viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The humanist capitalism

National The tailors in the Congress of the Union to deceive the workers The humanist capitalism By: Carlos Damian 19 de Septiembre, 2012 Hunger and competitiveness Mexico. - The Secretary of the Work, Rosalinda Velez, tried to defend the initiative of labor reformation of Felipe Calderon in a meeting with deputies in which the fraction of the PRI was specially critical with president's intention of sending him a project that, they alerted, it could generate a social dissatisfaction that would not explode with him, but to Enrique Peña Nieto. Such it seems, the president of the commission of the Work Carlos Aceves del Olmo reproached (PRI), when it would work her she had already retired that Calderon made it “with treachery and advantage". The PRI-men announced that the initiative includes “shades” in the strike right, that which would violate the Constitution and the agreements with the International Organization of the Work (IOW). In her appearance to explain the reach from the preferable initiative of reformation to the Federal Law of the Work. Rosalinda Velez sustained that “it doesn't transform, it doesn't modify, neither it forces the constitutional article 123 in none of theirs sections", but she left aside all the questions she would affect the change to the workers on how. Even, when trying to explain how it would benefit the workers to regulate the outsourcing, it would work theirs she affirmed: "It is as the cholesterol, there are good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. There are companies that yes they complete, however, others have abused of this (legal) figure". When answering deputy Martin Batres, he said: "Here there is not good cholesterol, there is bad cholesterol injected directly to the veins of the workers". Silvano Blanco exposed that with this document, Calderon” leaves like it arrived: in an irregular situation, product of the fraud, and now they want to give a stockade to the workers." The hunger in Mexico The collapse of the purchasing power in Mexico has faced to many families with the necessity that another member incorporates from the own family to the labor market for this way to be able to complete the purchase of foods and to try to pay the clothing expenses, health, education, housing and transport, among others. "In this process the Mexican government has imposed and maintained as constant low salary increments and a politics of unconditional support to the managers. The Ministry of the Work has propitiated and maintained a politics of violations, for the road of the facts, and permissible toward the employer unions in primordial topics as the labor rights, social benefits and conditions of security in the work places. It is clear that this political attitude of the authorities has been very taken advantage by the Mexican entrepreneur and foreigner." The same thing happens in most of the poor countries that they have become for this type of “wild” capitalism, and that others try to disguise of “human capitalism", “renovated”, “modern”, and “humanist capitalism". This is this way due to the reduced conditions of life that fix the price of the manpower very below their real value, as well as for the null respect, defense of laws and labor conditions on the part of the apparatuses of State that there govern. "In Mexico to the workers' exploitation process of the field and of the city They adding a modality more and more legitimated by the governments and political parties: outsourcing. One has this way that only the capitalist manager doesn't no longer respect the labor conditions, but rather the governments also use this illegal mechanism, for not granting law benefits. The degree of deterioration of the labor conditions and of life in Mexico and the world, the CAM remarks, it shows the decrease of the time in that managers and governments invest to cover the wage of their workers. The domestic and international crisis has caused that the time of work dedicated for the obtaining of the wage will spend of 12 minutes in 2008, to 9 minutes in April of 2012, and discounting. Meanwhile, the time of the work and of life process that is in the managers' hands and of the government in Mexico spent of 7 hours 48 minutes in 2008 at 7 hours 48 minutes in 2008 to 7 hours and 51 minutes in 2012. In countries like Spain, the time of the work journey dedicated for the generation of the wage of the workers spent of 2 hours 13 minutes in 2008 at one hour with 40 minutes in 2012. And a world tendency is shown. The case with the time of work for the obtaining of a lower wage for the obtaining of a lower wage continues being Vietnam that spent of 8 minutes in 2008 to 6 minutes in 2012. The labor reformation will thoroughly put the ghost of the hunger in the Mexican workers. The strike right will be tinged by the labor reformation Patricio Flores of the PRI, and General secretary of the Union of Workers of the Industry of the Radio and the Television (SITATYR, in Spanish). He exposed that although the deputies are forced to present a verdict of their initiative,”it is the doubt of if when he sent it, he thought of the country that he will leave". “I find very irresponsible if, for a not well approved initiative, let us have people in the streets, and he won't have to respond to the social dissatisfaction. It will be other one, and this forces us to be responsible, because we cannot solve the relationships between workers and managers in 30 days." Rosalinda Velez's fantasies, she tells us that to privilege the productivity “like approach to ascend or in their case to occupy a vacancy" that new recruiting modalities are included, with periods of test, and it rejected that it is sought to pulverize the wage, when paying it per hour. If a boss wants to only hire an employee for two hours, she argued, she would have to pay him the complete minimum wage. This is the government that seeks to increase the productivity and the employment for all the Mexicans with the factory of lies and fantasies. (La Jornada, sociedad y justicia, p.p. 10 - 30, 18 de Septiembre, 2012).

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