viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

The presidential candidate AMLO

The pre - candidate goes solitary for the presidency of the Republic
The presidential candidate AMLO
By: Carlos Damián January 11, 2012
IFE : incongruous measures
México.- The virtual candidate of the progressive line, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), it points out that Enrique Pena Nieto (EPN) it embodies the dark sector of the PRI, the corruption, and not only that “he has not read". AMLO answered some questions of the reporters on the bankrupt answers of the former governor of the Mexico State –EPN-, in the international Fair of the Book of Guadalajara and Ernesto Cordero, the presidential ex applicant of the right-side in the power. He answered amusing about the ignorance of the candidates presidential point of the PRI like of the PAN, with leisurely voice it reiterated: "we believe that what the reading doesn't give it, the marketing doesn't grant", paraphrasing Miguel de Unamuno, in the University de Salamanca.

When continuing with his chat, at the end of a they gathered with the ‘Asociación Interdisciplinaria de Juristas de México’, it points out, now they are missed because Pena Nieto has not read, but it is not said that he made an agreement with teacher Elba Esther (Gordillo Morales) –EEGM-, and if the PRI, arrives to president, we touch wood, the Public Education Ministry’s next leadership –SEP- is Elba Esther (EEGM), Carlos Salinas de Gortari will be Ministry of Treasury, Arturo Montiel Ministry of the Public Function, and Humberto Moreira he goes to the Home Office’s Ministry like consolation prize since has just given up the national presidency of the PRI.

It will elaborate a moral note
The candidate proposes a “moral note” starting from the three foundations of the loving republic: the justice, the honesty and the love. It is elaborating because the problem of Mexico is not nothing else the lack of material goods but also the loss of values, cultural, moral and spiritual. In this context it is considered an electoral front of voters that the conventional sum of the marks of the electoral coalition transcends, and of letters of parties that them we will give it space to all those groups that want to participate in the transformation of Mexico starting from the rejection to the toxic inheritance of the directing political class whose life lapses in a glass bubble far away from the dreams, and of the daily concerns of the voters. Most of the citizenship doesn't have a party in particular for the one which to vote, however it has active groups, affiliated to different causes that will be willing to the change of the rapacious line of selfishness and stateless person of the class in the power, it will happen if they are respected their independence and don't be forced by hunger to be subordinated to the “maximum political” program of the political forces.

The progressive politics of AMLO has to achieve the convergence of that diversity around a democratic legitimate proposal that, for its own nature it transcends in the human being and civic entity to profile a new historical and political block. This political decision of ascending to the presidential plaza is with proven arguments, with novelties of social organization and political proposals; we eat now they bring the topic of the loving republic". It is the decision of facing the electoral challenge making political without giving up the personal identity, to the principles without losing the individuality expressed in moral and ethical convictions that the intolerance would deny only. This political proposal is pronounced around three axes: the honesty, the justice and the invigoration of values trying to leave abstractions to become in favor of the biggest possible transformation the precarious conditions of our nation.

The Mexican education
Of the education like specific activity and process of social nature we should admit without subterfuges their highly critical state. In all the levels the flaws are serious; the general structure of the system should be revised and ordinate to reach the highest objectives possible of literacy, functionality and effective formation. The effective educational system restricts the potential development of the individuals; it exercises a negative effect in the configuration of the society, so much in the general outline of the values and the economic inequality. As for the economy it has the power the same factious group inside the Banco de Mexico and in the Ministry of Treasury (SHCP, in Spanish) from the federal administration’s six years of Miguel de la Madrid H.

This economic group with its control capacity has imposed criterions and political of long reach that have determined the structure that today has the economy, embracing its reaches: the financing, the inspection of the revenues and public expense, the character of consumption of the investment, the configuration of the markets, and the commercial transactions with the strange capitals. This domain takes the administration of recurrent crisis during the same period with onerous costs and its effects on the creation of the wealth they continue being very slanted.

The economy of which the current government boasts is anchored in a micro-economic operation with feet of mud. It isn’t to recognize it perpetuate the current situation and the illusion that the things work. As much the PRI as the PAN are not left the expounded outline for thirty years. It more than they can offer in economic politics it is a relative and fragile stability in an environment of slow growth, with low productivity, scarce employment, and a high concentration of wealth and under economic entrance.

In the political struggle those that decide are those that have the economic power and factice, and 52 million poor in Mexico, to them 28 millions it suffers the access lack to the feeding, and they are almost 12 millions who live in external poverty. There is a lot of space to devise a quite better economy mainly of the one that they leave who it has conformed in recent decades; finally we see it in a world scenario of crisis that will have to face the next government.

Merry Christmas’ gift
In the last month of the year an intense speculative movement has been generated in favor of the dollar, they sell the pesos and they buy the green bank-notes. The central bank is making an error that will create distrust to the long one. It is not informing the owners of the international reservations how many dollars it has sold, neither to what prices, neither who have bought them. The secret is giving place to false interpretations. When the previous devaluation’s crisis was presented, in 2008, and Guillermo Ortiz was governor of the ‘Banco de Mexico’, it was informed day by day of the dollars that left the federal reservation and the price to that they were sold. The name of the banks acquirers was omitted. There was critical because it got lost a third part of the federal reservation but it was positive the transparency of the operations. Agustin Carstens should have present that the money that manages is not the expense of its house. Today we have the dollar at $14.50 pesos in happy Merry Christmas. (La Jornada, economia, p. 23, December 26, 2011).

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