viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

The perfect police

Juarez City in the president's tour
The perfect police
By: Carlos Damian                                         February 9, 2015
It arises Ayotzinapa and Tlatlaya like crimes of State again
Mexico. -   Now we have the optimistic gentleman messages in the frontier and he presumes that in the city of the frontier they have decreased the criminal acts, although he didn't mention that the facts of blood have been shot in other parts of the Republic. The reader of messages in giant posters of television soap opera is a traveling one that is spreading numbers and empty rhetoric and reading hands like gipsy in tour of national carnival, the gipsy reader is resolved to give to his words and his expressions of the body a credibility that doesn't have looking for to convince the citizen that you see it and it convinces. The gipsy's tour that he reads the good fortune has an ingredient that incorporates to the official programs of the future. They say those that know that the public protests against the tenant of Los Pinos residence, are presented in regular way where you attended to give their empty rhetoric of content and of real facts that are appropriate with the reality, for what is surrounded of police and military paraphernalia in each public appearance so that they surround it forming a fence of security. The gipsy president continues him many ghosts, among them that of Ayotzinapa that follows it to where he is presented. 

Still when the tragedy of Iguala it didn't have the enough reasons to react on time, he felt be opaque and relegated by some months while their advisers indicated him as to defend of the attacks and to give a good impression to the citizen, what doesn't opt so that the slaughter of Tlatlaya of the Mexico State follows it as hunt mastiff. In this context of slaughters in Mexico one has that this tragedy goes recovering the place that corresponds them in the criminal scenario of the State. In this circumstance of minimizing the fact because the corps were considered dangerous criminals that should execute but the inflection point was that it is a practice from the military ones when carrying out “social cleaning” a practice that has not been eradicated and that it comes from times of the General Porfirio Diaz. This practice an and another time it has been reiterated that it is not an official politics, and that in that place the evidence no hidden  was shown and it arrived to a degree that had to be denounced in international means. This file dirties and it makes scarce the atmosphere of the institution of the green olive tree, and it sprinkles governor Eruviel Avila that always underrated the military participation but that due to the international pressure its attitude that it acquits of its mistakes didn't serve him as anything and he had to recognize that the state, and municipal bodies have become a real danger for their inhabitants and for the travelers that cross its territory that has specialized in criminal facts. 
The scandal of the Mexican politicians regarding inexplicable enrichments is an inexhaustible vein that translates you in real state acquisitions, travel to Swiss chalet, acquisition of deluxe cars together with the corruption and its impunity. To all this it not even stopped din of black humour that the president was able to impose in this dirty and made scarce atmosphere of president EPN'S speech that she speaks of the honesty of the Mexican political class in the exercise of public positions and the regulation of eventual conflicts of interests that the president, her wife and Videgaray Treasure secretary have made. Another that was included in this black list was the former governor of Oaxaca Jose Murat Casab, the current director’s father of the Infonavit (Alejandro Murat Hinojosa), this director is at the moment in campaign hoping to be the current governor's successor Gabino Cue. And in this circumstance of successful characters in the politics Jesus Ortega stands out (PRD), which the main orchestra´s chief of the most valuable instrument in the current six years, ‘Pact for Mexico’ is believed, but this it was also stolen by the non grateful patron Jose Murat who ended up being significant executive coordinator, of the call 'We steal for México'. 
Investment in Real state and the great apple 
Apparently the scandals of politicians that defraud to the State and they place their money abroad at deluxe homes, in fiscal paradises just as in islands Cayman, or in Switzerland, of where their money the Mexican public never finds out. This show of millionaire robberies was published by courtesy of The New York Times, newspaper that in The States in front page included it as a report seriate on the dark money of outsiders that flows to buy elite condominiums in the great apple. This work was carried out during more than one year under Louise Story signature and Stephanie Saul, and in this special report it is mentioned as these Latin Americans they have been investing with dark references in big deluxe mansions, and as these multimillionaire buyers they are not investigated in its small homeland. Plus still of courtesy they give us with 16 representative characters of the multimillionaire elite with dark antecedents, mentioning to the middlemen and key characters of the Mexican power. It is indicated that beyond the metropolitan area, it is found that in the empire of the north half of the purchases of real state properties of elite are made by foreigners that use company simulated to hide their enormous revenues that come from dark and dirty handlings. 
The citizens that suspect would not be missed that in this list provided by the daily New Yorker they are political, municipal presidents, federal legislators, governors, caciques, former presidents and presidents from Mexico, union, and integral secretaries of the dirty and damned corruption that gives the Mexican impunity. Elba Esther Gordillo the former general secretary of the SNTE now after the grills, it won't return to the elite house in San Diego, California because the trial will continue in Mexican floor and due to the restrictions of freedom that they were imposed her when entering in disagreement with the presidential cabinet. However the union former boss will be able to build a cage of gold to relieve her whim it to be locked in judicial process that the procurator of the six years applied her, although it was welcomed to the procedural benefits due to his age septuagenarian. In this string of scandals it is recognized to a woman of scarlet fame and controversy but regrettably she didn't walk on red mat in the Grammys, and we refer to Sandra Avila Beltran that threatens to take the control of their great fortune, joined to a mountain of real state properties. This ‘Queen from the Pacific’, is related with police bosses, and with bosses of the organized crime, she has benefitted since of the law she has a judicial resolution that has it in freedom (02/07/15). 

In this history of tuti di tutta capi we have Rafael Caro Quintero that was put in freedom by a procedural sentence that although it was revoked it won't be able to be apprehended, due to their state of health and to that their relatives have it well protected. Another pioneer in the dark arts is Miguel Felix Gallardo; uncle of the ‘Queen from the Pacific’ that correspondent went to Guadalajara, to the prison of Big Bridge. With a whistle that it announces the arrival of Felipe Calderon’s sister, Luisa Maria Calderon, (Cocoa), Gustavo Madero (PAN) announces the total support. With this Sunday certificate it will contend in the elections of Michoacan. Another candidate, Jose Ascension Orihuela (Chon), political of the PRI, of local fame something dented that it will be available to be declared defeated, if it orders it to him this way the tenant of Los Pinos residence, because it has not fastened their candidacy in Guerrero. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 9-10, February 9, 2014).

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