viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The ranch tribunals

National It intends that the tribunal even goes beyond the legal term The ranch tribunals By: Carlos Damián August 24, 2012 AMLO is a key piece of the new political party México. – The Progressive Movement demanded to the Electoral Federal Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) that they study and thoroughly analyze all the offenses presented against the result of the presidential election, and time is given to even emit the sentence beyond the established term that is for September 6th. For the leader of the PRD, it is necessary to revise the substantial information so that the magistrates count the enough elements to emit their sentence. "We outline them that they were not able to, besides being erected as tribunal of constitutionality, to neither be isolated of the environment partner - political, economic that it exists in our country where is clear for us that all the development outlines have been drained." "Therefore, the resolution of the TEPJF in next days will be decisive for the course that will follow the public life in our country with so much dissatisfaction, with so much complicated situation that has left accumulating. We will hope this happens they won't solve on the knees, without thoroughly examining, thoroughly our allegations”. "To avoid place to doubts, to interpretations and misrepresentations of any type that, be which is the resolution, and certainly we wait that they agree with us, we will value it in their moment in all their terms to also determine our performance, in that that of there they are derived". Alberto Anaya, electoral deputy for the PT, the demand was added to the tribunal, and that this assumes its historical paper. "We have the topic of the political consequence. They are getting ready the conditions for an authoritarian restoration with the pattern of the old PRI of the seventies. We would be also before social consequences, because they don't bring that interest of making bottom changes; the topic of the social insecurity; that of the unemployment, the one of closing them the doors to the youths without any hope. If in this election they don’t proceed according to right and they don't proceed to invalidate it, indeed the consequences will be serious”. Jesus Zambrano national leader of the PRD says that almost 16 million people voted for us, and they want to put on in the stool of the accused to who we accuse, those that violated the law that they became electoral criminals." The summit of the left parties As a " farce " orchestrated by governor Angel Heladio Aguirre Rivero of Guerrero's State, and the boss of Government of the Federal District, Marcelo Ebrard (ME), the Summit of the Lefts was qualified that it began in the port of Acapulco and it concludes on Wednesday (8/15/12), to which was not invited the leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), Jose Francisco Garcia Gonzalez (JFGG), Aurora Muñoz, and Urbano Lucas. They are members of the current of the brigade for the truth; of the Civic Current, and of the Unit of Guerrero’s Left. The members of the PRD coincided in that such a summit is a since “farce” it was excluded AMLO, and to the authentic members of the PRD of the entity. JFGG, emphasized that to this summit “the historical leaders of the party don't attend as: Eloy Cisneros Guillen, Juan Garcia Costilla, Pablo Sandoval Cruz, and in general the historical founders of the PRD”. In that summit “is sought to create the plan pilot to bolster the campaign of ME, and to legitimate Enrique Peña Nieto supposition victory", they accused, and they added that the meeting is organized by Jesus Ortega and Jesus Zambrano. To initiative of the ‘chuchos’ it has been given in calling “the meeting summit” of the electoral left-wing. Guests to this meeting are: Miguel Angel Mancera of the Federal District, Arturo Nuñez Jimenez of Tabasco, and Graco Ramírez Garrido, Abreau of Morelos, those previously mentioned ones are recently elect, and willing leaders to begin institutional negotiations with Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN); in an impulsive and outstanding way the last one mentioned in this excellent list. The Guerrero’s governor, is not a beginner in these political fields, he has a long political career in the PRI, before to give up and to become "opposition", very bound with the political current of EPN, but with desire of becoming leader of the new left of the PRD. In this political analysis we forget to mention Barbosa and Aureoles of the PRD, with a vocation for merchant's pragmatism. Luis Miguel Barbosa is the leader of the PRD in Puebla, it is a cacique and operator of the "alliance" with the PAN that took to the government of teacher's Elba Esther Gordillo political current, Rafael Moreno Valle, and specialist in relating strategies to the election plurinominal, an euphemism to take to the power to the political friend without popular election in the polling-booth. Silvano Aureoles, is a Michoacan’s man that has grown to Amalia Garcia's help, it was made and it grew in the school of the ‘inheritance’ way exercised by Lazaro Cardenas Batel, in the governments of Michoacan and of Zacatecas; it was federal deputy, and candidate to governor of Michoacan, contending in front of figures as Fausto Vallejo and 'Cocoa' Calderon, the president's sister, and he was in third place in the elections for to Michoacan’s governor. Although it doesn't correspond to the traditional pattern of the tests that they make work the justice before the judges, and their presentation is late due to the intricate roads of the federal tribunal. AMLO still member of the PRD, has an uncertain future with his movement social ‘Morena’, because it is spoken as the seed of a project of a new political party, although that organization has not lifted head after the strong received electoral blow. The suffering change has not been able to be assimilated by the PRD, since one year ago it was in terminal situation, and today it has strengthened for the political work of AMLO, but it has arrived the moment that the twice presidential candidate one time it was stolen and the other occasion was bought the election - that assumes a distant position of the ornamental “moral leadership". (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6 – 15, August 15,2012).

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