viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Referendum on it reforms

The law doesn't allow to unify presupposed on energy consultation: Cardenas
Referendum on it reforms:  Only hobby
By: Carlos Damian                                          September 1, 2014
It is discarded that with a referendum it modifies the structural reformation on energy
Mexico. -  When it begins the application of the reformation and their regulation laws the citizens several rights they will be harmed, among them to the earth, the territory and the natural resources; to the consultation and the free, previous and informed consent; to the self-determination and the towns natives' development; to the non discrimination; to the property; the work; access to the justice; to the healthy environment; to the health; to the water and the feeding. The social activists assured that the impacts of new dispositions in energy matter will cause damages and deteriorations to the guarantees recognized by the Constitution and the international treaties that the Mexican State is forced to complete. For it the representatives of the Center of Human Rights Miguel Agustin Pro Juarez (Prodh, for their initial in Spanish), the Net all the Rights for all of them (RTDT, for their initial in Spanish), the Mexican Center of Environmental Right (Cemda, for their initial in Spanish) and to be founded who insisted in the demand of 10 organizations from the civil society to the National commission of the human rights (CNDH, for their initial in Spanish) so that it interposes an unconstitutionality action against some articles of that prejudicial and regressive law (for Mexican citizens) before the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.  
Of not making it, Araceli Olivo asserted, of Prodh, the ombudsman Raul Plascencia, “"it would not be completing their paper of organ guarantor of the fundamental rights once again and it would respond more to political interests and not to the notebook of the human rights". When detailing why the energy reformation would force guarantees, Andrea Cerami, coordinator of human rights of  Cemda, indicated that when giving present character to the energy activity (hydrocarbons and electricity) on any other one, one runs the risk that it is snatched to dozens of populations their territories and the inhabitants are expelled of their origin places, because in case their lands that of interest for the companies doesn't have more option than to sell them and to leave them. In this sense, Manuel Llano, of Human Conservation, detailed that the calls round Zero (it is for Pemex) and round One is about (for private companies), fixed in the energy laws, they will embrace a total surface of almost 6 million hectares, where inhabitants of 11 states, mainly ejido’s men and indigenous, they could be harmed, since the energy activity is placed on any other one. 
In accordance with the round Zero embraces 3 thousand 496 agrarian nuclei, mainly of Veracruz and Tabasco State as well as the territories where they settle 13 indigenous towns in particular the Chontal town, of Tabasco. As long as, the round One could affect a thousand 315 ejido’s men, mainly in Veracruz and Coahuila, and five communities you would originate, among them Huasteca, Nahuatl and Totonac. Francisco Cravioto, of being Fundar (for their initials in Spanish), reiterated the damages of the well-known technique as fracking (it fractures hydraulics), for which should be used between nine and 29 million liters of clean water by each perforated well, preventing that that resource arrives for human consumption. It alerted that after that method is applied risks they are run that the floor, the near aquifer mantels and the superficial waters are contaminated by the use of the chemists used for the extraction. Even, it said that there are from Texas and Pennsylvania two populations' cases that were abandoned by the implications that it left the use of that method. 
The structural change was by means of deceits and manipulation 
The energy reformation was approved by means of, deceits, fallacies and manipulations, coincided in pointing out: Francisco Perez Vega, Jose Antonio Almazan, Manuel Bartlett and Javier Jimenez Espriu (JJE). According to JJE, he manifested that although Pemex, and CFE won't be privatized in its group, “the energy sector if it will be privatized and with it the reservations of hydrocarbons and the electric market". He also said, the laws don't establish limits in the licenses of contracts neither in the percentage of the oil rent. Neither in the time. One will be able to give the case that the contractors are taken most of the raw one in the population's detriment". It stands out in the comment of JJE; "It is authentic stabs to the oil jugular. It was ahead the decision of the round Zero to advance the private contracts". On the other hand, Silvia Ramos carried out a titled digital presentation, “The impact of the secondary laws in energy matter". She expressed that “few times the future of the country was in danger, like in the episode in that Mexico lost more than half of its territory, and now, again, for the promulgation of the energy reformation."  
It emphasized that “the petroleum of the underground if it will belong to the Mexicans, but when it leaves the earth it will belong to the contractors. This is what you allow it reformation of EPN". He asserted that Pemex will continue paying taxes that represent 4.7 percent of GDP, and he declared that the activities of exploitation and extraction are considered of social interest and public order, for what they will have preference on any other one that implies the use of the surfaces of the underground". It assured that when the price of the barrel is smaller to 60 dollars, the bonus will be of 5 percent. It aimed that the new law of Pemex allows the members of the administration advice to be foreigner. It clarified in their chat that, “the energy modification is a contra-reform, because it affects principles of the Constitution and the nation project. They made the equivalent thing to reestablish the monarchy in the country", forgetting the Mexican history entirely going by the time of the New Spain, independence, the reform, the revolution, the expropriation oiler and our social reality, politics and economic. Manuel Bartlett, senator of the PT, considered that the reformation is an implant to return to the time previous to the oil expropriation". He underlined that the “perversion of the modification establishes that the energy is a strategic item, but now it will no longer be in hands of the State” but of the outsiders companies.  
The structural change of Mexico is the government's fallacy 
Some social activists when participating coincided in that this represents an offense against the sovereignty and to the patrimony of the Mexicans. When being extended JJE, he underlined that the government federal has insisted in that Pemex, neither the CFE is not privatized, but anything is not said that in fact what is privatized is both sectors: that of hydrocarbons and that of the electricity. It pointed out that with the modifications there will be an on exploitation of the reservations, the rights of the ejido’s men and indigenous will be smashed and he will undergo the country to legal conflicts that will have to be solved in international instances (La Haya). There are not cautions for the environment, they will decrease the revenues of the nation and the sovereignty will be affected, coming closer the behavior the country to be a state associated to The States. Jaime Cárdenas Gracia, of the Institute of Juridical Investigations of the UNAM who has been part of several federal legislatures, indicated that the regulation laws in the matter violate several international treaties, as the agreement 169 of the IOW. Also to conclude Antonio Gerhenson asserted that with the approval of the reformation those that are in favor of the opening have conquered, but they have not convinced. For it, the specialists showed for that the citizenship demands the application of a popular consultation on the topic and that it is neither linkage, with the objective of to restoring that reformation, which injures the interests of the country, and the citizens. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 16-17, August 27, 2014).

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