lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

The tactics of security in Mexico

National It will be continued impelling the creation of the Program Shield center The tactics of security in Mexico By: Carlos Damian December 26, 2012 The combat tactics, is a message of prevention of the crime Mexico. - The government’s boss of the Federal District, Miguel Angel Mancera. It pointed out that the strategy of security announced by the president from Mexico, EPN, it considers to create a block of security against the delinquency in the region center of the country, integrated, for the D. F., the states of Hidalgo, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Mexico, Morelos and Guerrero, and in coordination with Queretaro State. In the new politics of security to national scale a great impulse is noticed to the prevention of the crime and it is made some side the strategy of the violent combat to the same one, asserted the leadership of the capital. In the old Palace of the City council, where it took place the conference of means, he affirmed that “there is an entire strategic line that we do with a lot of impulse. Let us say that one of the high-priority lines will have to do with this new message to the citizenship, it is not only combat strategies, and it is a message of plans of prevention of the crime". The secretary of Department of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MAOC), he affirmed that although it was increased the number of policemen and agents of the Public Ministry, these were unable to face a growing delinquency in possibilities and resources. He complained that the penitentiary system, besides insufficient, have lost their mission of social re-insertion. Perverse effects MAOC added that the levels of violence in regions of the country are related with the market of the drug traffic and with structural variables, as poverty, faulty culture of the legality, coordination lack and institutional weakness. It disqualified the former president's Calderon recurrent posture as regards murders, when specifying that although its average for each 100 thousand inhabitants is similar to that of other countries of the continent, the “significant fact is the rate of growth of homicides that is located like one of the biggest in the world". As regards human rights, the official pointed out that the National Commission of the human rights registers 8 thousand 902 complaints for torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatments of 2005 at 2011. It also assured, “we don't believe in the speech that distributes blames, justifications, inefficiencies and pretexts. We understand that the success or failure is responsibility of all", what also contrasts with the speech of Calderon who questioned the work of the governments of the states in several occasions. Plead constitutionalists rejected that the disposition approved by the Congress so that the Senate ratifies the national commissioner's appointments of Public Security and the executive Secretary of National System of Public Security violates the Great Letter of Mexico. "The unconstitutionality action doesn't proceed for supposed violation to the article 89 fraction of the Great Letter, because the Federal Executive's abilities are not restricting; it is simply a demarcation that will make the Senate (to ratify the appointments) to certify that the designated officials fulfill the law requirements", Elisur Arteaga Nava comments. Without invading presidential abilities The also lawyer constitutionalist Edgar Martin Millan referred that although it is not guarantee of respect to the human rights that the Senate ratifies those positions, “if it is better this path that to leave wide sleeve” to the president, it sustained. "In no way there is invasion in the sphere of abilities of the federal Executive; the reformation to the Organic Law of the Public Administration leaves well saved president EPN'S ability to name to those responsible for the national security, and the only thing that one adds is the concurrent ability of the Senate to ratify the positions, just as it happens in the case of the appointment of the general procurator of the Republic", he added. Another expert person in constitutional right, Manfredo Loera, indicated that “for the tantrums", of the tri-colored one and its threats of interposing an unconstitutionality action before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN, in Spanish) everything seems to indicate that the federal government's pretense is to create a political police, like it existed in the years 70 and 80’s of last century, represented by the Federal Direction of Security. "Imagine the dangerous thing for the democracy and the human rights in Mexico: the proposal is to return to the old outline of the political police, controlled by the secretary of Department of the Interior, but with legal abilities to carry out espionage and to repress to groups progressive opponents to the government of EPN", it expressed. Miguel Angel Mancera Espinosa expressed that was mentioned during the meeting that the evaluation and certification of the police groups will take more of one year; nevertheless a position was made to create five centers of police training that could be taken advantage of by the different states. He added that among other topics it highlighted the necessity that the different entities of the country work in a coordinated way and that by means of their intelligence mechanisms they can share databases. It highlighted that he has made emphasis in the invigoration of the expert services, as well as in what has to do with the identification biometric and the location of the video cameras in the highways, in order to create a “much more armored effective with the technology use in the different entities." In an official statement of weekly press, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, coordinator of the tri-colored one in the chamber of Deputies, asserted the right of his party to promote before the SCJN an unconstitutionality action to countersign the Executive's exclusive ability to name or to remove the federal government's officials, except for those included in the exceptions that it establishes the own Great Letter. "We cannot endorse a law that contravenes the Constitution", he insisted. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 3-5, 18 de Diciembre de 2012).

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