jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015

Assault to the nation

The law doesn't include the big managers of the field  
Assault to the nation  
By: Carlos Damian                                             May 16, 2015 
It should be protected the health and the life of all the workers before the capitalist voracity: NGU
Mexico. -   The leader of the mining union (SNTMMSRM), Napoleon Gomez Urrutia (NGU) noticed that the reformations implemented to the Federal Law of the Work (LFT, for their initials in Spanish), for those that you prohibit the exploitation of the coal under conditions of risk and it is sanctioned to the companies by accidents that they cause the death of workers, it is incomplete and it leaves outside of responsibility for tragedies to the big managers of the coal, as German Larrea (GL) owner of Grupo Mexico. He regrets that he is the senator of the PAN, Javier Lozano Alarcon (JLA) who modified the document coming from the Chamber of Deputies on that reformation to the labor legislation, since “he is given in serving to the mining companies". The mining leader insists: "Lozano is the less suitable one to defend labor topics, since it is an opportunist that not even worried about this topic when it was secretary of the Work, one of the worst of the history of the country". As long as, representatives of the organization Familia Pasta de Conchos were presented (04/28/15) in the Senate for not being according also with the document that modifies the article 34 of the LFT (for their initials in Spanish) to prohibit the work in vertical shots for the exploitation of the coal, to depths smaller than 100 meters and it exploits well-known mines as caves and coal wells. 
The sources settle down that the former secretary of the work JLA is an employee to salary of GL that it calls him the owner its "cat" for further data. Also, it establishes sanctions from three to five years and it fines of up to 5 thousand times the minimum wage when for omissions of security the death takes place of one or several workers. The leader of the union considered that drastic sanctions should not only be established to those responsible for the deaths in shots and wells to less than 100 meters deep, but to all the accidents, independently of the depth. "Of not being this way, they would be leaving outside of responsibility for tragedies and accidents to the big operating managers of the coal like German Larrea and Alonso Ancira Elizondo that operate to more depth, but that that doesn't make them fewer forced to conserve the appropriate measures of security, health and hygiene in the mining production". In fact,” the criminal negligence should include all type of mines and not only those of coal". It made notice that the reformation to the labor law should also establish severe punishments to those responsible for accidents in those that miners that have an accident lose some member of the body or they are disabled to exercise a work. "The irresponsibility and the criminal negligence should cover all the managers and directive that only look for earnings at any cost, including the life and the health of the workers", (La Jornada, Roberto Garduno). 
They distribute of the mining booty 
The tenant of Los Pinos residence, Zedillo announced privatizations of Bank again, in May of 1990, “to democratize” the financial capital, and it “modernized” the productive activity (1992) when modifying the mining law, and both cases he closed his speech cynically with the sentence, “for the good of the nation". After 23 years the financial capital concentrated even more, and in mining question it reinforced the oligopoly that already existed and it promoted the return at the times of the mining ordinances of the colonial time, and it was never possible to benefit to the nation, due that gave the financial control and productive to interests outsiders. To the turn of the lapsed time, 70 percent of the mining concessions that were granted by the federal government is in foreigners' hands, in particular of Canadian investors, which have been devoted to exploit gold and this doesn't benefit to Mexico for any side. The “neoliberal reformations applied by Ernesto Zedillo and Carlos Salinas in the decade of 90’s in last century also opened indiscriminately the mining sector to the outsider capitalism”. 
These outsider capitalists have appropriated of 70 percent of the concessions that add 92 million hectares. The Mining Camera of Mexico (Camimex) it informed that the remaining 30 percent is in of national managers’ origin hands, although the participation of the outsiders is superior to third two parts of the total. Of them, Canada participates with 74 percent of the mining projects (207), The States, 15% (43); China, 3% (8); Australia 2%, (6); Japan, 2% (5); other, 4 percent (11)". As these two president they were fateful for the national territory as Carlos Salinas with its "reformation " to the law in the matter, near half of Mexico it has been given to private, national and outsider consortia, and to change Treasury hit has not received a penny, since Mexico contrary to other nations doesn't charge mining bonuses. If one observes to the mining companies in their country you charge mining bonuses to a rate that fluctuates between 10 and 17 percent, according to the county that it treats the mining work. If we remit ourselves to Terranova and Labrador (Canada), the collection of mining bonuses is of 15 percent on 80 percent of the taxable entrance, and 20 percent on the rest, and certainly it is necessary to add the regular taxes. 

For the outsiders Mexico is a paradise where they don't charge you bonuses to destroy the national territory and to poison their inhabitants. As neither a penny to the national companies as: Group Mexico, Peñoles and Frisco to mention some of the most important monopolies. The federal government has opened them and granted all his desires and it was concession half of the Republic forming this way the modern version of the ‘landed porfiriano’, but now with the petroleum, thanks to the energy reformation (reads you delivery) of EPN.  In America of the South we have Chile that became the cradle of the neoliberalism thanks to Pinochet and they are the mining bonuses of the order of 9 percent; in Australia they go from 3.5 to 5; in Mongolia 5; in Peru 3; in Southaffric 2; and in The States (Alaska) 10 percent. But like in Mexico they frighten to the investment the “government's geniuses” they say that they won't charge taxes but if they will increase to the Mexican population. It is of being supposed that due to the magnitude of the territorial delivery to outsiders and national monopolies, the money that it should go to Treasury will fatten the pockets of the government's geniuses since the robbery to the Nation and the impunity that they enjoy they are not gratuitous.  
These Mexican families have been distributed the hidden treasure of the Mexicans; the copper for the family Larrea, the silver for Bailleres, and the gold for the outsiders from Canada, and all them with enormous earth extensions and these “land owners modern” has appropriated of Mexico for the federal government's courtesy, and this national aberration is a danger for Mexico. In actually unpunished German Larrea has stayed for the industrial homicide of Pasta de Conchos, the three mining strikes that have stayed for eight years and the ecocidy in Guerrero and Sonora it continues poisoning to the nation and it has paid pennies for its industrial crime, and it stays in the line of EPN. These land owners follows held millions of hectares of the national territory and these barons have those of more mining wealth, and due to the modernization of these two presidents already mentioned they have caused the increment of a thousand percent in the extraction of Mexican gold. Remembering the "volatility", in 2011 the Bank of Mexico increased its reservations of gold to strengthen its protection mechanisms against the speculative hordes, it dedicated for that end hundred of thousands of dollars to acquire the extracted gold of Mexican mines, and obviously the mining ones Canadian they gave it to prices historically high, and clear the concession was made for the Mexican government. That size was the robbery of F. Calderon's gang, the “danger for Mexico". As well as they have been modernized to the mining, this is what waits to the petroleum for the EPN’s gang. (La Jornada, economia, p.24, April 27, 2015).

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