jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Cuba-United States: Relate international

The American legislative's hour 
Cuba-United States: Relate international 
By: Carlos Damian                                              May 8, 2015 
They are uncertain the relationships with The States: Havana
Mexico. -   President Barak Obama (04/14/15), it notified to the Congress of their country his determination of excluding Cuba of the government list of “countries sponsorship of the terrorism", in what constitutes a decisive step for the normalization in course of the bilateral relationships. To three days of their encounter with the Cuban president, Raul Castro, in the context of the Summits of the carried out America last weekend in the Panamanian capital, the leader notified to the Capitol that “the government from Cuba has not provided support to the international terrorism in the last six months and it has offered guarantees and that it won't support acts of international terrorism in the future". This way, Obama continues ahead in its strategic decision of offering the end of the long conflict between its nation and the Caribbean island, originated by the historical persistence of Washington of impeding the self-determination of the Cubans.  

It is clear that to these heights, when the political Hawaiian is in the final tract of its second and last government, his main concern is centered in the general balance that will be made of his administration, and in this logic it interests him to be distinguished as the president that put an end to the blockade and the hostility of decades against Havana, unjustifiable and counteractive even from the perspective of the American public opinion. It is reasonable to suppose that Obama has carried out the necessary political moorings to isolate in the Congress to the reactionary sectors and the most belligerent groups in the Cuban community in the exile, in order to make viable the repeal of the laws that they give sustenance to the seizure. However, anything can be given for sure. The States is to enter in a season of campaigns with an eye toward the elections of ends of next year and the generality of the decisions and the voting in the Capitol it is subject to the electoral calculations. In any way, the White House has fulfilled its promise of impelling the over coming of the conflict with Cuba and the normalization of the bilateral relationship, and now the ball is in the field of game of the Legislative. 
Symbol of the fight against the blockade: Mexico 
Mexico has been criticized “wrongly” by not having had a bigger participation of the recent events that they derived in the approach between Cuba and The States, but “Mexico represents, of transparent way, the long fight and reiterated condemnation that it forced The States to think again its politics before the growing isolation in the region. Mexico symbolizes this position like any other country, it didn't break relationships, it maintained the trade with Cuba and it used all tribune it had within its reach to demand the rising", the ambassador from Cuba assured in Mexico, Dagoberto Rodriguez Barrera. It also sustained that their country doesn't base its aspirations of growth on the regularization of its relationships with United States, “even distant and uncertain", but in the bring up to date of the economic and social pattern directed to create a more efficient economy, with indexes of growth above 5 percent to generate a sustainable and prosperous socialism. 

The Cuban diplomat highlighted that, after more than 50 years of using all the possible tools, as the terrorism of State, military invasion or the Cuban government's demonization, “finally the Goliath recognized that it has failed in its objective of changing to Cuba to achieve its objectives. David has been able to survive without making concessions of principles, without changes in its politics for strange demands and it made them with resistance, stability and coherence", he asserted. The chancellor insisted in that the possibility to reestablish the relationship depends exclusively of a unilateral decision of The States. "To lift the economic and financial blockade, to return the territory occupied in the Guantanamo Bay and ceasing of their politics of internal subversion to try to change the régime, those they are decisions that it feeds to take president Obama and that Cuba stops they are not negotiable and if indispensable to advance in that long road and paved toward the normalization of the bilateral relationships", it pointed.  It also recognized that there are other obstacles in that way, we are not as perfect as some friends they want to see us, but neither as bad as some other ones they paint us. There are prejudices, dogmas that adulterate the reality because at Cuba is looked with a different glass magnifying."  
Honest man 
In these years it is no longer common to refer to the encounter between the American president and Raul Castro it is a historical landmark and certainly it has consequences for the American Continent, since it changes the nature of the relationships between all Latin America and the Colossus of the North, giving him a bigger clarity, and it helps to toss the last earth shovel to the cold war and the rude rhetoric that it accompanies her. Apparently with this encounter they will have to go two ghosts to secret graves: the anti-imperialism and the anticommunism.  In this context of change the shades that will try to shake the hate are the radical right in The States like the Tea Party and the supposed leaders of the socialism of the XXI century that perhaps take out political interests. The Cuban president gave him “honest man's qualification", since she didn't find president Obama's appropriate complement, and you finished saying: "Our nations should be liberated of the old arguments, we should share the responsibility of the future. This change is an inflection point for the whole region."  
This approach given by an American president doesn't have precedent some but so that it is irreversible it is necessary to take the steps foreseen immediately, like it is the one that The States puts to Cuba outside of the list of terrorist countries, and that the diplomatic relationships settle down working fully. This situation would open the door so that the restrictions of the economic blockade continue being unloaded, and the successor of Obama is in the sustainable situation of continuing ahead without return, and this seeing in perspective to the most radical republican lines. It is very well-known that in fact the fundamental concession of the blockade is in the legislative's hands in Washington, and Cuba knows it for that reason Castro has insisted on repeating that it is necessary to have a lot of patience. 

If we agree of what happens in the Capitol and it is wanted that they are repealed the legal foundations of the blockade there against Cuba, and beyond that happened historically, it is impaction the cynicism of the language official American employee to elaborate clever of presumed impeller governments of the terrorism international, had bear in mind that, for tradition, it has been the own Washington the main promoter of actions terrorists in the world in general -there the American military exercises are had in the world - and in Cuba in particular. None of the attacks perpetrated in the last decades in American territory has had back of the Havana, as long as in the island the terrorist attacks sponsored by government instances of the superpower are counted by dozens, included much intent to murder the Cuban leaders, organized and financed by the Central Intelligence of Agency. With such antecedents, if a government would deserve to be described as promoter of the terrorism he would be the culprit of this situation and that we will call The States, and it is comprehensible, for it, president Obama's reticence to listen historical references during the last Summit of the America.  (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-19, April 15, 2015).

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