miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

We feel like to win

Dictatorship to the Mexican
We feel like to win
By: Carlos Damián October 23, 2010
Objective of Initiative Mexico is to domesticate to the Mexican
México.- In Mexico until today exists an alarming concentration of power, wealth, handled and controlled by some hands, something which is very dangerous for the democracy. We are to the door of a Dictatorship (“totalitarismo” type) unpublished, as devastating and bloody as those which previously we have lived. To each advance of the democracy there is a blow antidemocratic. The occurred changes have been apparent or cosmetic. Currently there is a key word; it is the insecurity before the vulnerability of the persons, of a society with the broken fabric, what puts us on a serious desolation and isolation danger.
A society that is distorted in such a way is returned almost impossible to governing. As if it would be a cancerous fabric. As compared to this situation, the powers mediatics are transubstantial; form part of that power that is wanted to preserve. It can not be said that we are misinformed, what occurs is that are informed in one way biased. While it is experienced or approved the transgenic, it is given to him a shot in the head to a soccer player; while there is an accusation against the catholic Church in connection with the pedophilia, questions this severely the homosexual and whey marriages.
At this time there is a kind of against - information, perverse managing of the news, the foregoing accomplish it so that the persons are not deposited actually what passes in the country, what at the end of accounts impacts in their quality of daily life. The media inform Mexico through daily anecdotes, perfectly possible, is established a fictitious vision than what could happen in the country.
The Initiative Mexico
This concept launched with bass-drum and dishes is about dangerous form to the totalitarian. This political system, the dominant class is not certified with the exercise of the authority from the governmental institutions, but displays aggressive advertising campaigns in order to control whole the public and private life of the citizens. Such attempts of "reeducation" civic typically promise "to release" to the people of a history of "backward". They aspire to create a fictitious country as of a “cultural revolution" that installs new values and practical.
The objective principal of “Iniciativa México” (IM) is to domesticate the historical libertarian spirit of the Mexican people, the act during the independence, the Revolution and the struggle by the democracy. In its place of generate new key of social living together as of a critical valuation of the national history, the initiative seeks to sap the auto-estimate of the people through the repudiation of their past. Javier Aguirre calls to "to bury the Mexico of the complexes" and "to light the Mexico of sure men and women of themselves". Invites to "let back the Mexico that seeks guilty" and "to give step to the Mexico in which all we assumed responsibilities".

The approach is resembled to the strategies of shock used in some centers of doubtful origin rehabilitation that compel to the interns to first be denigrated to the extreme with such of recognizing their past mistakes. IM seeks to generate an identity crisis and a spiritual vacuum in the Mexican nation that thereinafter could be filled with designed artificial propagandistic messages directly by the entrepreneurial and political class. IM it does not seek, neither from a log away that the Mexican people is informed of the fact that had the strength to leave of the current situation, but of convincing it of the fact that he is the responsible principal for their mishap.

"What do you proud at Mexico?", and continues the spot, the Mexico of "the pretexts, that of eternal already almost we win, a man which always waits the worst, alone man which seeks guilty, a man which learns to live with fear, a man which prefers the individual victories to the collective victories". According to Televisa, Mexico needs of a saving power, an angel that could recapture it of his original sin. It is not mere coincidence, that within this unlucky project the Angel of the Independence no longer it is more a symbol of the victories of the heroes of 1810 but the lance top for the construction of a "new” Mexico directed and controlled by the “mediumcratic” of the country.
It is just to recall that, Felipe Calderon extracted the remains of the illustrious men, which were resting in the corner of Florencia and Reform. Now this monument is converted into the pulpit from where the shepherd Javier Aguirre, ex directing of the select of soccer scolds and directs the Mexican masses the motto subliminal "be duteous and respectful". If these entrepreneurs actually wanted to contribute to the national development, would begin for paying the fine that for more than 13.34 million of dollars to the Electoral federal Institute (IFE), this for be not held to the Mexican laws and bylaws.
It is not generosity but the one which meanness motivates to the TV Corporatizes to launch the project of the IM. It is seen to them interest by controlling the presidential succession of 2010 in front of the vacuum of power generated by the great failure of the government of Calderon. The purposes of the program are: "to create future prospectus to the Presidency of the Republic" and that "is directed to discover natural social leaders or even, to manufacture them with the power of the camera and the reflectors. (El Universal, 12 of June). Other aspect of the promotion is the intolerance toward the political opposition.
Not we let ourselves to cheat reader the independence and the Mexican Revolution are examples of the power of the resistance of the citizenship, rebellious, critical and active, disposed to conquer to the economic and political power for them. We continue the road. (La Jornada, opinión, p. 26, 14 de Junio, 2010).

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