viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

industrial homicide

From 2009 they have denounced negligence of the company Grupo Mexico
German Larrea: industrial homicide
By: Carlos Damian                                          August 20, 2014
They wait Buenavista del Cobre closes to contaminate the Sonora river
México. -  Near 800 members of the section 65 of the National Mining Union of Hard-working metallurgists and Similar of the Mexican Republic (SMNTMSRM, for their initials in Spanish), with headquarters in Cananea, Sonora, they have closed this Wednesday (20/8/14), the three main accesses to the mine Buenavista del Cobre, branch of Grupo Mexico that contaminated the Sonora and Bacanuchi rivers, with 410 thousand cubic meters of sulfate of copper acidic. The workers whose strike was declared nonexistent in an unjustified way, they demand better conditions of security and hygiene in the mine. They pointed out that they had already denounced the negligent handling of toxic in German Larrea's company property (GL), main producer of copper of the American continent.  
"It has to stop this crime against the inhabitants of Sonora; to us they took us out of the mine with the use of the federal forces (three years ago), when we demanded better conditions of security (and hygiene) and a better handling of the pollutants", Sergio Tolano Lizarraga (STL) manifested, leader of the section 65. He explained that the protest is also to denounce that when the federal authorities in Felipe Calderon’s six years declared “nonexistent” the rights of the workers (to the strike) without caring them that Grupo Mexico “persisted in its irresponsible form of to depredate the environment and to maximize the earnings to risk of the health of the inhabitants of Cananea and the towns of the margins of the Sonora river", and Bacanuchi river too. It assured that the spill over of 40 thousand cubic meters of sulfate of copper acidic, what we had said in the face of the authority, “confirms and in that time the same authority helped them to snatch us the collective contract of work", at the present time it is in hands of the Confederation of Workers from México (CTM ). The leader of the mining union 65, STL sustained that Grupo Mexico “has always said lies and now all have been to the overdraft; unfortunately it had to pass this toxic spill so that to national and international scale the dimension of those lies was seen."  
It smell of shit and death 
He commented that the mining union has tests of the accusations that it interposed in 2009 before the Federal Attorney's office of Protection to the Atmosphere (Profepa, for their initial in Spanish), on the spills that happened to newspaper in the patios of having leached (dam of having leached that they are the chemical remains and of heavy metals after the process of copper production and other minerals), and how these will give to the Bacanuchi river and then to the Sonora river. "Group Mexico has to Sonora in check; it has contaminated one of the few rivers that were already running regularly. In an entity like this, amid the desert, this is a crime against the population and something seriously very serious", for the population, the leader asserted. He added that the spill of toxics “has put in risk the health of people's thousands and it condemned to all the communities nears to the Sonora river to face an economic and social emergency, the most serious in the history", of Sonora and Mexico. 
He underlined that the members of the mining union have the population's support and many residents of diverse points of the State territory have expressed them their solidarity after the closing of the mine, something that the authority should have carried out since from 2009 they denounced the flagrant contamination that caused Grupo Mexico. "All that smells of German Larrea smells of death; we have that of Pasta of Conchos (coal’s mine), the corps in Sonora and in the recent union movements in Cananea and Nacozari, and in general in all the mines see that he leaves a trail of impunity", it concluded. 
Ecocidy in Sonora 
Felipe Calderon’s government like that of EPN has been added the faithful servants of the czar of the Copper; this Mr. Feudal he has to all subjected ones to their whims and they toil in hiding their excesses that are many. This great contamination in the state in a principle tried to hide it with the generous complicity of the state and this non alone action has been used to exhibit it but to unveil its hidden gnarled mind: manipulator and liar. The Mexican Stoking Exchange  on July 28 announced that the corporate of GL, showed off that “Profepa made delivery of 18 certified Clean Industry to companies of the mining industry, of which ten corresponded to Grupo Mexico", it reward that “it recognizes that we operate with the highest standards of environmental execution at national and international level". He goes in that the executives of the Profepa would be thinking that after they gave them the industrial certificates, the corporate one poured at random in the bed of the river 40 thousand cubic meters of sulfuric acid. This toxic spill began in the mine of Cananea, in one of Carlos Salinas' dirty maneuvers, in 1990 it was in hands of the family Larrea whose bread-winner was Jorge Larrea father that had excellent friends in the political power, and he bought it to the State in a trifle, and this was only carried out after National Financial (Nafin, for their initial in Spanish), of the federal government it cleaned him the finances and it assumed passive multimillionaires.  
This murder to the nature the past 6th of August, but GL happened and partners placidly waited two days to give it to know, and until the population was affected and they began to denounce the facts that could no longer cover with a finger these disastrous consequences they were consummated in the population, in the flora and the fauna, however the multinational company attributed it to the atypical rains that were presented in the northwest area of the Sonora State". Its father when carrying out the "transfer " in those days of the 'Salinas political line' happened that months before The Nafin Bank valued the company of the family Larrea from Cananea, in around two million dollars, but like for magic art it finished accepting around 475 million dollars. This way, together with Mexicana del Cobre. JL kept the historical copper mine and from those passed times the fortune increased until locating the junior like the second richer manager of the country. When falling him the copper umbrella and when usufructing the goods of the nation it could be part of the happy family of Forbes, but only after Carlos Slim, of Telmex.  
To the being the richest second in Mexico, he has in their hands a social instrument, politics and economic instruments that the political class surrenders to its feet and it puts in silver tray its services to the corporate multinational Grupo Mexico, first with the father, and from 1999, with the golden sprout. In the same way, father and son, they have taken pains in treating its workers as modern slaves, and of the state he obtained in its moment that the army and the police went to Cananea to hit the mining workers savagely, because it bothered them that the miners fought for their union and labor rights, gotcha it could not annihilate them in a ‘Pasta de Conchos’ mine but if he could say goodbye to them with the help of federal forces and to try to kill them with hunger and misery, to the step of the time, (la Jornada, Carlos Fernandez). 
In a return to the past, let us remember that in February, 2006, Felipe Calderon and their federal cabinet promised “to thoroughly investigate", and “it punish to the responsible ones” for the industrial homicide in the Pasta de Conchos’ mine of coal", and eight years later anything has been made. These Gentlemen Feudal of the mining they stay unpunished, depredating the environment and poisoning the population, and to Sonora. How many years more we will have them to be supporting? And doing this industrial assassin that became rich with goods of the nation and the complicity of the politicians, corrupt Mexicans, and accomplices of these murders and blind before the human death toll, flora and fauna that are making. (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 14- 26, August 20, 2014).

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