domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

The myth of the education

National Among the countries members of the OECD it highlights for the high ninis number The myth of the education By: Carlos Damian September 11, 2012 The last places in expense for student Mexico. - During Felipe Calderon's government, among the countries members of the Organization for the Cooperation and the Economic Development (OCED), Mexico has occupied the last places in expense for student and in the index of students' termination and superior middle education, it has had one of the lowest rates in covering among young from 15 to 19 years, and it has been in the first places in youths' digit that don't study neither they work. Now the youth is full with ninis The international organism will give to know today its report 'Panorama of the education 2012 ' that presents annually, in the which it is pointed out that the country has been distinguished to be behind in the main indicators of the education system. For the presentation of the report that gives to know to world scale. In the current government's first year, the organism informed in its balance corresponding to 2007 that Mexico occupied the last place in population's percentage of expenses for student, the last place in the index of termination of studies of that level; the penultimate one as for youths registered in high school, and the place 31 in expense for student, of primary at superior level that was of 2 thousand 128 dollars while 7 thousand 572. The following year, the country is not able to overcome the last position in expense for student, with an investment average of 2 thousand 405 annual dollars, hardly 277 dollars more than in the previous report. But it also occupied the last place as for expenditures of secondary, since only 41 percent of having inscribed concluded the basic education. In 2008 the OCED gave to know that 45 percent of Mexicans of among 15 to 19 years didn't attend the school. Of that total, 38 percent of them didn't study neither they worked. Sixty two percent had employment, that which was considered by the organism one of the “biggest challenges” in the national educational system. The bad education in Mexico In their panorama of 2009, the instance that contains to the main economies of the world, informed that Mexico was the nation where the citizens with university studies had but possibilities unemployed to be, while who had little scholarship they had bigger options of entering to a work. The rate of unemployment of Mexicans with professional level was of 3.8 percent, while that of people with primary or secondary was located in 2.1. The nation continued in the last place in expenses for student. For 2010, the OCED got the attention on one of the problematic ones with more social effects: the phenomenon of the youths that they don't study and they don’t work, well-known as ninis. Last year the OCED integrated bigger data it has more than enough ninis and it revealed that 7 millions 226 thousand young of between 15 and 29 years they didn't study neither they worked, for what Mexico occupied the third place among the 34 countries members of the OCED or belonging to the Group of the 20 (G-20) with bigger quantity of inactive juvenile population. However, it was located in the first place in the percentage of young women in this condition, when adding 2 millions 745 thousand. It highlighted that Mexico was the nation of the OCED with expense total public in lower education in connection with the gross internal product, when hardly reaching 24 percent, while the average of the rest of the nations was of 43. In the most recent annual publication, the OCED carries out a balance on the situation of the countries regarding its educational systems and the progress that have shown in aspects like educational expense, optimization of resources, professors' wage, covering, and levels of terminal efficiency. Given the tendency that has maintained the country, is not of being expected a change that generates to better positions. Fraud to the town for the unjust labor reformation The initiative of labor reformation sent by Calderon is part of the “currencies of change” and of the “political negotiations” with Enrique Peña Nieto, the National Coordinator of Workers of the Education (CNTE, in Spanish) expressed, which announced that they won't recognize the results of the next congress of the magisterial union headed by Elba Esther Gordillo for the renovation of the leadership. By means of their spokesman they announced that the construction of a new union organization will discuss in the context of a democratic sectional congress. This situation in front of the negative of the leadership of the SNTE of emitting the convocation to carry out a democratic assembly, and it cleans in which the teachers of the capital of the country can choose their representatives freely. In press conference Francisco Bravo and Jorge Cazares, leader of the section 18 of Michoacan, they noticed that the labor proposal is inserted in a context of interference of labor, educational and social character of the private initiative, that which is very worry in front of the beginning of the six years time of a president imposed by the television’s Corporate and the managerial class". This proposal the patterns take all the advantages, and outsourcing exists by means of which the workers are left without the minimum conditions of security and the contracts are eliminated to establish agreements on approval, lacking of obligations for the boss. In this fraud context, the youth is indignity, they leave to the street, they protest, they take the squares and demand to be assisted in their recoveries. The one considered in teaching process. These youths ignore currents and thought schools. If at all there are studies compared among different generations of university students to today's day, we don't believe that the current ones come out better qualified that their equal. Today the educational system in the neoliberalism is an empty shell. It doesn't prepare citizens, it doesn't form to be better people, it only interests them to have bigger control on the population and among more ignorant better. To possess a licentiate, a graduate degree, grants title and status. That is the logic we don't forget it. (La Jornada, mundo, p. 47, September 10, 2012).

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