viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Je suis...

Mistaken decision of the Muslim world 
Je suis Charlie
By: Carlos Damian                                        January 18, 2015
The children killed the siblings  
Mexico. -   The permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union condemned the happened attacks last week against the French weekly publication Charlie Hebdo and legislators of different groups of politics -except PRI and PVEM - they pointed out that Mexico charge should also be taken of solving the hundred of murders and aggressions against Mexican journalists. In tribune deputy Nelly Vargas (MC) it sustained that according to data of the CNDH, from 2000 in Mexico 97 journalists have been murdered; in 10 years and other 22 are missing and from 2006 42 attacks have been reported against media facilities. From Los Angeles Channel (Panal) it stood out that the facts happened in France “should be a call of attention for Mexico“ to approach the attacks and the journalists with all responsibility. This writing is with reason of the tragedy of the weekly publication Charlie - Hebdo (C-H). This tragedy forces to review one of the sentences of the French and more republican revolution: legality, equality and fraternity. The town of Paris came out to the streets, for millions on Sunday 11 of January and this manifestation was in solidarity with the murdered journalists and in defense of the Republic and of the rights and freedoms without religion distinction, profession, nationality, sex and profession. 

The murders of the journalists of C-H have impelled the debate globally on the freedom of speech and their limits. For some the freedom should be without restricting, since it is a great success in the construction of horizontal societies. As for others they say that this freedom should have a regulation to refrain the language of those that blaspheme to God and in its case they insult and they make fun of other religions. Without a doubt they uttered injurious words against the prophet Mohammed. The journalists were conscious that they caricatured and that millions of Muslims were insulted, and deceived with the French sarcasm, but they claimed their right when blaspheming against representations and sacred symbols. Their piercing cartoons didn't stay in the land of the political thing; they invaded the religious, political, economic and socio-cultural land. Their cardboards and comic ribbons were directed toward upper-class magnates, manager, political and grateful socialités. The humor of these journalists is sour, with pungent and cruel irony that has examples in different parts of the world and its humor ridiculed the representatives of these powers in the French society. However it had repercussion and the savage attack of the massacre in the facilities of the French publication, it is a case limit. In this point of it breaks they paid a high price since apparently the journalists that undressed with their humor the excesses of these fanatic Islamites, the members they put on in action January 7 in Paris, supported by the great religious, economic and political movement of the Allah prophet's believers. 

With this action the citizens from France impeded that political and governors of any color made his the demonstration with the mantra: "I am Charlie". These words also play our heart if we remember the recent Mexican mantra, “we all are Ayotzinapa" that moves feelings, actions and it remembers the violence, disappearances and thousands of deaths it makes that the blood of our corps wraps us as a holocaust. In France one lives the watchword of a free thinker; they have learned how to do without of God and to hate the power and their perverse joy. The master of all investigator, professor and liberal student is the knowledge. This rhetoric gives coherence to the reason, it tranquilizes them and the social situation legitimates it. They have received an aggression, they have been targets of an attack and this audacity that it shares a total insolence, it has hurt them, and it has hurt the journalists that are authors of Charlie-Hebdo, since this magazine it shared the French values, to laugh at our own coherence, with sarcasm and it deceives. All these French have not prevented that their work changes its point of view, and beyond their comforts and material contingencies that don't have sometimes, this doesn't prevent to have vacations. Although the intellectuals live amid books, the professors that frequent educated, refined, elegant and learned people. 

These professors consider obvious to the freedom heading to the town (painting of Eugène Delcroix, 1830) and Candide of Voltaire is part of the humanity's patrimony. In the Speech of Dakar I explain to it the French president Nicolas Sarkozy in the Dakar University, Senegal, 2007; where he declared that “the drama of Africa is that the African man has not entered enough in the history"; it is already hour that this group of ignoramuses knows Voltaire. These murderers of Charlie have perpetrated an abominable, but more terrible series of deaths it is that they speak French and with the accent of the suburbs of Paris, when listening what these ignoramuses scheme, trauma this feeling because they resemble our students, and when reviewing their words it makes them feel guilty, in spite of the daily commitment of these professors, investigators are not liberated of this great error. Perhaps they have left aside the commitment of the republican values, perhaps these officials of a State don't fulfill their daily obligations; the French citizens are normal that they complain about the increase of taxes, they are taxpaying that they can take out of the fiscal excuses, and that they have allowed the individual to prevail on the collective thing;  these French citizens don't intervene in political and they sometimes make fun of who make it; perhaps these investigators, professors and students have learned how to do without of God and to hate the power and their perverse joy, and perhaps they are responsible for this situation. 
The journalists of Charlie-Hebdo are our siblings and French citizens and as siblings we cry them. The murderers were orphan, servants in boarding schools lower it guides of the State, we can consider even this way them as children from France, and these murderers have killed this way their siblings. A French holocaust has been configured, and in any culture it causes a feeling of shame and it punishes that it has caused a difficult feeling: shame and cholera. With these opposing feelings it is accused to other, but it is a dirty spit that rushes to the air and they are returned and it dirties them. In any part of the world either the French citizens speak of this shame, nobody wants to assume this responsibility, and it is from the State when instructing to psychotics, imbecile and crazy that become in perverse manipulators' toys at the end. In this instruction context the responsibility is observed from the school to which are deprived the means and economic supports; the responsibility of an urban politics is included that parks the modern slaves among which can be mentioned: the illegal aliens, the migrants without name, those people that don't have voter's credential, those that don't have license of driving, and until those that lack teeth, and they live in some suburban sewer, (La Jornada, Adolfo Gilly). 

What killed the journalists was the fanatic reaction of the criminals of the Isil. We don't believe that the fanaticism is an extenuating circumstance, but the serious reason that prevents to build diverse societies, and that the French are considered multicultural. The itinerary of these irreverent ones that they don't respect the hierarchy, and the French sense of humor. Of the inkwell it leaves to glitter a book: How the devises of Religious Toleration Came to the West, of Perez Zagorin, Princeton University Press, 2003. We don´t stop the corrupt politicians to mention, to the impunity of the one that they enjoy although they are thieves of white neck, the current politicians that never understood that the values are practiced with the example. Open the eyes and increase the vision of the French citizens so that they try to understand how it has been arrived until here and in consequence we try to build a society, lay, free, learned, same and more fraternal. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 2-17, January 21, 2015).

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