domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012

The myth of the Mexican dream

International The dream of social well-being collapses for all The myth of the Mexican dream By: Carlos Damián December 4 de 2012 The dream was cancelled by neoliberal politicians México. - The rich ones can only sleep in free America, and this is not symbolic; in fact it is the center of the political and social debate of The States. It is perceived that the American promise of having for all without caring if they are rich, poor or miserable; they could opt to the best opportunity that they had within their reach, and they could improve their conditions of life so that they went superior to those of the previous generation. Although the simplistic myth that anyone could end up being president, or millionaire if he behaved well, he worked a lot, and he studied a technique or university profession, and the other very repeated myth is that the American society was a society without social classes, already nobody believes it for the current economic situation that there is uncovered many social lies. However it has not stopped to be a society with the richest economy in the world with a series of conquests achieved by social movements, for what many believed without discussing that The States offered elements of that myth, and during decades each generation enjoyed better conditions, until it finishes the American dream, for the real economic crisis that whips everybody. This dream was eclipsed by the neoliberal politicians that were applied to the ”third world", and that now they are implemented to the “first world". The results all we know them: dismantlement of the state of well-being, privatization of public functions, attack frontal to destroy social organizations, but mainly independent unions, intents to revert social conquests that we call labor rights, the natives' rights, of the women, of education, to the culture, unemployment’s insurance, of the health’s insurance and those entire human rights that are derived of the social well-being. The social well-being collapses We also find in America a bigger repression and this country has caged to more than two million inhabitants in its prisons, with an extreme concentration of its wealth like few times in the American history had happened. However the myth has substituted to other myths, to other dreams, to other nightmares. Among those which we can speak of the poverty of each two American, and we can locate them on the edge of a cliff in whose bottom is the misery. Two thirds of the net flow of the Latin American (in The States the whole inhabitants that are to the south of the frontier until the Patagonia are Mexican), and half of the African-American ones they vanished when losing their more valuable possession: their houses, in the mortgagor crisis; the economic inequality has arrived to unparalleled ends from the great depression. The entrance average of the workers has stagnated during more than three decades; one of each seven American homes suffers or it faces the threat of the hunger. It has been detected recently that the education a very valuable item inside the society has become so expensive that now it is a dream more for the citizen. Inside the American dream the education key factor is considered in promoting the equality of opportunities in a society, in particular in The States. This can be proven the investigations since they discovered that the educational breach between students of rich and poor families has been enlarged in a significant way. Almost everything is myth and little reality Diverse studies have put in the discussion table that the prosperous students and those of low revenues were enlarged 40 percent up to now from the sixties, and in other part, the distance between poor and rich those complete their studies 50 percent it was enlarged from final of the eighty. For what we conclude that the family entrance is decisive to achieve the good success of a youth in the environment of the education. Another question that it gets the attention is that in The States people meet with “less social mobility” than in other advanced countries, in other words, the socioeconomic position of its citizens is inherited. So it confirms that the myths are destroyed with the reality. The things go of bad in worse; the wages have collapsed 23 percent from 1973, and while 65 percent of them in 1980 they had insurance of health like social benefit of their employment, in 2009, 29 percent only enjoyed this social benefit. If before the males had preparatory or the vocational one equivalent, they were able to obtain middle class life with good employments manufacturers. Warren Buffen, in interview for the television chain CBS, said that: "the very rich of this country have not sacrificed, neither an ounce to improve the economic conditions of all the inhabitants from The States. The high tide has only risen to the yachts The financial George Soros alerted, in interview with Newsweek that “we are facing an extremely difficult time, comparable in many ways to the thirties, the great depression", and due to they can arise it, “bigger class conflicts, disturbances in the street, and with them, bigger state repression, a lot around the economic inequality". This can be reflected in surveys of Investigation Pew Center, the conflict of classes is increased. 66 percent (two of each three) they believe that conflicts exist very strong among the elite (oligarchy) and those impoverished in The States. Another rich citizen, Richard Bronson owner of Virgin Record, Virgin Airways; it estimated that it Occupies it is a “movement alarm clock, peaceful. The only thing that it has not been peaceful it is the way in that the police in some states have faced it, that which we believe is bad". Occupy Wall Street scream has been able to frame the substantial context in which they are carried out the presidential elections in America. And the insomnia and the nightmare is for 99 percent, but the nightmares sometimes cause screams in the bed of the economic situation and they wake up the demand of being in the real world. (La Jornada, mundo, p. p. 28 - 29, 13 de Febrero, 2011).

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