jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

The four lies

It is expected that the civic conscience is not privatized 
The party mob
By: Carlos Damian                                             May 10, 2015 
The change of political courier is looking for in Mexico
México. -   The electoral authorities “will fuck off if they want to negotiate, to buy votes and to raze", this because the town “is already awake and they won't be able to always make its misdeed, noticed Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) when directing the word to the Chiapas town. In their second day in the entity, and he says “as if it had more than enough money and there was not poverty in Chiapas". “It is encouraging that the citizens want a change and yes one can, because our party (Morena) it doesn't fight for the positions, the bone and the money, but for the transformation of the public life of the country, with a great challenge that it is in a peaceful way and without violence, contrary to the Independence, the Reformation and the Revolution (Mexican) that were carried out in an armed way". He sustained that it is an entire revolution of the consciences, it demands a lot of information, orientation, awareness, organization of the town, is to pulse to go against the current, against the mafia of the power, but yes one can, because it depends on the town; the caciques last until the town wants, because when the town decides to change the things, there is not anything that it stops it."  

In these elections of the 7 June. It is not only “to triumph, but taking out Mexico of the bog, of the poverty and the exclusion, because it is not justified that the Mexicans suffer before a nation that has of everything, but it is a rich country with poor town; it is a paradox". He expressed that what we are defending until the end is that the citizen's conscience is not privatized, because if we continue being free, if the conscience is not privatized, if they don't buy us, we will correct the things, to cancel the calls structural reformations as the labor one that affects the workers; the educational one that makes it with the teachers; the district attorney that harms to merchants, and the energetic, because the petroleum belongs to the Mexicans". He sustain that “if we have wealth, a hard-working town as Mexico, why the crisis of Mexico? The answer is natural; it is for the wrong government and for the corruption. The main problem of our country is the corruption", which generates “unemployment, poverty, insecurity and violence; because some are devoted to steal, to plunder, and not little, very much, they have the broken sack."   
He also said that, to understand and to define the régime that exists in Mexico the régime that exists in Mexico, studious, philosophers, sociologists, academic, studious of the politics and intellectuals call to this situation: oligarchy, neoliberalism, and the left-wing leaders recapture this term, but that doesn't say anything; the simplest form of understanding is robbery, pillage, and it plunders". Who defines it in a clearer way, it stressed, and he is the Russian writer Leon Tolstoi who affirmed that, “a government that doesn’t offer the justice is not more than a band of malefactors”.  

The insolence 
We should remember that the political parties are formed to represent the diversity and the plurality and they characterize them the order fractures: ideological, ethnic, sociological, religious and professional of all and each one of the members of these parties. The diverse interests and ideologies are given voice in these political parties and they have a guide to arrive to the power, and this goal distinguishes them when articulating demands of organizations and citizens around common interests and this distinguishes them of altruistic organizations. In these last 30 years of right ideology in the power, so much of the PRI as of the PAN the flight is noticed from these when serving the feudal gentlemen and the rich farmers in Mexico. There are examples of successful parties that still in second plane that built a successful organization as that of the Environmentalist Green party of Mexico (PVEM) that around a legitimate interest as it is the conservation of the atmosphere and to defend the green world. However these youths as party have become a private company, and all of them they have a particular talent, of an ambition that doesn't have limits. 
All of them if they were not formed around this party they would be lobbyists that open the door to the managers as good porters: the Congress of the Union of these young managers without ideology, neither have they wanted of conserving the environment. When observing all of them their great talent is to be court of the great capital but as seeing that they have wide contacts with the old elite of the PRI, and more even its professional relationships with the national oligarchy. In their references around the second half of the XX century these parties cropped up 'thematic party' that is formed in Europe and in America around a matter in particular. This phenomenon in Germany was given among a group of citizens that worried by the environmental, the fracking and the protection of the natural resources they transformed this demand for a better environmental into political party. Although this was a surprise since they had been critics of the political parties, for inefficient, they don't represent the citizen and to conserve the clean environmental and natural resources for the town was not in their interests. An example gives it Germany in its attitude linked with the student protest of the sixties, with Daniel Cohn-Bendit that arose of the Paris movement of the 68’s, for what the political platform of the German green party was of advanced, of progress, immigration, social and of economic politics of advanced, (La Jornada, S. Loaeza). 

The comparison with the green party in Mexico doesn't have anything to see, and it is a lack of respect that in spite of the demands in them against it continues being left green. It is a deceit and a mistaken posture against the Mexican town and it is worthy of remembering that it is ignored by the organization Party European Green in 2009, and that it continues showing their logo. It has become a sight with all their right-wing proposals and that it says that it fulfills all them. Although all these they don't represent any relationship with the political platform of social-democracy, and the abyss that they have with the positions of European left-wing of their similar ones. If we refer to the political programs, social of the German foundation Heinrich Böll, when comparing them with the Mexican green party their authoritarian mood and Fascist remains, and of the human rights on the fracking, it is a topic that absolutely they don’t interest. The insolence of the Mexican politics' adolescents has been confronted by an extensive group of citizens to demand that the registration is canceled the PVEM, for its violations reiterated to the effective law as regards political campaigns, and for the green kit -ridiculous and absurd gift - that offers to its voters. With their reiterated jeers and their campaign strategies try to change the rules and dispositions of the effective law in the matter, and like legislatives they are devoted to play comely and to bet instead of making their work: to legislate. 

In their Webpage they are saved a great quantity of words since their political and social ideation they are only images, and with their silly and grandiloquent behavior they spend of the line. The political thought isn’t given, but how is it possible? That the governors of Chiapas, Tabasco and of the Mexico State they do report us its political campaigns with his image to newspaper in the newspaper and in the electronic means. As the PRI, the PVEM following the recipe of the dinosaur prescribes us with tips, and with gifts seeing that we are a poor town: you grant a scholarship and vouchers to eat.  When we remit ourselves to their history like political party, it refers to that in 1979 in San Angel a group of concerned neighbors met to clean the river of its colony. As now it is used to place a member independent -clown, chief, conductor of a newscast, or windshield wipers - to postulate it to a position of popular election, previously to this monster it was organized and it supported to disperse the vote of the opposition and that the innocuous origin that was the midwife of its birth was. Beyond the cases of corruption, this Frankestein grew until ending up facing the INE and to tunnel the authority of this institute misdeed, it looks for this way to shine and to gather votes to continue representing interests of the rich ones and of the status quo. (La Jornada, política, p.p. 12-21, May 7, 2015).

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