domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Integral politics on migration

The persecution against illegal aliens for electoral reasons
Integral politics on migration
By: Carlos Damián May 20, 2012
The rate migration zero is due to the American economy
México. - When meeting with compatriots residents of the metropolitan area of Houston, president Felipe Calderon affirmed that with the hauls of the government of Obama against migrants are fundamentally to political-electoral reasons that this country lives. The Mexican president claimed the ceasing of those practices and an integral politics claimed in this respect. During the encounter, the executive referred to the study of the Pew Hispanic Center again Pew (PHC) that he reveals that Mexico is reaching a migration of “rate zero” with The States although it recognized -to difference of the eve -. That the problem is not only due to the creation of opportunities and employments in Mexico, but to the weakness of the American economy and the aggressive, and offensive politicians against the illegal aliens when criminalizing them. In that encounter it was listened on the part of the compatriots residents in that American city they demanded him to be retired of their position the consul in Houston, Texas, Luis Malpica, for inapt. Such a position was made before Calderon and the regular of the Minister of External Relationships, Patricia Espinoza.

False strategy
To affirm that the migration has lowered because in Mexico there are more employment opportunities and better conditions of life it is “a false strategy, cheat and irresponsible", since the authorities know that the migration zero responds to the economic recession and the hardening of the political anti migrant in that nation, Leticia Calderon pointed out, academic specialized in the topic. This economic crisis is “the worst from 1929"; the end level of receipt of the frontiers, the increase of the deportations and the descent of the birth-rate in the country. The academic specialist in the topic points out that that said by the president is imprudent and liar because he knows that the drop in the migration figures doesn't have anything to do with the supposition economic development of Mexico. On the other hand we have to be very careful with the concept of “migration zero", because although it is certain that the figures of entrances and compatriots exits to The States have arrived to kind of a statistical balance, it would be erroneous to consider that the migratory phenomenon has disappeared.

Mirrors for gold find in the migration the Mexicans
"The leadership didn't know how to fulfill what promised in his government. He didn't know as generating employments” and the whole six months of federal administration he has given to the Mexican mirrors for gold", Patricio Flores Sandoval, spokesman of the union of the CTM said. Although Rene Zenteno, investigator of The School of the North Frontier and predecessor of Mohar in the vice ministry, commented that the drop in the migration has to do partly with the domestic advances, with the recession of The States and with the removals with judicial order in damage of the Mexicans. In front of the politics of deportations of Washington, Gustavo Mohar, population's vice minister, migration and religious matters of the SG, he comments that we are before a new cycle, where the Mexican chancellery applies mechanisms to guarantee the consular access to those who will be repatriated.

Before the accusations and studies of the purges that they carry out the American authorities in damage of those who have even half a decade living in that country, it stood out that that prejudicial politics is dysfunctional, because it breaks family units and he ignores the roots that they have made in that country and the contribution of the compatriots in the economic, political and cultural development of this country. It constitutes it an absurd and erroneous answer toward the Mexican residents in The States.
The good will of the compatriot's return in The States
Many compatriots are returning there is Mexico because in the country of the bars and the stars don't find work; the recession that began at the end of 2007 affected to the industry of the construction, to the restaurant’s sector and the decrease of the hotel occupation in the different tourist points, where they found a work with relative easiness, although they didn't have documents they were employees. He also has their contribution the silent but implacable persecution of the government of Obama. The “migra” have increased its inspections to the work centers and it makes laborers' hauls and then it deports them without caring that they have family. Also, they fine to the patterns that give them employment. An analysis of the PHC indicates that the laborers that have returned to Mexico in the recent five years add more than a million 400 thousand.

It would be interesting to know how many of them they have been hired by the bands of drug dealers once they are deported. The “pollero” –smuggler of back-water- of the mafias offers salaries that they don't pay them in any place. On the other hand, it has not stopped the exodus toward The States of Central American. The remittances returning to increase. In 2011 they added 22 thousand 731 million dollars, what meant a recovery of 6.86 percent regarding 2010. And last month of February, 2012 reached a thousand 788 million dollars, 8.5 percent more than in February of 2011. This perhaps means that it has not recovered the economic activity, the “migra”, the dangers to both sides of the frontier that they watch over, but they are emigrating another time.

The national factory of poor has not stopped to work only one day but they need to eat. In this way Calderon has listen the over-tomb’s voices that the Providence sent it as leader to take out Mexico of the violence, but they also deceived him when he listened that the compatriots told him they return to our earth because here they find work. To scarce months that it finishes their command, he leaves Mexico placed in the world ranking of the number one of unemployment. “The president of the employment” already leaves. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 10- 12, April 26, 2012)

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