martes, 3 de septiembre de 2013

The reformations of the PRI-PAN

National The economic inequality in Mexico The reformations of the PRI-PAN By: Carlos Damian August 17, 2013 The politicians of the social dismantlement will multiply in damage of the Mexicans Mexico. - The kernel and the federal government's reformist content has become sagacious and penetrating in the last 25 years of happening national, starting from the eighties with the entrance of Mexico to the GATT (in Spanish) is when they begin to appear the structural reformations and it was a reformation after another one, transforming into a critical route around a national map, it is the opening of the federal government's companies property and in turn creating new rich, among the friends, powerful neighbors and the elite that it supports the current president. These actions according to the applied student would place Mexico in the way geostrategic of the modernity, helping in these tools a hive of militant of the high headquarter so much of the PRI like of the PAN, opening up without modesty some these jealous neoliberals the wide open National Congress this enclosure legislative's doors. The Agreement of Free Trade (NAFTA), it was untied under the classification of the empire of the North, and of the private initiative, being this document the prow of the ship badge from the neoliberal process of opening to the transnational companies. Other small reformations were not made without importance of financial court, as: to the Bank of Mexico it was given certain freedom, the privatizations were recurrent and serial being made as quickly as possible (fast track), the Mexican banking was sold in its entirety to the foreigner and transnational company, the development banking was minimized, also their actions decreased inside the Mexican territory, and the agricultural segment of the ‘ejidal’ earth went open to the neoliberal market. The net collective protector of foods that the previous emanated federal governments of the revolution didn't dare to play, fearing leaving the Mexican of low layers without food, with these neoliberal governments was not tempted the heart and they began to reduce the ‘foods basic basket’ when carrying out a series of actions executive aimed at, to dismantle the net social protector, and that it still impelled the production of foods. When retiring the State, immediately the transnational companies began to replace this social absence in the production and agricultural financing, but it was seen as a business that later called agroindustries. In the presentation of the study type extremist catastrophe: "They changed us the map: Mexico before the energy revolution of the XX century". JPC exaggerates with its mediocre knowledge when observing that without the changes in the articles 25, 27 and 28 of the Constitution, the “country will take up to 100 years in extracting its energy wealth", and he mentions it happily, when “calculating in 158 thousand million barrels". To the Mexicans they mention us as retarded congenital when not understanding why Pemex cannot exploit its “deep waters", but in its ideological position and stateless person doesn't mention the wars of primary resources among the developed nations. It also places erroneously Mexico in the sixth place when our nation really has the biggest number of gas shale, in the third place, according to the source of the neoliberals: Financial Times (4/22/12). It also considers in absurd form the number of patents of the Mexican Institute of the Petroleum (22) (IMP in Spanish), with the American Schulemberger (540), where he is a shareholder the former director of Pemex. The energy speculation in the world The IMP was dismantled by the governments of the PAN-PRI, while to the Texan company Schulemberger, rains him money for investigation and development. Although IMCO doesn't mention the great environmental damage of the Texan one suspiciously in the Gulf of Mexico. Of the president of Imco, Valentin Diaz Morodo (VDM), it is a stupidity when mentioning to Cuba, Iran and Korea of the North. As much as Cuba, and Korea of the North they are not producing of petroleum, and Iran has the foreigner's suffocating sanctions. What should make this black character is to pay the 7 thousand million dollars in taxes that it scrounged to the SHCP (Federal Treasure), in the brewery Modelo's sale, as good citizen that wants to their country. The comparisons between Mexico and the other countries should be among same nations, don't confuse pears with apples. The arguments of mud of the IMCO (in Spanish), are an intelligence lack when being hung all the saints and virgins of the document WWC-ITAM, and their thesis it staggers when being hung of the controversial energy revolution of the shale gas of The States. Such it seems that the comely IMCO all their records of the casino to the bubble the shale gas, when last month of July the France’s energy commission discarded its amplification due to the telluric environmental depreciation of the fracking, when it should not be confused all the hydrocarbons like equal. Still in these days the proposition of the gas shale doesn't deserve all the attributes that are hung and it deserves mention separated all the benefits until one has the full certainty of its innocuousness. The theological proposal that privatizes so much Pemex of the IMCO like of the private initiative, it is one it traces of what has intended in The States about gas shale. What we should make according to the investigating Alfredo Jalife, in their writing ‘Bajo la lupa’, it is that it should be treated low different situations and without precipitations. We could agree with certain fragments of the energy opening provided Mexico had the control so much of the property, of the investigations as well as of the productive plant of Pemex, but also of its name and logo of national oil company. Also that maintains the extractive rhythm according to the necessities of the national productive plant. The stateless parties and traitors of the national will We should agree with the global tendencies of the “seven state sisters of the petroleum", not with the theological obsession and catastrophic terrorism of radical organisms bought by the big ones transnational British and yankees that deny the freedom geostrategic and energy security of Mexico. We still have constitutional padlocks in the key articles of the energy security that try to destroy the PAN-PRI, when having among their Machiavelli’s plans changing the 25, 27, and 28 to leave an empty shell and without identification logo to Pemex. These aggressive actions of the well-known commercial frankness as political parties are reflections of the predecessors’ predation of the transnational Anglo-Saxons in Porfirio Díaz’s stage that they make go back to Mexico at the end of the XIX century. In sum it is not a geopolitical modernization, it is a historical setback and this is carried out jointly when Obama impels the gradual growth of the transborder wall, with an aggressive, catastrophic and terrorist action against the Mexicans in economic exile (separating families and goods in The States), when for simple vicinity they should be the relationships integral binationals and not partially reductionists. This whole situation created by the national politicians, the transnational ones with an immense thirst, and the private initiative that impels this anxious situation of being well with the Empire of the North as good godmother. This situation makes us go back to the alternating posture where we do a Mexico with freedom, with independence and energy security where Pemex conserves the property and the logo that it characterizes it in the oil world. This company property of the state optimizes its operability without confronting with the Empire of the North one and it also guarantees its supply to the national productive plant. Where Mexico doesn't disappear of the map world energy geostrategic. We don't see in this national panorama to EPN, with genuineness and authority to privatize Pemex. If he had a support of 38.21 percent in the Pact for Mexico, it was done with an absence of 70 percent. Although in this heap of modernizations and of brushstrokes some reformations miss the picture: the Treasure and the energetic, but both are still with a lock before the lack of clarity of their reaches, of their concepts and the lack of know-how of the class current legislative. The reformations structural neoliberals have as marshy bottom, the capital accumulation, of the entrance. When these reformations are driven by the great capital they have not benefitted in no way to the labor class. In contrast they have always punished to the factor work and it impels to increase the segment of market of the capital and of the power that annex to people. In Mexico around the eighties, it was interrupted somehow, being that 40 percent was already dedicated to the work, and it was seen that we will never reach the European citizens: 70 percent to the work, and 30 percent to the capital. The case has been ferocious but the hard-working class has lost land during the last 25 years, although the official speech wants to convince us otherwise, taking out the rhetorical arguments of its factory of lies. State little cares the common citizen, and to the factor work he offers him a punishment panorama, of bigger concentration of wealth of the elite, and of the employment‘s shortage. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 18-20, July 17, 2013).

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