viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The Progressive movement

National The social movement in the national scenario The Progressive movement By: Carlos Damian September 20, 2012 It is a project of institutional front of the political lefts Mexico. – In the electoral process of this year it took place a serious institutional failure that it left like immediate balance a new bad reputation bench mark for the organisms in charge of organizing, to watch over and to qualify the elections and the perspective of a new deficit federal administration in genuineness. Also, it left, to an important portion of the citizenship before the alternative of giving full recognition to that institutionally political to which doesn't grant credibility, and to not abandoning the legal freeways in their demand of a bottom transformation in the country, as much in the political thing as in the economic thing and the moral thing. In the assembly carried out yesterday in the Zocalo of this capital, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), candidate of the Progressive Movement and to the one who the official results located in second place, it proposed a path to solve the dilemma: to persist in the ignorance of the instances that they are erected with base in the recent sentence of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF, in Spanish) and to advance at the same time in the consolidation of the Movement of National Regeneration (Morena, in Spanish), first as social movement, later, either in the modality of civil association that is their current statute, or like political party that would be the second logical step of this organization. In that context, AMLO announced its separation, “in the best terms", of the institutes that postulated it. The political Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which of the Work (PT), and the Civic Movement (MC), toward which he left open the disposition “to walk together". The route proposed by the politician from Tabasco to its followers implies a bottom and they to make team again and in the group of the electoral lefts, since it outlines an organization and own structure without a doubt for what is, the main and more numerous pole in them, not only articulated around the leadership of the own AMLO, but also around a defined political program and it specify: the New Project of Nation. Supposedly this will take an emptying of the established parties, so much of militant as of programmatic contents, and it will put them before the of formulating the established positions again like a challenge, to look for own and defined ideological profiles, staff and activists to replace to the many that will immigrate to Morena. As for this, they are many and great challenges, their rejection will be harmonized to recognize to the authorities that are constituted, and according to what the laws force, with an active political participation in instances legislatives, state and municipal to those that consents by means of the polling-booths, for itself and in an alliance with other organizations. This implies to articulate the work legislative and the exercise of positions of popular representation with measures of peaceful civil resistance and civil disobedience. Besides, Morena should advance in the definition of a politics that allows them to be linked with the traditional and even emergent social movements that so scorned they have been for the headquarters of the parties of the electoral left, especially PRD party, and that however they have changed in substantial form the political conformation of the society, from the traditional regional and union resistances. In this line of social movements, it is remembered to Atenco, the movements popular from Oaxaca, the Zapata’s communities, the unions of electricians and mining, up to #yosoy132. A third challenge will be to impel, in all the instances, in the legislatives chambers, in the streets, in the squares, the ethical postulate that the own movement has adopted as demarcation line: the moral renovation of the country, of their institutions, of the political parties, of the informative means, and of the same economy. For the group of the political class the explicit launching of Morena forces to a clear realignment around capital matters, beginning with “the structural reformations” that the PRI-line has thought about as priorities in its return to the federal power: the dismantlement of labor rights, the opening of the national energy industry to the national and transnational private capital, and the establishment of new fiscal mechanisms that they impel the concentration of the wealth. The social movement will become political party Certainly AMLO has been placed unavoidably in a place that is outside of the logic of the parties that previously political candidate, but AMLO had postulated it he announced its probable grateful and friendly “retirement” of the organizations, creating a supposed rupture, without demarcation neither critic; and it has simply been a space to meditate, a parenthesis with the political parties to which he has served with all their desire, and all their love. Simply he leaves it is necessary to dedicate after 12 years of intense work, to strengthen to the foreshadowed Movement of National Regeneration (Moraine), it will be transformed into a piece more than the same game masochistic politician with bitter flavors characterizing this way to the Mexican left-wing in the last decades. All on-line the above-mentioned with the dictations of the consent of Washington, that is to say, of the factors of power that impel the deeply of the neoliberal pattern in the world. The presence of Morena in the political scenario and its front rejection to such modifications of the legal mark will induce, indeed, to the clearance of the ambiguities that they have maintained diverse political forces and currents and movements inside them around these questions, beginning with the PRD and even for the own PRI. In sum, the announcements and the proposals presented yesterday (9/9/12) in the Zocalo they point to a general re-classification of the political lefts, and of the parties in general. This new political context opens a bed of concrete action for the vast social dissatisfactions that it left the recent electoral process. Good luck for this new Mexican political order. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 3-8, September 20, 2012).

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