viernes, 23 de enero de 2015

Ancestral poverty

The called company Bolivia was in the eternal poverty but it could overcome it
Ancestral poverty 
By: Carlos Damián                                           December 29, 2014
Mexican state goes in sense contrary to the reformations of Latin America
Mexico. -   After 125 years Bolivia left their economic and financial ancestral backwardness, but with the process headed by the president Evo Morales, left of being the eternal one sleeping of the continent when nationalizing its natural resources in particular, the gas and the mining. Alvaro Garcia Luna, the vice-president that accompanies in this process of nationalization of the natural resources, comments us on Mexico, in spite of being an oil power in the world, it has decided to leave in foreigners' hands its destination as nation and as culture to be dissolved with The States and Canada in a single American power, -Mexico will continue being the back patio of these two economic colossuses -, and he says “A country that it gives its national patrimony it goes toward the total impoverishment. No country should leave the fundamental wealth (in this case the petroleum and the mining), in the foreigners' hands, Bolivia made it and it was a country with extreme poverty for 125 years", and this country won't save them thousands government campaigns of “prospera”, a clumsy assistance that it teaches to the poor Mexican to not fishing and to be subordinated to what the state gives them to subsist.  This vice-president gives us data that would make turn pale from envy to the clumsy strategists of the administration economic Mexican.  
Although it recognizes that Bolivia “is not a cup of milk", and its revolutionary process is crossed of contradictions, and of “creative tensions". We have taken a revolutionary process as economic model it calls himself “government take", where we decide to whom and in how much it is sold. For the machinery, the technology and the manpower, that is paid invested and we remunerate with a gain percentage between 10 and 15 percent of the rent, and the government keeps the rest. Bolivia shows us another way of how to make the things, -without giving the petroleum neither the minerals - we would not have the rates of growth, of overcome the poverty, of expansion of collective well-being if we had not made this decision that attracts to the foreign investment.  Besides having a nation vision, the Bolivian has a calendar 2020 - 2025 that he goes a lot beyond the foreseen presidential terms. This notebook includes reducing the poverty to zero, to endow from all the services to the whole people, be where it is, to industrialize all the matters cousins, 12 topics that they generate “a time horizon."  

We could overcome this deciding by means of a process of compensation of the State. In the constitution, the indigenous nations are subject of collective right: to their political systems of justice that it is parallel to the ordinary one, distribution of lands. The social movement in the indigenous areas works when we have five years of validity of the new Constitution of nation pluricultural. Before, the five years previous were of tolerating, of resisting. Starting from 2009 we place ourselves to the offensive, building this time horizon. . "In the indigenous rural movement it is the same thing, as they are the high lands or low lands. In the high lands the natives are majority. While in Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz the natives are neither 2 percent of the population, while in the high ones they are 46 percent. There alone we win where we are able to change the structures of power. There are places where the landowner or the cacique's system (gamonal) it still controls the earth or the trade, the systems of transport and the local structure, the trade of matters cousins. There the State is a parachutist (precariousness). We have not been able to enter to stay. It is landowners' territory, merchants and churches, and of the USAid". Before being constitutionally nation pluriétnica they had to face a system social and cultural racist. Up to 2000, 39 million hectares were in managers' hands, 13 million peasants. Of indigenous, zero, 2014; towns indigenous 24 million hectares. Peasants, 13 million hectares, managers, five.  
The structure of holding of the earth has indigenous predominance. The system of election of authorities is also, not only in the governorships, in the Parliament, in the governments. In the last election for sure in the composition in the Chamber of Senators will skirt 60 or 65 percent of social organizations. This whole change happened like it is obvious for a cultural and economic crash. The half-caste population and Creole criticized this change as an excess, and some as a setback and in these concepts it is implicit the racism and the war of classes, but we have to go working on this situation, one or two more generations. For the following process of Mr. president Morales election we will begin the administration January 22. We have not thought in 2020. But we have a lot of trust in that what we have called 'generation Evo', young graduates, peasants, social, indigenous leaders, students that were not forged in the battles against the neoliberalism. And when Morales are culminating his command, half of their life it will have passed it under this social and economic régime. To all worlds the topic of the restless limitless reelections and according to the Constitution, the president you cannot reelect.  
We have not thought of reforming the Constitution -in Mexico we already have more than 30 years of wild neoliberalism patching it an and another time without rest - since we recognize that the construction of a deep change is not achieved overnight, in some few years. But be interminable in the power is one of the concerns and debates about the democratic quality. It is worthy of mentioning that Mr. president first two periods were difficult ones for intents that they are cup d’état. It is not spoken more than that threat. And we have present that this won't disappear completely, but today enough neutralized is. But as good Bolshevik, of line Jacobin we always sleep with an eye to the cat and another to the scribble. The defeat that we inflict to the Half Moon (non indigenous area to the east of the country), in 2008, politics, ideological and militarily, it left sat down by a good time the use of the force or any temptation of military cup d’état. But it has helped the president's strong leadership a lot to conspire this type of intents that they cup d’état. We have achieved with these changes in the regional environment that is no longer spoken of the “devil's axis” from Washington but it follows the hostility against the regimens Bolivarian. In this context of recognitions at international level have that during the first administration we made efforts to build a relationship of friendship, tolerance and non inference. We must have been in The States some six times, making me a notebook to speak with the congress members, to chat them of our process, to express our respect, but to request respect to them. However, the government from The States was involved in the civil coup d’état in 2008. It was when president Morales expelled the American ambassador. And it was in foot the mechanism of soft inference of politics of radical right of the Help from The States to Latin America called USAid.

In these urgent circumstances of security and independence, we had to take out the DEA. They used the information of the fight against the drug traffic to impose political notebooks. Since it left we have assumed the cost of the fight against the drug traffic, we have eradicated more hectares of coca, and of drug. And in sum we are better without DEA, without USAid, and without ambassadors that they cup d’état that only look for to destabilize us. "But yes we outline an improvement of our relationships conditioned to that they don't enter in anything.  The level of relationships now belongs to consultants. Last week the proposed chancellery an encounter among the president Evo Morales and president Barack Obama". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 12-13, December 22, 2014).

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