jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

The peace of Porfirio Diaz

In Baxa is practiced a new Slavism  
The peace of Porfirio Diaz 
By: Carlos Damian                                                May 2, 2015 
The slices of the cake are for the foreigners and the American natives that rot
México. -   When being floating in this fog that covers us to all and it prevents us to survey we don't know if it is for the difficult circumstances that is to say a present time that surpasses us to all, and the political class is focused in an endless case of positions in its political platform that they never complete. These conflicts of politicians are the victory of the faction or tribe that represent to assure and it is not to improve to the society and less to recover the patrimony of the energy one that they are giving to the foreigner so that the Mexicans lack the petroleum and begging in the future to be able to move to their industry. They look for to urge the state, municipal and federal services that one doesn't have money to pay to the bureaucrats, teachers and raise in price the money to give maintenance to the bridges, avenues and federal highways.  They are outside of the focus of attention the candidacies to the local congresses and municipal presidencies, being summoned to a secondary plane. The agreements of the oligarchy are sifted so that the presidential quota is completed and the interest of the bourgeois class prevails and it becomes the primordial objective. 
It is in the electoral movement, damaged by the events of Ayotzinapa, Tlatlaya, and status quo and in spite of the actions to sustain it the toboggan of the problems underlie with signs of exhaustion and damage, and many air of the nation they have become earth of anybody. In this context limits arise where the squadrons of the paramilitary ones send dark messages and the validity of the authority doesn't establish its control. The Mexicans try to leave this capture of the society of these criminal cartels without getting it since the State it protects them and the citizen tries to continue in a civilized way their activities and attached to right and with established rules. For what the society enters in conflict and it is not able to overcome these fight stages and death for what the valuation of the democracy falls to the lowest indexes and it generates collective bad reputation. This environment has been generated by the political parties in its internal life and in its internal elections where it is reflected this cancer of the society. Although we don't allow falling in broken sack the government's game that doesn't adopt solutions and in their place it increases the differences and it loses the precarious balance without modesty and intelligence. If one observes to the political parties the lack of honesty it is noticed when being drawn itself in the electoral mosaic as a reflection of the society with a concentration of the position when distributing them to their pleasure according to the betrayals and positions dome that have negotiated. Although the transparency, and the rendition of bear in mind smashes in the face of the impunity that arises of the established system.  
I don't hear them they bring tennis 
The journeymen in their long one to go on pilgrimage looking for solutions and justice to their precarious situation in Baja California. In particular in San Quintin they face the status quo that impedes them the wall of impunity and in Mexico the political activism is criminalized as social weapon to defend its human rights and its wage that it is gravely shrunk. However the political and economic power prevents them to have answers and these they are disguised them with blows and more repression being valued its labor rights as peccata minuta. This whole scenario would be changed if it had been it claims of the oligarchy, one would have the federal government defending as a dog to this group dome. To Carlos Salinas' style a package you is generated security with the ' Gendarmeria' and the ' National Commission of Security' to repress with luxury of cruelty “to act in an immediate way in cases of collections of floor right and other crimes", Ildefonso Guajardo. Although if they are remitted to the facts they are had the mining workers, with three strikes for eight years against the Grupo Mexico (Larrea) responsible for the environmental damage of Sonora. 
In this conflict and labor repression to Porfirio Diaz's slavery is had the journeymen of San Quintin with a month of fill and little wage but nobody pays them attention, expecting the authority that they puts an end to the unemployment when leaving them in the abandonment and without help. In these times of political campaigns no party tosses them a knot, unless it is for the picture, and of the president neither its lights, nor like in the time of Salinas nobody you see them neither it hears them, this attitude belongs always the same one to the federal government.  This graphic button that the natives have given us is observed that the Porfirio Diaz’s peace that has broken after many years from the 70’s, the agricultural center is cracking slowly. This displeasure arose among those more than 35 thousand peasants of indigenous origin by 70 percent, and it is due to the conditions of extreme exploitation and without indispensable services. This situation that they suffer the natives doesn't take a lot of distance of the one that persisted before the Revolution of 1910: days of exhausting work with the participation of the whole family of origin Mixteca of the entity of Oaxaca; employments for children, approximately six years old used in the heavy works of it gathers and sowing. This whole situation is watched over by white guards with high fences, inhabiting tents, without light, without drinkable water and without toilets.  
"For more than two decades they have worked and in spite of the accusations of indigenous organizations and of human rights watch, anything is made to take them out of the misery and the excluding. It should be a true revolt, the one that played last day 6 the journeymen of the ranch Santa Anita, so that the problem came out to the light and it transcended beyond San Quintin, 300 kilometers to the south of Tijuana. Anguished by not receiving their wage behind for two weeks, the journeymen, those 'oajaquitas' (pejorative tone used for the natives). They dared to manifest openly and in a spontaneous way their claim of payment per hours under the powder and the sun, in the tomato gathering dedicated to export.  A scream is heard in the field; Hunger! They screamed in Spanish that they bad speak. When not having answer, nor conforms tried to occupy the offices of the company, property and rich manager from Jalisco, Arturo Lomeli Villalobos that bound to the banker's powerful group Carlos Cabal Peniche, and however they were evicted by agents of the municipal police", lines are they were written behind 20 years (La Jornada, 11/07/96 Jorge A. Cornejo et. al.). 

In the facts the exploitation is historical, being the violation to the human rights and labor it is narrated from 1976, of Luis Echeverria Alvarez federal government, and nobody has made anything to solve the critical situation of hunger and these Mexican citizens’ exploitation, deceived by the capitalist system. That July of 1996, it is still remembered when the journeymen entered in business and restaurants of the town Lazaro Cardenas looking for their food, because their owner, Arturo Lomelí Villalobos, for third serial week didn't pay them their wages because “I didn't have time of changing dollars to pesos the sufficiently quick thing to pay them". The baron of the area of San Quintin the luxury is given of to reject these citizens and to allow them to die from hunger. In contrast the government with Ernesto Zedillo's disguise could “rescue” manager Lomeli Villalobos and to toss them financial shit to the belly of the called dinosaur Fobaproa and this national robbery is still paid by all the Mexicans. “This same instance for orders of Zedillo was used to pay the wages of these hungry exploited to solve the violation of its labor rights, 64 thousand 666.34 dollars were used to pay payrolls. San Quintin is one of the properties of the Grupo Lomeli, and the payroll of other Baja California places was not paid. The fire was suffered July 7 and it was caused by the journeymen according to the spokesmen of the landowner and it can it turns this action like a measure of pressure so that the Fobaproa was approved and the resources are given that are wanted” for the landowner of San Quintin. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 27-28, April 17, 2015).

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