miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

The American threats

New threats appear in the area
The American threats
By: Carlos Damián September 13, 2010
the most serious threat: the hunger
México. - The new threats appear in all the places according to the news in the media. In fact the country of the bars and the stars has created foreign threats to justify wars, invasions, interventions, internal safety measures, torture on behalf of the freedom, the defense of the human rights and the peace. However apparently the internal threats, created here they are the most dangerous. From among these threatening curiosities to the country in this week.

The CIA identified to the subsidiary of Al Qaeda in Yemen as the most urgent threat for the national safety, the CIA perceives to these affiliate groups, and not to the kernel centered in Pakistan, as the principal threatens, and propose federal officials to increase clandestine military operations in Yemen. In Afghanistan the high military officers have insisted on lengthening the removal periods of the military presence, and be gone of this place benefits to the enemy Taliban. The corruption in Afghanistan with the ally Hamid Karzai, it was identified as a threat to stabilize to this country.

The ex-chief of National and assistant safety of safety Mohamed Zia Salehi, it has been in the list of the CIA, and the relationship to this safety agency drags "deep contradictions in the center of the policy of the government of Obama in Afghanistan, furthermore this personage subsidizes to the same persons suspicious of perpetrating this impunity and corruption". Before the high suicides level within the strings military, the Pentagon evaluates how to improve its prevention programs in all the militarized services, since between 2005 and 2009 more than thousand 100 integrating of the military forces have been committed suicide, and that figure is being increasing.

Other threat to the soldiers in active, results that most of these soldiers refuse to share their dormitories with gays and whey. The general James Conway, is opposed to the reform that permits the gays to enter the armed forces, and he expressed that perhaps the solution will be to request the hut-mate the soldiers’ gays will be voluntary. This solution frighten a more to the marines that to bring face to face the "enemy". But the most serious threat will be the advertising of the right-wing forces than incessant mind repeat countrywide slogans as: the country is under assault of Al Qaeda and of the other the Moslem world. Or perhaps the threat will be the wave of Mexican and Latino immigrants that threaten us, above the entire south.

This entire advertising situation to induce panic in the Americans makes to nourish phobias anti - migrant and hatred crimes. With this xenophobia, the apartheid, the elite dealing between American societies, the financial crisis, the climatic change, it is a cocktail that the Americans will take to daily to survive in this chaotic world. This feeds the national discussion in connection with the possible construction of a community center and mosque to two blocks of the site known as zone zero, where was the World Trade Center, that the right-wing considers an affront to the national memory. Yet more it is suspicion of the president Christian Afro-American, consider it Moslem and communist.

In this string of threats, what more concerns is the unemployment, the economic uncertainty. For these aggressions does not serve the military solution, neither to make to the foreigners to leave of this serious threaten: is hunger? In this threats context we have to the conscience of the persons in the middle of wars and economic crisis, as will answer this individual and collective conscience. If we made surveys now that be in style, we see that the persons prefer be rich to be intelligent, well this would explain because the youths believe that the mouse Mickey is the father of the country, and that Kung-Fu-Tse is an Arab to the service of Al Qaeda.

Ideological battle
According to the right-wing say that The States is under the threat of be returned communist, some American of the Tea Party believe that with Barack Obama are socialistic, other believe that we lived fascist dye changes. The great ideological struggle in The States is difficult to understanding. The majorities reproves the political duopoly in Washington do not represent the interest of the people. A part of the country believes that the continuous country advancing in wrong address. The phenomenon of the president election and that it will be an Afro-American, with schism interrupted this skepticism and alienation in the formal institutions of the policy during a time, but polls and recent studies register the return of a every time greater disillusion. (La Jornada, mundo, p. 29, 30 de Agosto, 2010).

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