jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

The gang

The justice in Mexico is corrupt and discriminatory: citizen  

The justice in Mexico is corrupt and discriminatory: citizen  
The gang  
By: Carlos Damian                                               May 12, 2015 
It is recognized that the gangs in the colonies are criminals' source
Mexico. -   Among the diverse e-mails that we´re assisting we arrive to one that takes me for surprise in the way like taking the phenomenon of the gangs ‘maras’ producers in the country, and it says: "we are in a crusade to finish with the gang that takes possession since of the colony” the neighbors of this suburban town of Guadalajara MX they have been formed to bother and to steal to Santa Anita's neighbors, Tlaquepaque. However they have spent to this Colony Ojo de Agua, Tlajomulco, C. P. 45650 cross with September 16, to seven blocks of Santa Anita's Church can be the colony type Infonavit.  This municipality has always been characterized to lack surveillance and of basic municipal services, and it is known that for the months of April, and May of 2012, of the south side of the colony a series of robberies has been suffered in the roofs, when being they stolen the copper tubes, of cisterns, electricity cables -for what you sometimes lacks electric flow -, and of the tanks of gas located in the roof, (Ojo de Agua St: 236, 238, 288, 292, 296, 298. 300, 302, and 304), since it seems a street, apparently they are presented to harm neighboring of the town with other nearer ones to Santa Anita, but they are children -14 to 17 years - playing to be thieves and they get dressed for the dressed event of black, with hood, shirt of corduroy dark color with alive red and blue, with tennis of the same color.  
Such events happen from 3 to 5 of the dawn, and we are so much in June, as July and August that it is rain time but this doesn't intimidate them. But this situation is each two or three years, and these gangs are formed from three to five individuals -4 children and an adult that it directs them -. Apparently they are hidden with the activities of a group of ladies of the club of ‘the perpetual candle’, and like leader she is a lady of 1.65 m, of pants of mixture worn out, ugly, thin, moraine with lesbian's aspect, of name Isabel (Chabela). This lady resides in the street she #42 Agua Dulce of this colony, and at one time she was devoted to direct the gang of children and she masqueraded of corn on the cob salesperson and rasped of ice, with some ladies short, fats and annexed moraines to where she has her housing. At the beginning the name husband was devoted Jaime with occupation " worker " in downtown -Papeleria Vazquez Hermanos, SA - of the street San Felipe to a side of the Church -at the moment he works in Vazquez Brothers, laminate works -, with his son of the same name to threaten some members from the meeting of neighbors when telling them that the one: "it was order and they will obey it". Although their son of the same name lives in Ojo de Agua #152, supporting the father's activities with a chevrolet white Shade with registration of Jalisco (JJK7053), and the other son Jonathan (ID76593) in a Nissan green Pick up

A near neighbor is a fat, call El Nene", white with 100 kg of weight of 1.60 m, in #44 Agua Dulce that he brings a pick up of red color Ford mark (JN 36-058), with son of the same name that he lived in the same block of houses. This son of the same constitution and weight that the father, had a " picadero" called cybercafe, he had behind for company to a type that helped him with the sale of the drug, of this housing in the same block this dark and dangerous character he lived, always cap dress and with the eternal mixture, parallel to the last street Melchor Ocampo of the mentioned colony.  This small son of the Nene had a gang of undernourished boys adolescent first floor of 1.50m, with aged clothes, brown and coming from the colony up of the hill "Domus", called " Balcones " to come everywhere from this colony without trees, and all cement. Sometimes for the time to happen is devoted to paint the walls of the colony with their offensive and clumsy graffiti the walls of the houses, with legends like “Barra 52", with obscene images and strange and other sentences to stay in the corner of the square to offend the girls when they pass in front of them.  
In some occasions it is Jaime the father, sat down in the limit from the colony to the entrance of the same one, and asking to the girls that pass to their side and you have them to ask him if they are flirting with them or you seek to speak with them.  Jaime's wife is Chabela and she manages to a group of teenagers that they play in front of her house to midnight a soccer ‘cascara’, with the help of her children and she seeks to humiliate the neighbors that are not in her club of the “Chabelos", she has her husband's same rhetoric with sentences: "to force to obey", and it sometimes harasses them with a dozen of children of 12 - 16 years, helped with dogs pit bull and stones or eggs to the house that they harass and on the look-out, some the most fearless come closer to hit the door with a stone, in the event of grill they dent it and with the blow of the iron they destroy the cancel that protects the door.  In occasions that you don't wait for yourself five boys they arrive at noon and they hit you the house with a professional ball of soccer, if you leave “terrified” they run to the Melchor Ocampo St. Well if you leave your house from early and you arrive in the night it is possible that you find you with a human shit near the door of your house, or they threaten you so that you follow them amid the night. 
Tatengo mayor
This woman disguises her outrages protecting the children of the neighbors, they obey it blindly and this complicity sees the fruits when they break some glass, they throw eggs to the windows of your house, or tomatoes rotted in the day of witches (October 31). She also masquerades of a halo of complicity with the neighbors every Saturday when saying Catholic doctrine to the children and to hide in the habit its witch profession. When questioning it her everything denies -the outrages and these problematic adolescents' damages - and she answers that it has been with them the whole day and the night. However what is evident doesn't refuse. This way the mark with their campaign of fear and the neighbors retire, since the other gang to they are located near their house, to play ball they already make late it and in the street rejecting that the square that they with its family put an end to 60 trees to play soccer, is worth to say that the municipal police although you call it is never in the colony, it is remembered when Tatengo -the most fateful in the mayors - it was in the governorship, they answered you that they didn't have gasoline that they were in an operative one in San Sebastian (El Grande) or that absolutely they didn't have units because they were insolent.  
And he doesn't forget that when for telephone you request the unit –Proteccion Civil - because in the square they are with their big fires in the month of December and January, near big and leafy pines, they make it burning the small bench to walk, they get angry with you and with altered voice they return you the call and they tell you that it doesn't pass anything. These teenagers bring dangerous dogs, they play in front with them from this problematic neighbor to be thrown the dog to the body and to see as it bites them with their suit dedicated to this, they sometimes throw you the dogs like playing with a stone and throwing it near you, so that they attack you. In occasions the time when arriving to the colony, sat down in a stone watching over that real neighbor near them, they obstruct you the step and they masquerade of soccer players, of skateboard but them they have another game that is to know where you live and to steal you when you are not at home; they also like to be gone up to the roofs by the grills of the houses and they verify you your schedules at home because they are sleeping in a cardboard in the roof of your house, surrounded of one it covers thick, with an average ball of company, and surprisingly everything is of recent purchase. (La Jornada, la pandilla, p.1, May 10, 2015).

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