viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

The tamal operation

The Cartel of the PRI’s governing
The operation tamal
By: Carlos Damián June 25, 2012
The debit’s cards of Monex Bank circulate in the country property of the PRI
México. - When being discussed in the plateau of the permanent Commission of the Congress a call to the society, parties and political actors to accept with maturity and civility the popular will that is expressed in the polling-booths by means of the vote", the PRD denounced in tribune that they circulate in 300 electoral districts of the country debit’s cards of the Monex Bank, in hands of operators of the district’s campaigns of the PRI: they are (56 mod) millions of dollars outside of the legality". The PRD said that the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR) he should investigate the accusation of a transfer of 56 million dollars that they left triangular of Mexico to be deposited in bills in The States to pay the candidate's diffusion from the PRI to the presidency, Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN)."

They announced that on Thursday (6/21/12) they will present an accusation in the PGR, so that it investigates the case together with the Bank National Commission and of Values (Bank and exchange stock market). The PRD referred to the demand presented in the face of the justice of The States that implies the particular secretary of EPN, Erin Manuel Lino Zarate; to the coordinator of social communication, David Lopez; to the spokesman, Roberto Callejas, and to several Mexican managers. To insidious questions of the PRI on the company (Honestidad Valiente, S. A.) that has sustained along the country to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), the coordinator of the senators of the PT, Ricardo Monreal, answers he responded in tribune to the PRI: "we mean all that from last Friday (6/15/12), we present all the declarations of Honestidad Valiente. S. A., and today we made it in the newscasts again.

This company if it has presented Annual declarations: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011, and yes it is, it is donor". The legislators of the PRI, Monreal said to deputy Jose Ramon Martel, they are men that reject people that contribute a hundred, 200, and 300 dollars. It is this way the PRI: it insults, it rejects, and it underestimates (sic). They are hundred, thousands those that contribute". And it questioned the PRI: "and their candidate, when will he inform of the millions of dollars that are spending, like insult and offense to the poverty"? After two hours of discussion, was the agreement approved by majority in the Permanent of the Congress.

All of them with Peña Nieto
The presidential candidate of the left AMLO, called to desist to the governors of the PRI, of the electoral fraud that they prepare to take to ‘Los Pinos residence’ to EPN, “to the price what is you buy it". In his conference of morning press in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, offered in this border city, and it enunciated that there was a meeting 15 days ago in the house of the governor of the Mexico State, Eruviel Ávila, in the Toluca City, in the one that Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MAOC) -integral of the team of political campaign of EPN - it fixed them quota of votes for the Mexico’s man. In the afternoon, during a meeting in the central square of this city, he said that MAOC seeks the governors to achieve 20 million votes for the candidate of its party, like it was made in Fidel Velázquez's times (former leadership of the CTM central), for way the coercion and the purchase of votes.

AMLO at the afternoon gave to know a document that, it denounced; it involves the governor of Veracruz, Javier Duarte in that called strategy “All with Peña Nieto". As example he mentioned the ' operative' orchestrated by the civil association “All with Coatepec", in which 600 promoters that seek to obtain 6 thousand 600 votes in favor of EPN participate and for them they have a budget of 440 thousand 500 pesos. By means of a program of three weeks that it would have 600 promoters, to each one of which would be paid 600 pesos, in two deliveries, so that ten more voters took, among friends and family. But in fact it would finish costing cash only 67 pesos that include “50 breakfasts of mobilization of having promoted the day of the conventional period ", “economic stimuli for two brigades of young", a capturista, payment of gasoline and cellular of that group it will give propaganda of EPN in 6 thousand 600 units in parasols, pencils, useful articles for bottles and other advertising articles as: cement bundles, pantries, house’s steel sheets, and clocks. It is indicated that the promoters, don't form part of none of the structures of the PRI, but they “have experience in campaigns” and they know the municipality of Coatepec, and “their leaderships."

The cartel of the governors of the PRI
The candidate AMLO said that to be congratulated with the state of Nuevo Leon so they are hearing its proposals. It leaves of its speech of one hour he in fact dedicated it to deny the false versions and he left in undoubtedly it won't to expropriate companies neither it will remove money to the rich ones to give to the poor. "We will manage the public finances with responsibility, there will be macro balance, that is to say we won't spend more than what we have (in Treasury), we won't get in debt more to the country, neither there will be more taxes", he offered. He said that it will respect the result of the election, but he worries about the process to be clean and “it cannot be quiet before that operative illegal of the governors of the PRI". The Ministry of Education of Javier Duarte was accused of housing in one of its cellars a " mountain " of propaganda material in favor of candidates of the PRI, and also of possessing a function of proselytizing of social attendance that plays with the last name of the leader and it is denominated to “Ayudarte” –play of words in Spanish, to help you- (before, ayuDuarte).

Conform to we bring near when the voting’s hour the implacable reality of an intent of electoral fraud it is evidenced that seeks to be carried out outside of the polling-booths, by means of the operation roulette, purchase of votes for hunger, unknown to the national voters abroad, and other techniques that the IFE, and their official spokesmen refuse to accept a growing reality and uncovered. La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6 - 11, June 21, 2012).

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