domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

The shirt of famous mark

The judges say that Genaro Garcia Luna manufactured tests
The shirt of famous mark
By: Carlos Damián April 3, 2012
“It should put us watchful” about the processes to the foreign drug dealers
México. - On The States when the Mexicans go shopping the Americans Mall they say ‘over there the creoles come shopping’ and if at all we cross without papers or documents criminalize us, but certainly these laws are to defend the American of the aggressions of the outsiders. Until they have created laws to send to the jail that person that is either considered illegal alien by the color of their skin or for their language, since if you are happened to speak in a public place in Spanish you are sanctioned administratively. In Mexico it is another ticket and it is debated if it is liberated the French kidnapper by an error of the procurement of justice and for the reality show that was made of their detention by Genaro Garcia Luna (GGL) of the Federal Agency of Investigation, in television they created an entire theater so that the citizen saw that the kidnappers if they are apprehended.

This is because in Mexico the justice is blind with scent to corruption and impunity, and to that the procurement of justice when she is a foreigner it wants to shine and to wrap up in the flag of the causes of human rights, of the international justice and to final of the history the Mexican is considered as citizen of third class in Mexico. What happens in Mexico is a singular case; the criminal, the murderer, the kidnapper enjoy the guarantees that grant the law and the National Commission of the human rights (CNDH), it covers it with their mantel of human rights, it didn't seize for the victim, the one murdered, the one kidnapped, the one violated. Such it seemed that the justice is idiotic and it looks for to generate errors like the assembly of the kidnapping so that at the end it is acquitted the French kidnapper of its crime.

Sequels of an TV assembly
The violations to Florence Cassez's rights human pointed out by the four members of the first room of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) “they don't have to worry; they have to put on watchful that all the processes are as it points out them a constitutional State; they have to be protected according to right", affirms Miguel Ontiveros Alonso sub-procurator of human rights of the General Attorney's office of the Republic (PGR). We don't worry about that four ministers have pointed out that yes, it is there were violations; we have to put on alert that all the processes are how it points out them a constitutional State: they have to be governed according to right. "We want to point out clearly that the Constitution, the international instruments, the Penal Code, the Penal Procedural Code and all our laws has to be interpreted so that they don't generate impunity."

Florence Cassez's team (FC), she prepares a penal accusation against GGL, secretary of Federal Public Security, which will be presented before the organs of procurement of French justice that have jurisdiction to know of the quarrel due to the condemned woman's nationality for kidnapping, Frank Berton announced. This is the appropriate moment to denounce the immodest acts and it should be punished. The four ministers have denounced that that man (GGL) it manufactured tests. To the French justice it will interest him a lot and everything is in the report of Mr. Zaldivar. Berton accused president Felipe Calderon of having pressed the ministers of the maximum Mexican tribunal.

We fall again in kind of a simulation
When concluding that the trial against FC was irregular and there were violations to the due process, but at the same time not to point out guilty neither to advance in the punishment of these, the SCJN wasted a unique opportunity to send an overwhelming message against the impunity, activists of civil organizations affirmed (ONG). It has been qualified of “paradoxical” that four of the five ministers have highlighted that there were violations to the rights of the accused, without there are consequences for anybody. This verdict had also allowed us to become a society and a more advanced system of justice, but if it doesn't happen we swimming then we fall again in kind of a simulation and we get lost the opportunity to send a clear message that if they affect the human rights it can have strong consequences. That pity.

We can underline that in a right state we had not needed the intervention of the SCJN, in this type of matters when being detected the assembly, the case quickly had been annulled, however it was the chief of that organization of justice the one that mounted such an operative one to convince to the opinion public, banal administration of justice. If we recapture the facts, the General Attorney's office of Justice (PGJ) it won't investigate itself, mainly foreseeing that in the future it could demand that they are carried out investigations against their current leadership.

Justice is demanded
But some consider that the resolution of the SCJN is not necessarily deplorable, but rather it can even present a new opportunity to restore a corrupted and political process. In this matter it can be a space to cover the demand that there is an effective investigation and attached to the standards of the due process. Our posture is not to complain of cut the decision, because the solution of the case is only reprogrammed. Although some activists have been added to minister's Jorge Rebolledo petition that those responsible for the television assembly are punished, still if it is the director (GGL) of the Federal Agency of Investigation. We consider that this it is a good opportunity to leave a politics miss that consists on the overexposure of delinquent suppositions with merely cosmetic ends, in show reality of the penal justice and the production of famous criminals with brand name shirt. (La Jornada, secuelas de un montaje, p.p. 2 – 3, 23 de Marzo, 2012).

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