miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Teacher Gordillo

Nacional The true problem is the corporatism’s union she isn’t the teacher Teacher Gordillo “was the hated person” in Mexico By: Carlos Damian March 6, 2013 The 'teacher’s daughter' tries to be positioned as candidate from the Panal to the Senate México. - One year ago, Monica Arriola's team, daughter of Elba Esther Gordillo (EEG), the consultant looked for you See to commend him that she redrew her public image and that of her mother, in search of being positioned as candidate to senator, at the time of changing the negative perception that caused the then almighty union leader EEG. Enrique Ortega, owner of this company, made a poll, and when detecting that the teacher “was the hated person in the country", he said “goodbye to the client", like one says in that means when they reject to work for somebody. In accordance with the poll was not well seen by people of different sex, ages and socioeconomic levels. "People used all the negative adjectives to define it and none positive. It was impressive, he didn't have this way before a case; for example of some politicians it is said: ‘it is corrupt but he knows’, in this matter much people tossed him the blame of the educational backwardness." The fall and the teaching's eternal leader's jail doesn't mean for itself an improvement in the school system of the country and perhaps a sign of democratization since the dynamics of the corporatism between the professors and the Federal Executive continues intact, diverse investigators coincided specialized in educational topics. On the other hand, the Center of Labor Investigation and Union Consultant ship (Cilas) it pointed out that although the process against EEG is not able to but taking place, because it is the fall of one of the darkest characters and catastrophes of the corporate union mafia characterized by the corruption and the abuse of the power", it should also leave thoroughly against its government accomplice of four six years of federal administration". It considered that the eternal leader's capture EEG also, looks for to legitimate and to hide the perverse side of the educational reformation against the labor rights of the teachers, and he said that there is a danger that it is used as pretext anti-union." In the other side of the nation we have to the Union of Pemex and it is the organization with more dissidence. It is also the grouping with more labor and penal accusations of active workers and pensioners against a general secretary, Carlos Romero Deschamps (CRD). These accusations are in their majority, demands of “habeas corpus” that have interposed those unionized against the note takings to the eternal oil leader. They have indicated that it is not valid the taking of note (permission to direct to a union). They insist that it is a corrupt trick the government's authorization to direct the union that has this leader up to 2018. In fact in wide sectors of the union, the elections are without free of vote neither they’re secrete. It is hit or it disappears to the opponents. To the assemblies it is not allowed all the workers to enter, and those that lift the voice or they claim they are taken out by the force". “Accusations have been made by the ‘taking of note’ and for almost 60 millions of dollars of a life insurance for workers hired starting from 1971 and up to 1992 that it was not returned to the workers". The loss of the union patrimony has also been denounced for more than 133 thousand 333 hundred 33 million dollars, among properties and bank bills that it left ‘La Quina" whose destination is ignored. The great national alliance has interposed many demands against the illegal and corrupt leader CRD, and it has not happened anything. The union corporatism is the true problem In a pronouncement, the Cilas underlined that, “the society cannot accept the farce of recent discovery of the swindles, and neither that it is simply a sudden act of justice of the same PRI’s government that raised it". He added that it is clear that “is a spectacular action that pursues to give legitimacy and popularity to the new and questioned federal government and to consolidate the real power of the Executive by means of a rebellious settling of accounts that takes multiple messages to discipline". On the other hand, Manuel Gil Anton (MGA), academic of ‘El Colegio de Mexico’, it pointed out that the "legends" about the power of EEG, were absolutely exaggerated because they passed for high that the bottom question was not a single character, but the relationship of the teachers' dependence with the current President. As well as we had the change of the previous leader of the teachers of the SNTE, with Jongitud Barrios, to EEG it didn't mean the modification of the pact that subordinates the educational thing to the political - electoral, in the same way the teaching would not change for the fact that she is no longer, because the (true) problem is the union corporatism, MGA asserted. For the sociologist the judicial process against the former leader is not an act of justice in favor of the professors, but a strategy of the PRI to recapture the control of the SNTE and to send the message that you cannot reach agreements about the base of the blackmail, the threat and the rebelliousness. Although on the other hand Angel Diaz Barrriga, emeritus investigating of the Institute of Investigations on the Education and the University, coincided in that the fall of EEG “it doesn't change anything", because the basic structures of which she formed part have not been modified. "The union had taken more and more attributions, to the degree that the special teller of the UN, on the right to the education said in 2009 that his relationship with the SEP was 'not classic', because it seemed to have a co-direction. Now the President sends a message that the State will recover the conduction of the system", he explained. In this context, the members of the Front Joint of Normal Publics of Guerrero's state (Funpeg) they showed against the educational reformation. This Sunday past, March 3, they took the hut of collection of the Freeway of the Sol México -Acapulco and they charged 100 " cooperation " pesos to the drivers, with the intention of picking funds for their movement. The Funpeg is integrated by nine facilities teacher’s schools. Four are more in unemployment of activities from principles of January, and five facilities for 20 days. The expensive gasoline of the Mexican Seemingly the consumers from Norway pay the most expensive gasoline in the world: $2.23 for liter. However, the daily entrance of the Norwegian is of 245 dollars. With 89 dollars they fill the tank of 40 liters of the car, that is to say, a little more than half of a day of work in Norway. This country is oil as Mexico, and it has the prestige of being that of more human development in the orb. A long time ago it was in the underdevelopment; his government in contrast with the Mexican, is of the less corrupt ones. Let us take a case of Latin America: Brazil. The liter of gasoline costs 58 cents of dollar and the entrance is of 30 dollars per day. To fill the tank is of 49.87 dollars. A consumer needs less than two days of work. Brazil already removed to England of its position numbers five among the economies of the world. With the former president Lula da Silva a great advance it was achieved, just the same years in that the administrations of the PAN collapsed in a ravine to our country, for their ineptitude, mental confusion, taking a bath in blood to the country. Under Dilma Rousseff's presidency she is giving another important step combating the government corruption, but there if they rotate the heads of the officials thieves, corrupt, they will leave their bones in the jail. The Mexican government justifies the increases to the gasoline (big shots gas), with the argument that, as Pemex it cares half of the fuel of The States, there it is more expensive than here. But that argument for its very frequent use has worn away it. The difference is very small. The liter to the other side of the north Mexican frontier is worth 76 cents, but the entrance of the American is of a thousand 53.50 dollars daily. Full the tank with 30.5 dollars. It only needs to use what wins in some hours of a day of works. To fill the tank costs 29.71 USD, but here they know it the minimum wage it is of $4.32, that is to say a tank is bought with a week of work. It is interesting to observe like in two oil countries, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, it is doubly cheap: for the price and in function of people's entrance. In Mexico the ‘Magna’ type gasoline went up 7.3 cents; from Saturday their price is of 74 cents. To fill the tank costs 29.71 dollars, but here they know it, the minimum wage is of $4.32, and that is to say a tank is bought with a week of work. It is interesting to observe like in two oil nations, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, it is doubly cheap: for the price and in function of people's entrance. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6-10, March 4, 2013).

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