viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

The urban myth: electoral fraud

A stop for the incipient Mexican democracy
The urban myth: electoral fraud
By: Carlos Damián June 23, 2012
The duplication of the folio in the voting tickets
México. – The not very reliable president of the IFE, Leonardo Valdes Zurita (LVZ), he manifested in the first pay period of January that was “an error” the duplication of the folio. "It is a lamentable error of the los ‘Talleres Graficos de Mexico’ (TGM) -where the gratuitous texts are printed of primary and secondary level-. Last Monday (6/11/12), he was carried out an act with the participation of the consultants in the district (of Oaxaca) and the representatives of the political parties". He manifested that a public notary certifying the error of having foliated of two tickets, “one of them with damage". The excuse is that they are more than 80 million tickets that will be used July 1. It is quite fragile the reasoning: The Bank of Mexico prints a quantity of bills for the national market and they don't leave copies. Is the question if apart from Oaxaca, in what other places not detected are still more errors?

When beginning the year some workers of the TGM, they denounced that “we are printing the voting tickets for president of the Republic. We finish our work shift and since it leaves the plant personnel and the soldiers that preserve the federal building, the bosses put to work the machines to continue printing more extra tickets, certainly without counting. It is believed that they will be able to be used for another electoral fraud, since this company is propriety of the State". With reference to this anomalous situation Jose Luis Alcudia Goya answers as coordinator of Social Communication of IFE (1/24/12), “in this respect it is pertinent to point out that in these moments the IFE has not begun the impression of this materials, since as you’ll remember, the tickets that will be used in the electoral day 1st of July of this year will take printed the names of the candidates that will contend for the Presidency of the Republic for the diverse political parties or coalitions and the period of registration of them before the Institute is in March among the 15 at 22 in this year."

The episode becomes of current importance before the accusation of representatives of the Party of the Work (PT, in Spanish) before the Electoral Local Council of Oaxaca, about the existence of several tickets with the same folio of impression control detected in the districts eight of Oaxaca de Juarez, and 4 of Tlacolula de Matamoros, they revealed that four of the tickets irregular pickups were of the folio 122,001 of the district eight, and other four with the repeated folio, now the 00859 in the district four with head in Tlacolula de Matamoros, where they also lack 31 electoral tickets. In these electoral circumstances only lack that the directive were saying an error and I’m sorry, compadre. The ambition that LVZ has shown for the money we say “a property piggy”, (Mexican money box) shows us the vulnerable thing that it is to the temptation and it is aimed at the world tourism of the public officials.

Selection of personal in the IFE
The selection process is very dark and cheat the personnel's selection to occupy the directive tables, the ‘electoral trainers’ in itself when being evaluated sometimes sends it in the profile interview from the place 15 to the place 30, only to say something and they already discarded it of the employment that was already won by competition in the written applications that they made him. These electoral trainers is very watched over by the vehicles of the PAN-PRI, and it is critical when they are presented since this it indicates you that in that place the person doesn't have credential of the IFE to be identified and she will insist you that you write down in your notebook it without any document like polling-booth representative.

This perverted way not to be nice to the selectors of personal in the IFE, with this watchword captures people of scarce scholarship of primary and to the other ones that they are of high professions as university boys and people of high social level they leave them out due to its position it criticizes and intelligent, you should be a robot that answers the questions without questioning with the language settled down by the employers; the elects are accompanied by their faulty training. These sowed miscues will be able to open up in a natural way the ways that the teachers will traffic in electoral fraud, arriving early to the polling-booth to be the first ones in being named substitutes of those who had not attended.

The control of the operating system one of the IFE
In such a way that they assume the control of the operating system one, the control of votes and the one filled of records, for not speaking of the ' method of the roulette'. There are also worrying data like the place where it is carried out the fraud and they are places of caciques' control that usually adulterate the electoral preferences, where they have been 6 thousand 319 tickets electoral surpluses in the Federal District 10, with head in Miahuatlan de Porfirio Diaz: two thousand 103 for deputy, according to the accusation made by Flavio Sosa, local deputy and representative of the PT for electoral matters in the entity, and for Gilberto Lopez and “representative of Morena before the local advice of the IFE in the State". In the district 5, with head in Tehuantepec, they were detected a thousand 412 tickets of more that will be distributed in 24 municipalities.

And in the district 9, with headquarters in the Oaxaca City, 5 thousand 718 tickets surplus were reported. We have evidences that point to the chaos heading for the elections that we don't know if it is intentional and perhaps for stupidity. Since they are many accusations of Mexican residents abroad that they have not received their electoral packages on behalf of the IFE, and they have been made believe that in the first phase of the process it would be enough with sending envelopes with presumed paid carriage that they didn't recognize the alien postal offices, for what many compatriots should pay themselves that service, with such of exercising their right to the vote. However the ingenuous continue waiting their electoral tickets that will never arrive. Flavio Sosa asked in Twitter, how they will have made it many Mexicans?, to those that neither answer has been given. What it happens with the elections in Mexico? And the IFE very well, thanks. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 8 - 28, June 12, 2012).

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