domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

The Spain’s agent

The state declares of public utility and subject of expropriation
The Spain’s agent
By: Carlos Damián May 23, 2012
Corporative privates they generate more than half of the electricity that CFE
México. - The control about the oil rent has allowed countries like Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador to dedicate considerable resources to programs to reorient its development, to mitigate the poverty, to combat the illiteracy, to improve the health and to build nets of social protection. This politic of social well-being results are evident. In 2008, Rafael Correa president from Ecuador noticed to Felipe Calderon: "to be of right-side already passed in fashion in Latin America". This recommendation would have now to repeat them to the three presidential applicants: Enrique Pena Nieto (PRI), Josefina Vazquez Mota (PAN); and Gabriel Cuadri (Panal) that they claim the opening from Pemex to the private sector, they are in the same way that the absurdities of the Mexican leader.

The following question is when privatizing Pemex they will have to ascend and to create new taxes to sustain the system of well-being common to the Mexican. Or in their case it will pay them the Mexican oligarchy. It is question? In this way they are Luis Tellez's declarations, president of the Mexican stock exchange of Values and old representative of the investor Carlyle, demanding to open Pemex to the private initiative to be able to operate in the stock exchange and to obtain earnings like a true company. They are made water the mouth with this rich mouthful to the national capitals because after all they will sell it to foreign investors that are those that know how to manage this type of investments - remember the destination of the expropriated Mexican banks -.

The national electricity
The Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF, in Spanish) it alerted to the Spanish and Mexicans private electric power companies already take place more than half of the electricity that generates the Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE, in Spanish) because some generating of public electricity are out to favor the high prices of the private trade from the electricity to the state, it was sustained that of following this tendency they will surpass this way to the CFE -propriety of the State-. When continuing yesterday with the revision of the public bill 2010, the ASF explained to the commission of surveillance of the Chamber of Deputies that in 2012 those producing of independent, national and foreign energy, generated 21 thousand electricity terawatts, while CFE 177 thousand; eight years later the companies 78 thousand terawatts and CFE 160 thousand took place.

For some years until today's day, the ASF underlined it detected simulation in the electric power sale, because in the case of the co-generators, with the simple one made that they had actions with a value of 10 pesos, they received the energy and they sold it. It exposed that from 2000 it began to be increased the energy acquisition to the independent producers, because the plants have become obsolete and the CFE has not renovated the old plants neither given maintenance. With these antecedents the CFE the purchase argues to the private producers because the price to which acquires the electricity is cheaper than if it produced it. To be concluded it details that the Mexican legislation doesn't fix limit for the delivery of permits from 2000, that which has caused that the margin of reservation of CFE regarding its installed capacity is at the moment of 17 percent when the limit defined by government's meeting is of 6 percent.

High rates of light to the consumer
Before the increment of cases in the collections of light for the CFE, the arbitrary cuts of the service and the intimidation actions, " repression " and the consumers' imprisonment in the Center of the Mexican nation, integral of the National Net of Civil Resistance against the high rates of the electric power and the National Assembly of electric power Users they went (3/29/12) to the Ministry of Government (Segob), where they carried out a graft, until they were received.

The representatives of the movement offered a press conference, where they informed that practically 6 million users are not paying the electricity consumption; that the complaints presented versus the CFE for the excessive collections will surpass the 70 thousand and that there are the users' leaders' countless penal processes and the own consumers. After the graft and after being received a commission by the director of the unit of Government of the dependence, Carlos Armando Reynoso Nuno, these organizations and authorities achieved a series of agreements, most in connection with their accusations of the legal processes interposed against the leaders of these organizations, this way, as of users.

Both parts agreed to revise the cases of the defenders and threatened activists of death to define the necessary protection measures that the mobilizations are already carried out in a mark of juridical respect the rights of the third, avoiding with it the judiciary of the same ones; and that the Segob will look for to generate a mechanism by means of which those specific projects can be analyzed which the CFE developed.

It is false that the recovery of the oil sovereignty and the electric sovereignty in several nations of Latin America have moved away to the oil investment of those countries. Simply it has diversified it. New capitals have arrived to South American lands, willing to invest in terms different to those of the old traditional metropolises. In the whole continent they have invested capitals of Chinese origin. In countries like Venezuela they have invested capitals of Russia, Iran, Turkey, Byelorussia, and Portugal. The national energy sovereignty arrived to stay for long time although they don't want the national oligarchy and the powers factices. (La Jornada, economía, p. 30, 30 de marzo, 2012)

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