viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Apathetic EFT

In spite of the lapsed time it doesn't arrive to a solution the EFT: former consultant of the IFE
Apathetic EFT
By: Carlos Damian                                          January 22, 2015
INE can finish the inspection of the elections of 2015 first before that of 2012
Mexico. -   With the electoral process 2015 set in motion, in the offices of the magistrates of the electoral Tribunal of the Federation (TEPJF, for their initials in Spanish) they still remain without solving the resources around the expenses of the federal campaigns of 2012, and with it lacks to elucidate the legality of the polemic lattice that the PRI mounted to tie Enrique Peña Nieto victory, with Monex Bank like key element of an illicit financing and that it already turns two years without being clarified the original complaint on the used credit cards. It was a financial operation that had on the outside as axis the bottom of resources of the bank institutions by means of companies of doubtful existence, an outline that now keeps big similarities with those questioned houses of the President of the Republic, and of the secretary of Treasury, Luis Videgaray. “If we compare Enrique Peña Nieto with the whole campaign of the PRI-PVEM, in how much to personal loans, practically of friends that go financing and later they offer services to the governments that it has headed (Abraham Hinojosa was one of the suppliers of the presidential campaign), what we see is that in both cases you can compare that there are resources that are not included in the financial and bank system of the country", Alfredo Figueroa, former consultant of the affirms Electoral Federal Institute then (IFE).  
Only member of the IFE that voted against the resolution on the case elaborated by the inspection unit, headed by Alfredo Cristalinas, Figueroa questions the delay in solving the resources related with the expenses of the federal campaigns in 2012. "We find incredible that the tribunal has taken so much time in arriving to a solution. It already changed the law before they had a conclusion", in this delay of the tribunal complicity is noticed clearly with the president and its cabinet.  For the president of the commission of inspection of the INE, Benito Nacif, although the TEPJF “doesn't have term to solve this type of objections, the approaches that it emits give light to the legislators to use them in the electoral reformation and to the administrative authorities to guide in the resolution of complaints". To this action it calls itself Mexican justice. Direct consequence of the importance that had the campaign financing in 2012 was that the electoral reformation had like one of its central axes to modify the form and the times of inspection of the political parties substantially so that now they can be considered cause of nullity of an election.  
The magistrates assure that the virgin speaks to them 
At the beginning of 2014 the Congress concluded the electoral reformation that now forces the INE to finish the inspection 45 days after having carried out the elections of the next one June 7. With this reformation one could give the paradox that it was solved the inspection of the campaigns of 2015 first that those of 2012. Amid the critics that in 2012 PAN and PRD carried out to the high financing of the campaign presidency of the PRI, the PAN detected the use of cards Monex for it compares it and coercion of the vote. In Fact, the center of the polemic in the election concentrated on the illegal financing of the political campaign that it take to the candidate from the PRI to president of the Republic. Discovered the irregular operation, the PRI began a process of control of damages and “it reconstructed the history” to justify before the electoral organism from where the resources proceeded. "The tri-colored one doesn't report that it will hire a credit. It is discovered, the plot is continued and the investigation is made, and when the party presents its campaign reports it points out that it hired a credit, but not with any bank, but with associate mercantile companies (Inzzio and Alkino) that those that funded the bill of Monex were", Figueroa explains. 
The other point that the tribunal has to define is if the IFE was in the correct thing when determining that the money of Monex “was good to be funding expenses of campaign of the PRI, what was refuted by that party", Nacif points out. Pablo Gomez, representative of the PRD before the INE, outlines that the tribunal should obey the approach of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in the sense that the representative’s expenses of the parties electoral structure are of campaign. “IFE said that they were not expenses of political campaign, because it was not given the desire, and the consultants supported them. Considering the campaign resources, the PRI would appear in 2012 with a very high level of expense with which achieved the Presidency of the Republic, more than what the law allows". The polemic of the financial triangulation of the tri-colored one had as consequence that the sequel postelectoral concentrated on the financing of the campaigns and the presumed one surpasses of the types of expenses. The possibilities that then conferred the law for average it motivated an unusual outcome: the candidate of the wing-left coalition that denounced (AMLO) the excessive expenses of the political campaign of EPN turned out to be the only one that surpassed the one it collides of expenses of presidential campaign, according to the resolution of the IFE. The novels of Kafka are reflected in Mexico. 

However, concerning the expense of the coalition ‘Commitment for Mexico’, of the inspection carried out then by the missing IFE it came off that at least 187 candidates of the PRI had forced the one it collides of campaign expenses, the great majority of which are to conclude their responsibility without openly it is known. Almost two years after the revision of the campaign expenses, in eves that the legislators that arrived presumably have forced the law they conclude their responsibility, there still is not a resolution of the TEPJF. In their moment, 187 candidates of the PRI-PVEM violated the one it collides of campaign expenses for deputies and senators. The representative of the PRI before the INE, Jose Antonio Hernandez Fraguas, was declared trusted to obtain a favorable verdict, because the original ticket, was already lowered from 460 million dollars to one millions 667 thousand dollars, when being proven the legality of some contracts. He wondered why only to the PRI it criticized that it averaged the grasses of EPN when other political parties have made it before and they have also surpassed you collide of campaign. The problem pointed out, it is that to the PRD “they left them bad the bills."  
At the distance, they continue without being solved the complaints the complaints it has more than enough Monex that the PAN, and the PRD -presented February 6,  2013, resided in Constancio Carrasco's offices -, neither the resources on the campaign expenses, Pablo Gomez external its disapproval about the times of the tribunal and he comments its approaches. He discarded that the tribunal is making investigations, because the judges don't investigate. "To several magistrates we have asked them that of Monex case and they have told me: ' at the moment nobody has interest in that that you’re resolving'. ' it isn’t true, we told them.’we have interest in knowing. It is made that the virgin speaks to them".  (La Jornada, política, p.p. 5-6, February 9, 2015).

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