miércoles, 6 de octubre de 2010

A spoliation suffers Mexico

Mandatory Mexican landing
A spoliation suffers Mexico
By: Carlos Damián October 7, 2010
Influences traffic, corruption and impunity
México.- With a English phlegm that stinks to complicity, the government of Calderon assures that does everything possible by avoiding a third bankruptcy of the Mexican Aviation Company (CMA) - Mexican -, that could be deadly. Juan Molinar Horcasitas is author of the previous phrase, which if you moves the matter of Mexican seems to stink to influences traffic, and corruption. It can not be believed that the federal authorities do not are you attempt to the federal grants, it is their obligation and for that them pays the federation as responsible for the Communications and Transportation Secretariat (SCT). This current minister (Juan Molinar Horcasitas) responsible for SCT and the previous Minister Luis Tellez they captured the disaster that liquidated to Mexican.

In this ministers traffic that they have occupied the charge of SCT, alone is seen a group of sluggards that fell by inertia in this important it. To the let to Mexican in wolf hands that alone were aspiring money and not precisely to invest obtained money so that the company, it had economic viability. Exploited it, they terminated it (tower of Xola) and broke it joyous. With these actions is justified the irritation of the passenger thousands, they do not attend duly their complaints. However the priority of the federal government is other: to cover the embezzlement, absurd and irregular situations, and the incompetence of the previous owners, which just they would see to a machine of making money. In this curtain that the federal government lets to fall, the holder K is part of these instruments that are handled for hidden.

Upon saving to the company first with: a saving of the pilots upon providing a 20 percent of their wages, with which they saved 200 million of dollars; second, a unnecessary image change; three, the National Bank of Foreign Trade (Bancomext), grants a (supposed) credit to Mexicana; four, a private name bank Banorte concedes to them a financing of 33.33 million of dollars. Where is the money? Do you know about that?

As a water wealth, the Mexican people is asked: Where is the supervision of the government?, (an airline is a federal grant), why do it continued the sale of tickets knowingly them that in August would break the company?, Where is the money of the retired fideicommissum of the pilots and the savings about them that were relied to the administration of the company?, and the auditory of Mexicana? Why the federal government did not request as guarantee the actions of the Grupo Posada? The SCT says that not correspond to it from the problems of the sector, as if they would not be regulatory and executives of the aviation grants, and as always they say that there is no money to liquidate to the workers.

An air traffic controller, and specialist in the matter Maria Larriva Sahd us conversation the following and this text is part of hers conversation -. "This is arbitrariness, since the average antiquity of the pilots is of 30 years and they do not have responsibility anything. Furthermore they were robbed by the administration of the company. On the other hand it is very serious not to have a political aeronautical, since it permits the SCT to favor discretionally to given companies or persons, as in the cases of Volaris (with Pedro Aspe, Salinas de Gortari Ministry of Estate as visible head) and Interjet (Miguel Aleman Magnani, son of the shareholder of Televises and ex governing of Veracruz, at the same time son of the ex president of the same last name) in this six years elapsed, and Taesa (of the family Hank) in other governments".

"Finally the bone of contention is the airport of the Mexico City, whose saturation and demand provokes the air lines disappearance to assign slots to the other companies or to the consented of the government in shift". These are the ministers that they have occupied to SCT: Pedro Cerisola y Weber, Luis Tellez, and Juan Molinar Horcasitas. Either they are responsible since the administration from Fox returned to Mexican to the same entrepreneurs that broke Mexicana in 1994 and deposited it in hands of the Fobaproa (federal government), so that recaptured it again.

These ministers as Cerisola after concluding the administration of “the change” of the PAN was bead glad; Tellez dispatches in the presidency of the stock exchange bag of Mexican values, by courtesy of Felipe Calderon; and Juan Molinar Horcasitas, protected of the neighboring of Los Pinos, is maintained in his cargo without preoccupation some, though the sector which assume responsibility for it be in the administrative misery. However Molinar Horcasitas, it says that "he does everything possible by avoiding a third bankruptcy".

We recall as avoid the bankruptcies the federal government. In 1995, when the “Azcarraga” were "ransomed" by the Fobaproa, the governmental plan was be remained with 6 percent of the actions of CMA; finally it was remained with the majority part, injected to him thousands of million of dollars, paid to him by interest, the indebtedness of the involved banks and ten years after the returned to the same rich that they had bankrupt to Mexicana price of gift. The Mexican citizen waits that the federal government would not follow making richer to the rich (La Jornada, economia, p. 28, 30 de September, 2010).

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