miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

The occupational precariousness

Mexican starts a period to negotiate the financial debt
The occupational precariousness
By: Carlos Damián October 17, 2010
The accusation implies that Profeco will represent to the dissenting before the court that carries the mercantile contest
México. - The Mexican Aviation Company (CMA) and their subsidiary Click and Link stop of operating thousand 35 flights with destination and origin at Distrito Federal between 6 and 28 of past August, at the par that their obligations increase. To this uncertainty climate is added also the luck that will run thousands of workers of the companies - only CMA has 6 thousand -, who do not know if today will receive their way salary norm. According to the data of the airline, only in the International Airport of the Mexico City (AICM) were canceled thousand 35 national and foreign flights. Of this total, 678 corresponded to CMA, 320 to Click, and 37 more to Link.

According to the Economy Secretariat (SE) and the Federal office of the prosecutor of the Consumer (Profeco), the affected users will be able to obtain” special tariffs from those companies, as well as in Aeromar and Live Aerobus, but "subject to availability". To lift an accusation against some of the three airlines that controls NGA, the consumers should present ticket of plane and official identification, in addition to filling the accusation format (this is not available in the web: www.profeco,gob.mx, however that of complaints yes).

The accusation implies that Profeco will represent to the dissenting before the court that carries the mercantile contest of the NGA, as opposed to the complaint, that only it is an administrative competition, based in Profeco, and that it is what more were recommending the officials of Profeco the users affected in the capital airport. The decision of a federal judge of granting to CMA protection against their creditors, in order to that the company be in condition of resuming operations constitutes the greater mercantile competition process since that legal figure was introduced in the national legislation makes a decade.

All the worthies of CMA, entity those which is the federal government, go to leave scraped. What occurs now, with the mercantile competition statement issued by the judge, that is opened the conciliation stage of 185 days (six months so that is sought an agreement between the company and creditor, between them to the workers. Without doubts this is the mercantile contest process most relevant than it has occurred in the country, all over what implies.

Occupational instability
The advertisement of the company on the part of group Holder K, of 95 percent of the actions of CMA and their low-cost subsidiaries has opened a new waiting compass in the negotiations between the company and its working. To the advertisement of the restructuration of the company, will be translated, of entry, in the exit of 300 pilots "by resignation" - will receive a "compensation" deferred to 12 months - is added the "proposal", accomplished by the new shareholders to the unions of stewardess and aviator pilots, of "to sign a letter" in the one which the workers determined to what worker-bonus would be prepared to resign for "to save to the company".

It is of supposing that the salvage operation of CMA is translated in a clipping of the occupational and union conquests achieved by the personnel. Such circumstance puts on relief a continuity thread between the ancient proprietary of the company, headed by Gaston Azcarraga, and the new investors: if the first blamed wrongfully to the workers by the crisis of CMA, and they sought with this to move them the responsibility by wrong entrepreneurial practices that carried to the company to the bankruptcy. The workers insist on the argument of the NGA, that the only one possibility of restructuring the company is that the personnel accept occupational conditions “denigrates, offensive and repugnant".

This context is only the backdrop of a campaign, tolerated and even impelled by the occupational authorities to annihilate the collective contracts of various unions and to present the union conquests as ballasts to the competitiveness, the viability of the companies and employment generation. The alliance have been countersigned between the group in the power and the expressions most antidemocratic of the Mexican syndicalism, as well as the high levels of the group that control the oil unions and of teachers, on the other hand we have the summit of the simulated contracting, of protection, they are mechanisms that permit the chiefs to avoid responsibilities for with their working, and that constitute a fundamental factor of the precariousness of the work conditions.

The critical situation that brings face to face the IMSS in what is financial results a colophon logical for a job market in the one which proliferate the occupational uncertainty, the informality, the under-contracting, and by consequence do not flow the necessary resources for the maintenance of the social security mechanisms to charge of the state. In this circumstance, reflects the conditions of " occupational flexibility", that are intended to incorporate with the reform of the PAN in occupational matter, it is not strange that the cases of capable unions of negotiating conditions it deign are returned increasingly isolated and that they will be presented, as groups "privileged". However by following the current trend by conquests annihilation of union, occupational precariousness, and hunger wages is searching the risk of exhausting the patience of the workers and their families, putting to the country in a perspective of a social irritation and of possible stages of un-governability. (La Jornada, economia, p. 6, August 30, 2010).

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