domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Educational disaster

The exam to students with the ´Enlace’ test and ‘Universal evaluation’
Educational disaster
By: Carlos Damian June 3, 2012
We have to assist in a prompt way the education
México. - On the frame of the protests undertaken for some days by the National Coordinator of Workers of the Education (CNTE, in Spanish), among which we can have magisterial unemployment indefinite term –strike- in Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacan, and Oaxaca State. These indefinite strikes of teachers that went last Thursday (5/31/12) they claimed the democratization of the National Union of Workers of the Education (SNTE, in Spanish), and the immediate suspension of the test ‘Enlace’, of the program of Universal evaluation of the teaching and of the Alliance for the Quality of the Education subscribed (ACE, in Spanish) subscript by the government of Calderon and the eternal leader of the union Elba Esther Gordillo (EEG).

To the social mobilizations the accusations were added, formulated by the leader of the section 9 of the CNTE, Francisco Bravo, of the presumed test of Enlace to the educational ones “until in 12 thousand pesos", in the one that, according to the magisterial leader,” it corroborates the corruption that that stays in the bureaucracy of the SEP and the charrismo -bought leader- of the SNTE". It is unavoidable to link the critical points out and the expressions of dissent of the teaching with those that have shown in recent days from the student sector. Without going farther way, in the frame of the first general assembly of the social movement ‘#yo soy’ that last Wednesday (5/30/12) was developed in University City, the participants agreed to impel a series of measures guided to revert the budgetary abandonment that has faced the education in recent years (to dedicate 8 percent of GIP for the teaching.

To guarantee the universal access to all the formation cycles, to improve the infrastructure and to foment an educational politics with social way, among other activities, and to finish with the democracy lack and to the ‘heritability’ that reign in the SNTE. Also, the immediate exit of the directing life of the union EEG, the beginning of a political trial in hers against and the clarification regarding their patrimony and that of their relatives. The dissatisfaction of students, educational, and of family’s parents, together with the proliferation of accusations about the corruption of those who control the teaching, are symptomatic expressions of an educational catastrophe that goes but there of the bad quality of the teaching and of the inadequacy of the registration in the cycles of public education in the levels middle and superior, and whose causes would originate they are the lacks it budget them imposed by the neoliberal governments and the opacity in that it operates the group that controls the ‘leased company’ of the SNTE, to be able to factic power that doesn't only represent an obstacle for the teaching's democratization, but also for that of the country in their totality.

Without ignoring the importance that they have other topics of the calendar electoral politician at the present time, as well as the economic stagnation, the increment of the poverty and the unemployment, the violence and the loss of public security that travel to the country. In this circumstance it is clear that the current educational crisis and the perspectives for their solution should occupy a central place in the discussion of candidates and parties. After all, without a deign budget of the teaching cycles in charge of the state, without the full satisfaction of the educational demand in all the levels, without the correction of the deterioration in that they are the public facilities of teaching, without a politics of State that impels the cultural, scientific and technological development of the country, and without the disposition of the political class in their group to give up the alliances with teacher EEG's leaders.

They accuse Guerrero's governor of undergoing Calderon
The State Coordinator of Workers of the Education in Guerrero State (Ceteg, in Spanish) it accused governor Angel Aguirre Rivero of “incongruous” and of having “recoiled” before president Calderon to manifest their support to the Enlace test. "It was shown submissive, because you grieve last Tuesday he said that it agreed with applying an exam with state approach and it and not how it thinks about in the Enlace test ", the spokesman of the Ceteg, Minervino Moran Hernandez affirmed. The magisterial leader announced that the social mobilizations will be intensified. "There is not it goes behind in Guerrero: there won't be Enlace test but neither will they have Universal test. We were surprised the governor's ambivalent posture; he surely wanted to be well with the president, but before the press he said that the evaluation would be of agreement with the conditions of the entity."

The teachers of the democratic block of the section 7 of the SNTE announced that they will stop works on Monday 4th of June; the educational authorities of Chiapas noticed that they will apply discounts to the professors that they miss their works. While the Ministry of the Government of Michoacan assured that only 30 percent of those near 10 thousand schools of basic level participate in the teacher’s strike, to what the CNTE responded that its members are majority and that 85 percent of the facilities will be added to the national strike. As long as in Nayarit the teachers claim three months of salary, approximately 200 educational interim of high schools they showed in front of the palace of government of the city.

Difficultly without these points mentioned previously one will be able to achieve the re-activation of the economy and the national development, to provide from surpassing opportunities and social mobility to the youths, to impel the technological advance and to achieve the reestablishment of the right state and the social peace in the regions that they are in control of the crime rate. In the face of the inability of the current authorities to solve the different ones problematic that converge in educational matter, it is necessary to request to the different partisan forces and their candidates that put the educational topic in the center of the political debate under way, because of it depends it in good measure the viability of the country and the perspectives of a worthy future for their population. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-31, June 1, 2012)

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