viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Organized crime

We cannot make anything because the authority is accomplice
They give your lands: Organized crime
By: Carlos Damian                                          August 18, 2014
On Tamaulipas, “now there is more criminal": Miguel Osorio Chong
Mexico. -   “You are exiled!" If you are happened to say something, they will die you and your family", they are the sentences that the organized crime has sowed in multiple regions of the country. They take them obtained who have abandoned, sold off cheap or given the writings of their irrigated plains, document of their houses, vegetable garden, orchards, agricultural machinery or work vehicles to conserve their life, that of their siblings, of their children, of their cousins, and of their brothers inclusive. Who decide to stay they should pay quotas, which are enormous for their entrance level, and to remain silent. The peasants and small proprietors that dared to narrate their sufferings, their history made it because they were assured the anonymity and they were guaranteed that the name of the municipality will only be located. During the chat they could not avoid that the voice was cut in, they were filled the eyes of tears and they concluded: "it is terrible what happens. We don't trust any authority, because we have checked that they are accomplices with the bad guys (criminals)", like they call the inhabitants from the rural areas to the members of the organized crime”.
The testimony of death in Cuauhtemoc City, Chihuahua  
"For generations, the family conserved the ranch with a surface of little more than 60 hectares, it sowed apple, it improved the orchard and it began to export the fruit, and it stayed the business. But the problems began when the bad guys began to request part of the crops and later quotas. The threats of death, the blows arrived: one day they entered to the ranch and they killed two workers". Coque rotated the head, and as if through the big window of the hotel of the capital he looked at the family ranch again, it continued: "we decide to finish off the property. Some of my siblings with their wives and children left to The States, and us, with what we could rescue we left to Quintana Roo State to make again our life like farmers. Other relatives continue abandoning their irrigated plains; they leave little by little, to avoid to be murdered."  
In another spoil story, we see Chabela in the magic town of Mier that is a colonial village been founded in the XVIII century, as example of the population's internal migration caused by the fear sowed by the drug dealers. She says that that town is practically abandoned. "People left to the south region of the Tamaulipas State, but there they are also pressing". The property of the family is in the municipality from Soto La Marina. My parents, lifelong ejido’s men, never stopped to fight to have something and not to fall in the bread line. In the field work we never had more than 60 animals. Some months ago, to full light of the day, and that people bad guys with fire guns arrived, they entered to the house, it piped us and it took out 40 animals with its breeds, besides being taken the work vehicle for the field work". Before going they were threatened to disappear ourselves if we denounced or we spoke with somebody of the robbery. Some weeks ago they looked for us again and they said that they wanted more, but what we will give them, if they removed us everything."  
On Tamaulipas the criminals attack and they steal 
"As us there are a lot of people; we have seen that they are taken to 12 year-old children, teenagers of 15 and 18 years. To the peasants they remove them money of their productive projects, they force them to sell them, (well it is a to say since they give them their field work), or of plane they run them of their lands; for that reason there are public land, as Rayones and El Carmen lands that are empty, (they don't have people to work the field work). El Carmen ejido’s men, with sheets and quilts put make a shanty near the military barrack that make of customs in the highway to San Fernando town. They are whole families to who they told them that they were exiled and if they returned they killed. The same thing happens in the of San Carlos, San Fernando and Aldama municipalities. On Tamaulipas there is no longer form of living; we make of tripe the heart and we fight for dawn and evening. After it was the secretary of Government, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong (05/13/14), he said that in the state it will apply three actions of security; today we are fuller with this people. It was as having moved the wasps' nest. We can no longer live in peace; it is not necessary as defending, because we don't trust any authority."  
In Tlahualillo, Durango, Pancho says, “my head has price. I am one of the 45 men of the Movano’s  ejido that continues fighting so that they return us the 18 thousand hectares that are in the center of the big bag of  Mapimi , in the area of the desert. More than three half a decade ago we were banished by the drug dealers (Cartels), and robbed by the authorities. Now only we are 45 of the 235 man’s men. "There in the full of the desert, they put horses’ herd in fences, they dug to put tubes two inches for the water that they would take out of deep wells and they opened roads of more than 40 meters wide. They continue landing light planes with drug; they have even fallen tetra-motor ones and the authority neither they find out. "We take 18 years escaping, living in caves, where we carve the ‘lechuguilla’ bush, for which they pay me two cents of dollar for kilogram; we also take advantage of the ‘candelilla’ bush and the oregano. As ejido’s man we were devoted to the marble extraction, but the drug dealers forced me to give them the machinery. To my family they finished it: they killed my three children, to four siblings and the cousins that were alive. We have rage and anger because we see how the violence takes possession of Durango State, and the accusations we present them the ejido’s men they are ignored by the authority (that should put in the jail to the murderers). Other ejido’s men, as me, are also nomadic; our areas of security are the caves. We sometimes eat of what we are able to hunt; I know that it is illegal, but it is not necessary more to eat."  
In Coroneo, Guanajuato, Cisco had to abandon house and your fields work, he should to go out with its family for the constants extortions and threats of death. "I am small proprietor of lands (minifundista, in Spanish), as most of the inhabitants of that mountainous area in the one that you saw corn seed of rainy spell and bean sometimes; some have two or three heads of bovine livestock and some goats. "To my son-in-law they demanded him 33 thousand dollars and later they lowered him (their demands) at 20 thousand; the money got it in Popular boxes (it means bank of town); my family was indebted, and it has to give monthly from 33 to 67 dollars to the criminals. I am threatened, I cannot return to my earth neither my house; to the relatives that continue living there they ask them where I am, what automobile I have, what position I show". The same as me, 10 families also had to leave their origin place and their few goods; others have been robbed of their ranches, but they fear to denounce it. It is terrible what we live."  

For fear they remain silent in Coatlan del Rio, Morelos 
To Ben, coming from The States, he liked Coatlan del Rio, their area wooded and their rivers, since it is adjacent with Malinalco, Mexico State, and he dared to pay a hundred 33 thousand dollars for a thousand square meters, it leaves of an area of common use. It built their house to only inhabit it during their visits to the country, but he didn't assist the warnings of some villagers that he didn't carry out the operation, because “the area is very hot". Some weeks ago it arrived, once again, to its house, with its family. The criminals entered to their home, they feinted to their relatives, and they were taken their furniture and money. They threatened him of death if it denounced; they decided to abandon the property". They demanded him from 667 to 2 thousand 667 dollars, quantity to pay monthly or weekly. This is what happens in the country; people don't dare to denounce because they distrust of the authority, although they are tired of the insecurity and of the violence. The fear and terror are silencing the inhabitants of the rural areas", (La Jornada, Matilde U.). (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 4- 7, August 18, 2014).

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