martes, 27 de julio de 2010

Che Guevara

The style Kapuscinski recalls us that the soul is exposed in words
Che Guevara
By: Carlos Damian June 19, 2010
Ryszard Kapuscinski: Che with a gun to the shoulder
México. – When we have in our hands as many books and as many genders as writers there is in the world calls us the attention when the writer earns us, and we identify ourselves with the personages is limited to be a style issue, throbs the life between their pages. Being a teenager Guevara travels by the Amazons in a raft, wants to cross all Latin America in bicycle. He’s going to Bolivia by love of a revolution.He is going to Guatemala by love of a revolution, finally arrives to Mexico, which time back, also had been stage of a revolution. There it knows Fidel Castro and together organize the guerrilla disembarkation to Cuba. Upon reaching the coast falls in an ambush. It is 2 of December of 1956. Of the eighty and two military a dozen remains with life only. Not even all go armed with a weapon. Guevara it is injured. And those dozen men begin the greater epic of the recent history of Latin America.The nature disquiets of Guevara not for of pushing it toward before, but his life is a directed anxiety; his energy is concentrated in the revolutionary cause. All his life is a constant search of a battlefield. Been born in 1928, dies to the thirty and nine years. Belong to that Latin American youths generation that, after be lifted in weapons, in the years 50’s are raised with his first and wonderful victory. As of her will be believed that the history immediately, and always, he is put of the side of the causes noblest.A lot of people have paid for that faith by their own lives. They were convinced of the fact that the bulks were not making but waiting a sign, of the fact that the barrel was full of gunpowder and of the fact that was sufficing with an alone spark. And, according to them, that spark was not something else that a guerrillas detachment delivered to the cause, disposed to all. Little by little they would be joined to him voluntary and the detachment would be returned a popular army that would take the power and would make the revolution.To the style Kapuscinski: The life of Salvador Allende reflects additionally route. Though also it delivered to the cause, it is an ordered life, regular, without jolts. To its twenty-nine years, Ernesto Guevara leadership the guerrilla front in “Sierra Maestra”, has the arm in sling and it has mocked the death on one occasion. To its twenty-nine Salvador Allende years is converted into deputy to the Parliament and the friends augur to him a dizzy career. Has thirty and a years when is taken charge of the minister portfolio of the Health in the government the radical Aguirre Cerda. Enter in a Masonic lodge. Finds the socialistic party. In 1945 is senator.Allende is four candidate times to the presidency of the Republic: in 1953, 1958, 1964, and 1970. In twenty years is the one candidate of the left to that cargo only. All the life of Beyond elapses in Santiago, in the Parliament, or in the Chilean provinces, where carry it its long electoral campaigns, where carry it long electoral campaigns. The Parliament of Chile: a gray and ugly building, located in the downtown area, street of the Cathedral. Here it has Allende his senator dispatch. Racks from soil until the roof, and in them, dozen volumes of laws and amendments to those laws, thousand studied times, amended and increased. In this building, Allende works and struggle thirty and three years, first as deputy, after as senator. The building form his legalistic mentality his perfect dominanceof the law, of the constitution, of the bylaw. In any case, the Chilean left always it has been staunch defending of the Constitution and of the bourgeois Parliament.Only it is a paradox apparently. The Constitution and the Parliament were guaranteeing to the left the freedom of acting within the legality, to him was offering the possibility of carrying his political struggle openly. In 1969, during the mandate of the president Frei, the general Roberto Viaux wanted to give a coup d'état and to close the Parliament. It was precisely the left the one which saved it, the one which saved that same Parliament that during the presidential mandate of Allende will be converted into the principal opposition center, provocation and sedition. But Allende, that during all his life has built the authority of the Parliament, once juror the president charge, not will dissolve it to price of losing the power and the life yet. Often it is heard the question of why Allende did not arm to the people and it did not begin a civil war. (La Jornada, cultura, p. 6a-7a, 17 de Febrero , 2010)

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