domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

The political business

The casino of the democracy
The political business
By: Carlos Damián May 21, 2012
We are not sleeping we are dreaming: Wall Street occupies
México. - Dozens of millions of dollars of the richest and powerful sectors in The States, they are financing the main candidates of both parties in what has become a casino of comely, more than an election. But contrary to a casino, the bet of the democracy and the better leave winning of the casino, without caring who is elect. In their report the last pay period of January, Barack offered a message focused in the defense of the workers and its families and against the economic inequality; it even denounced the practices of the financial sector and their devastating consequences for the vulnerable America’s people.

In certain moments the president seemed to have been integrated to Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), however this social movement is one of the main donors of its reelection campaign. Behind this rhetoric of a great speaker, there are dozens of millions of dollars of the richest sectors in the country, and according to the Center for Responsive Politics, some 357 persons of the economic elite direct their partners' collective money and friends of at least 552.9 million dollars to the reelection efforts. It is spoken that this sector is the second more generous money payer in the campaign of Obama with near 9.4 million dollars only in the second semester of 2011. Some employees that sustain the president's political campaign are coming from financial institutions as: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, and Citigroup.

We are not sleeping, we are dreaming: OWS
“They say that we are sleeping, and that we have disappeared”, a demonstrator of OWS declared in the New York City after a march in Union Square from the Liberty Square. Every night activists congregate and sympathetic of OWS in Union Square, where they dialogue with the incessant line of people that goes by that Central Square. The omnipresent police surveillance also continues, and every night there is choreography where to the edge of the midnight the agents close the park and the Occupy responds with theater, rap and music. Chris Hodges journalist and prize Pultizer (3/29/12) it presented this day legal arguments before a federal tribunal in favor of their legal demand against the federal administration of Barack.

In this context they have been added to the demand legal outstanding people of the means like: Noam Chomsky, Daniel Elllsberg, Cornel West, Michael Moore, and Naomi Wolf among other, where it is accused that the measures included in the defense law they threaten civil freedoms and the right to the expression’s free, so much stops activists as for journalists. Last Wednesday (3/28/12), it Occupies together with integral of the bases of the public transportation union, TWU that is in negotiations of a new collective contract, opened the doors of 20 stations of the subway in the morning during the hour of more traffic, as protest act against the rise in the prices of the transport, the cuttings in other public services and the pressures against the union.

In parallel other popular actions are already announced to press to the authorities and many people wait that the call to the general strike of students, housewives, consumers and workers of all the branches of the industry, we call it “one day without 99 percent” for the first of May, mark a new chapter in the brief history of the movement it Occupies. In this line of information the inopportune writer wonders why there is not more participant in the street to these heights of the game, we have voices that they say that the movement is spread everywhere and it doesn't have a central headquarters. In this collective indignation that still follows present in spite of thousands of arrests, evacuates, the harassing presence of the bodies repressive of the state, the disputes of egos and diverse social groupings, we have a small miracle moved by the indignant soul of thousands of Americans looking for answers to their poverty, to their meager education, their scarce political election between two right parties and to their social exclusion.

Friend shares with me a million dollars
According to the Foundation Sunlight from 1990 up to 2010 the political contributions of the financial sector 700 percent was increased. It is of making notice that these contributions are not dedicated to a party or candidate, but to the two right-wing parties. For what we don't surprise ourselves that while the executives of a company like Goldman Sachs contributed to the campaign of Obama in 2008, the company is taken charge of managing the great millionaire fortune of the republican presidential pre candidate Mitt Romney. But the big millionaires can also bet in this casino of elections through the Petit Comité calls Committees of Political Action (PAC), and their new version that enjoys expense restrictions, the super PAC, where they can contribute funds without limits for expenses of political campaign in advertisings of the candidates.

The republican pre candidate Newt Gingrich has benefitted with the contribution of 10 millions of dollars of its multimillionaire friend Sheldon Adelson -Money that comes from casinos in The Vegas - to a super PAC that works in favor of its candidacy. The Guardian, reports that Adelson is the richest man in the country, although Gingrich seems on the edge of the defeat in his intent of being presidential candidate of the party. This monetary contribution is one of the biggest of the country; they are a tsunami of money that floods to the political- electoral system of the country. The business of the democracy continues in peak in spite of the economic crisis. The political speeches deceive and they disguise the political system rotted in money. However the house always wins. (La Jornada, política, p. 25, January 30, 2012)

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