warning victory of AMLO.

The brotherhood of the power organized the campaign of the fear, placing fierce divisions between the citizens, family, technical sectors and political partisans. The bitterness and hates were incubated during six long years, impregnating the social body; they withered the hopes, they truncated opportunities for the great numbers of people, they clouded horizons, poisoning the balances of the flimsy institutional structure. The poverty became current test of being caused by the neoliberal pattern. The wounds far from being healed returned open wounds and infected with pus. The misery ended with an unbearable fierceness with face of untied violence and without control of the squadrons of the death armed by the cartels of the drugs.

The face already dispelled, of the battered elections of 2006 they have returned as a shade of the past, with their traps, manipulate them, impelled with hate and cynicism for those that come that they get lost their business and ambitions, publishing another time the atmospheres of fear, it become inflamed, and bitterness. What is valuable for these mediocre ones inapt it is to become another time of the power, acquire respectability again. The talent is something that cannot recognize if it is not put to the service of the other ones. The social solidarity, the imagination, the honesty, and the consistency with the human values and the principles lie as undone to the human being side.

The false testimonies, the rumors preparations for protests pos-electorates settle as certainty. The filtrations pre-manufactured spreads to dent, the well won prestige of rightness and honesty. They become present the stampedes of the regal horses of the capital before the presence of AMLO like forward in the surveys of the great capital again (Financial Times). How it would be necessary to wait the depreciation of the peso it is placed like hot patch for (Ernesto Cordero) spokesmen forgers and miserably remunerated. The examining agencies and the stock exchanges advance rash trials and they draw scenarios of economic uncertainty for the victory of the presidential candidate of the Progressive Movement (PRD-MC-PT). The organized social base around Morena, is a social movement with a force that has defeated to the calendars of false storms of years of propaganda to impose to the current economic pattern. The enemies of the change, and of the national transformation, they will stay in the trash can of the history. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6 - 24, June 6, 2012)

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