viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Presidential candidates

The candidate is of turn
Presidential candidates
By: Carlos Damián January 9, 2012
IFE : absurd measures
México. - “It is an honour to be with Lopez Obrador!” This small sentence is repeated by whole legions as if they were the refrain of followers of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO). We have this way turn Lopez Obrador, and not in fact its political activity but to the convinced politician that the times have changed and anything will be granted him in the electoral boxes if it is not able of convincing to the citizenship, of to spread bridges and to win new territories for its fair cause. Difficult, but continuous efforts, it always subject to the bad wills of their opponents, it brought him until here as the progressive candidate to dispel the dream bi-party of the groups in the power.

When crossing the desert it is in itself a resistance act, it has also been the test of the acid for a political current to make reality their presence in the political pluralism of the XXI century. Perhaps this text is giving him the devil's kiss, but we won't repeat the refrain of publicity of the political current of right-side that it repeated until the satiety that “he was a danger for Mexico", perhaps for the institutionalism in crisis, for the politicians steal-cows of disastrous memory, and for the neo-liberalism it is a dangerous alternative. At the present time this progressive current this of return in the Mexican political panorama.

AMLO returns after five years of travelling the country
With a more mature program, with their errors on the back, it knowing that the situation demands to deploy with effectiveness and ability a politico-economic program for a nation that doesn't have insured the future, a present full with blood and violence, and a flooded country of poverty and material misery that it takes root in the heart of the citizenship. The political position tries to recapture the five year-old ago values, to win the trust of 15 million voters recognizing that the situation this time is different, and that the decisions will be decisive for the Republic and that therefore the movement social reformer needs that it is supported by the Mexican people.

This social movement is something that bothers the factious should be receptive and to dialogue with all the sectors of the civil society, to open up in convergence forms that they help to build the wide progressive front that the current moment requires. This movement recognizes its own diversity to avoid the fragmentation that would impede the consolidation of a strategy of long term to root to this progressive movement as the permanent motor of the change under the objective conditions of the succession. It can be affirmed that has finished the cycle of consolidation of the convinced ones to enter in the dispute for the conscience of the voters, appealing to the reason, the feelings and emotions, identifying the most burning national problems and of bottom the situation for what we infer is difficult to solve, and lastly considering to the opportune and effective solution proposals.

The Republic of the love
This political decision of ascending to the presidential stadium is with proven arguments, with novelties of social organization and political proposals; like it is now they bring the topic of “the loving republic". It is prominent that from the beginning of its work the candidate points out to those who could be among his collaborators. To propose a transition for that road appears as a good indication; to make it from the beginning of the electoral dispute is a healthy change in the electoral political behaviour of secrets and settlements that it prevails in our society. The citizens know that direct way and not for omission or conditioning like it is in the usual practice of the atmosphere and the big political commitments, what can be expected from a government. This new practice is demanded to AMLO more than to any other presidential applicant, this is not casual.

It would not be lazy to dream a country post SNTE of their eternal leader and their de facto monopoly; with an exercise of internal politics corresponding with the republican premises of the law and a conduction of the economy beyond the conventional and less profitable criterions imposed by the neo liberalism. Today the internal politics has been put it has been excluded in a corner of the political insecurity and the barbarism of the confrontation against the general delinquency associated with the combat to the drug traffic. It is evidence like this country is managed in the strategy that was adopted as foundation of the task of governing, in the decline of this federal administration. Certainly it is overwhelming that all this culminates in a country in war and widespread confusion, trying to leave this bloody ship and of the horror like rats amid the brave sea.

The candidate thinks about to impel the growth and with it the quality of life, the progress and the justice. He even seeks to offer concrete plans that having as subject to the young turn to rush another time the cycle of growth following a different logic, opposed to the one that has prevailed for decades with disastrous results in terms of poverty, violence and degradation of the social life. The made position is the differential fact in the dispute in the power, what distinguishes to the progressive line of the other parties, they aligned with the unique thought that has taken us to the worst crisis in the history. Among these positions it intends to bet for the honesty in the public and private life, for this via bolstering to the lay State as guarantee of freedom of beliefs outside of all imposition, of any catechism, Catholic religion or obligatory moral. However we have a nigger in the rice that will be to take out of the political life in the country that we bring in our cultural baggage as pus that doesn't separate us: the corruption. The corruption implies a deep cultural and moral reformation, a total transformation of the Mexican state. (La Jornada, opinión, p. 20, December 22, 2011).

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