viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Ficrea Bank

People of the third age, among 70 and 80 of the wallet of the company
By: Carlos Damian                                            December 29, 2014
They assure that the only solution will be that they reimburse 100 percent of its resources
Mexico. -   Last Friday (19/12/14), the Bank National Commission and of Values (CNBV) –stock exchange- it announced their determination of to dissolve and to liquidate the popular financial society (Sofipo) Ficrea, intervened by that entity from the biggest shareholder Rafael Antonio Olvera Amezcua last November, all time that detected fraudulent operations, triangulation of resources and presumed laundry of money. The president of the CNBV, Jaime Gonzalez Aguade, pointed out that same day that had been possible to document the form in that Ficrea took to steal fraudulent operations by means of at least three related companies: LeadmanTrade, BausJakman Leasing, and Commercial Monka. The day before yesterday, authorities Trasury and a commission of savers agreed to carry out a meeting today, in order to carry out one it compares of the figures with which he/she was justified the breakup of the society. He/she should remember that from the past 10 of November, after the intervention of Ficrea on the part of the CNBV for suspicious triangulation of resources, the federal organism informed that people that had savings in Ficrea could rescue until a maximum of 8 thousand 667 dollars, what generated comprehensible dissatisfaction among the savers, many of which had trusted to the extinct today Sofipo the resources obtained along all its life. 
During the lapsed weeks since the CNBV detected suspicious movements in the financial one, the savers have been object of an informative abuse that arrived to the height last Friday, when they had to find out the breakup of Ficrea for the media, in spite of the fact that from November 19 they generated a bilateral commission among thrifty and authorities to relieve the consultations and the positions from the first ones to second o'clock. Similar behavior of the responsible ones of regulating financial institutions allows seeing an institutional contempt for the citizenship that deposits the trust and its capital in banks and financial societies with the trust that its activities are supervised efficiently by the government. The embezzlement that they face the savers of Ficrea that to take to the deep revision of a model of supervision of the financial institutions that they operate in the country, those which, besides enjoying extremely advantageous conditions, they usually incur in practical irresponsible that put in risk the patrimony of the savers, when not in fraudulent operations as those of the case that it is commented. It is inadmissible that the executive of the CNBV has mentioned yesterday like only responsible for the present fraud to the majority partner of Ficrea, Rafael Olvera Amezcua. Although it is certain that the fraudulent practices of that Sofipo are been of their executives' decisions, he should also remember that the federal authorities have an unavoidable responsibility as for the supervision of entities that they enrich with other people's resources.  

Those affected carry out a march to demand the total payment 
In front of the headquarters of the Mexican stock Exchange (MSE), the market center of the country, some 200 people defrauded by the popular financial society Ficrea kept a minute of silence for a couple of pensioners deceased after the liquidation of the company that it will have left without savings not much more than 7 thousand families in the country. The lack of viable solution to the problem of the swindled for Ficrea weighed 200 people -among them children and bigger adults - to be mobilized this Tuesday (12/23/14) during four hours in the Mexico City, in a march that left from the Monument to the Revolution to the MSE, and from this point toward the Secretary of Government. The demonstrators demanded the total refund of their savings entered Ficrea, after the federal government proposed, in dialogue tables, to only return part of that invested. The most recurrent watchwords along almost five kilometers of journey were related with the federal government's negative to assist the demands: "It governs, thief returns our money", “it saves in Mexico and the government steals it to you", and “Police, friend, they steal me my money."  

The problem is that the authorities are “insensitive” to the situation for the one that they cross little more than 7 thousand affected families; they don't even have “human quality", Santina Franco expressed, one of the representatives of those defrauded in front of the federal financial authorities. The demonstrators began the march around 11 in the morning, they walked on one of the three central rails of Paseo de la Reforma, they stopped in to the MSE, and they threw watchwords in English in front of the embassy of The States. In front of the diplomatic headquarters, one of the thrifty ones requested, through their megaphone and in English, president Barack Obama's help to negotiate before the government of EPN the refund of their money.  Later on, the contingent surrounded the arbor of the Angel of the Independence and they went to the office where the executive of the Secretary of Government, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong dispatches, the last stop of the manifestation, around the 14 hours. Few reactions in against on the part of the drivers. On the contrary, many of these that circulated to a side of the contingent made sound the horn of the units like support sample.  
Fair in the BMV, the defrauded savers regretted the death of two people of more than 60 years that suffered provoked infartos, as they said, for the pressures that experienced after the intervention and liquidation of the financial society. They also narrated the abortion that and it happened to a woman, also thrifty of Ficrea, after being had informed of the robbery that was object and of the closing of the signature. None of the representatives of the savers could identify the dead adults, but yes they confirmed the deceases. Even, some spoke of three deceased in total during the following weeks to the closing of Ficrea. The demonstrators were accompanied for more than 50 grenadiers in the headquarters of BMV, and they listened loudly the protection from the CNBV to the calls capital cheerful that operate in the country, while at the same time it tolerates the spoil against hard-working people. After the mobilization day in Mexico City, the CNBV and the Secretary of Treasury announced last night the beginning of the reception of applications so that the savers of Ficrea receive the payment of the deposit of sure, equivalent to about 8 thousand 767 dollars, (25 thousand Udis).  
The application of the payment, “in no way supposes that they correspond each saver” in case they have a bigger balance to 8 thousand 767 dollars, they highlighted both dependences in a combined official statement. They detailed that from last Monday (12/22/14), when the reception of applications began, and until the noon of Tuesday. 846 savers gave beginning to the step, what represented 12 percent of the 7 thousand 50 savers, that is to say, almost 250 savers less than those announced by the authorities in one of the dialogue tables with representatives of those affected. These elements, on the whole, are indicative of the risk and the lack of protection that the users of financial services of the country suffer, those which, to two decades of the big break bank of the history of the country, they continue being at the mercy of bad practical and of regulation and faulty supervision on the part of the authorities. Everything it although the society has paid amply to have financial services of quality, sure and accessible, if it is considered the astronomical cost that the Zedillo’s bank rescue had for the pockets of the taxpayers. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-5, December 24, 2014).

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