viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

The Mexican field

The field has inconsistencies
The Mexican field
By: Carlos Damián January 17, 2012
The veto imposed by the president to the ordinance legislative
México. - Although one argues the incongruity of the imposed veto last week to an ordinance legislative that sought to dedicate 666.67 million dollars to assist the emergency caused by the droughts, the Federal Executive's chief, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (FCH), it pointed out that the Chamber of Deputies, lacks constitutional attributions for, “unilaterally and during the fiscal exercise, to not approve expenses foreseen in the Budget of Expenditures of the federation neither less still to modify them". On the other hand, the permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union approved an agreement point to exhort Calderon to solve the dispute with the Legislative on the creation of the mentioned funds, as long as deputies of opposition criticized its government because “he doesn't make anything to solve the problem."

Preferable to the political pulls on that Los Pinos’ presidential residence and San Lazaro building have concentrated it would be that the representatives worked, each one in their respective action field, to assist a problem that last year threw balances of alimentary catastrophe: it affected to almost 70 percent of the growing surface, it derived in the death of hundred of thousands of livestock heads and the loss of crops and cultivations whose impact will feel the effect in next months in the prices of the foods. To make matters worse, there are not indications that the situation has arrived to its end, and not even to its higher point: on the contrary, like it advanced just yesterday (1/6/2012), the National Commission of the Water (CAN, in Spanish), the drought affected great part of the national territory in 2011 and it will continue at least in the first trimester of 2012, what multiplies the risk of forest fires and of economic losses.

The abandonment of the field is strategy of the neoliberal politics
In such a circumstance, the discussion in that the federal government has been concentrating with the Legislative is equal to continue slowing a help that is inevitable for the inhabitants of the rural country, and that it is also necessary for the populations of the cities. On the other hand and to the margin of considerations about the constitutionality of the ordinance emitted by the Legislative, the Executive's attitude is consistent with the politics of deliberate abandonment of the field and of the retirement of the State of that strategic sector that has characterized to the administrations of the neoliberal cycle, and that it is expressed in the reduction of budgetary supports for the small producers; in the absence of strategic reservations of grains, to the limitless increment in the agricultural imports, on deeply of the alimentary dependence and the population's subjection in general to the sways of the international market of foods and the ambition of the speculators.

They call the attention the zeal with which the Federal Executive defends the precepts of the constitutional text that define and they delimit the Legislative's functions when it has not shown an attitude similar to the moment of defending the numeral of the Great Letter that consecrate that “all person is entitled to the nutritious, enough feeding and of quality. The State will guarantee it" (article 4); that corresponds to the State the conducting of the national development to guarantee that this is integral and sustainable" (article 25), and that, to effect of “achieving the balanced development of the country and the improvement of the conditions of the rural and urban population's life", the government will dictate the necessary measures to preserve and to restore the ecological balance” (…); “to prepare the organization and collective exploitation of the public land and communities; for the development of the small rural property; for the development of the agriculture, of the cattle raising, of the forestry and of the other economic activities in the rural means, and to avoid the destruction of the natural elements and the damages that the property can suffer in damage of the society" (article 27).

If the government's interest is to avoid additional perspectives of catastrophe for the field and to make complete what dictates the Constitution, it should not have problems to solve the current dispute with the Legislative and to approve, as soon as possible, the expenditure of economic resources to alleviate the difficult situation for which they cross the rural field of the country. For it, a minimum portion of those could be used more than 45 thousand million dollars only obtained by concept of rent oil company in last year. If he doesn't make it, the federal administration questions its commitment with the constitutional command again, and it will feed the perception that it only appeals this when it suits this way to its political interests of party, and factionalism.

CAP: the circumstance is dramatized by electoral period
Rural organizations regretted the federal government's nonsense and they confirmed so much Francisco Mayorga of the Ministry of Agriculture, as the Ministry of Treasury, Antonio Meade that they won't direct 666.67 million dollars to assist havocs caused by climatologically contingencies on the field. The negative is based on the lack of sensibility, rationality and political will, according to the leader of the National Union of Agricultural Workers (UNTA, in Spanish), Alvaro Lopez Rios (ALR), such monetary resources “they don't have to take out it of the sleeve“, but of the international reservation of foreign currencies, of the surpluses of the petroleum or of the recovery of the not exercised expense for the States or of credits of international organisms."

ALR says that there “is not excuse” against “the stupidity of arguing added that there are not resources for the field, when yes, it is this money if there for ‘Estela de Luz’, highways, federal bridges of record Guinness", and the CAF of Spanish origin firm. Rafael Galindo Jaime (RGJ), leadership of the Independent Rural Central (ICS, in Spanish), he coincided in to affirm in that the rejection to take extraordinary money to the sector pays to the increase of the economic and social crisis in the agriculture, where “a bomb of time is generated, because the poverty, the unemployment and the migration will increase". He affirmed that the government of the PAN has of where to take out financing; he mentioned the reservations that have a little more than 140 thousand million dollars in particular.

Jose Luis Gonzalez Aguilera (JLGA), national coordinator of the permanent agrarian Congress (CAP, in Spanish), it pointed out that in front of the problem they should be made arrive resources to the agriculture, but he insisted in that the States should cooperate. "If it is necessary to assist the drought, but with objectivity and with co - responsibility of the State governments" (…) “In the field there is poverty, but famine in the field is not one. The dramatically that are giving him is for the electoral period; the problem is exaggerated", JLGA expressed. The general leadership of the Coalition of Urban Democratic and Peasants Organizations (CODUC, in Spanish), it considered that; "The government should act in a different way but it seems that he doesn't give it sensibility and it left the peasants in the vulnerability with the options to leave to the street, to be added to the crime or to emigrate" (…) “He understands that the problem of the crisis in the field is seriously. “Famine, drought, and ice of the cultivations of the field for the world climatic change. (La Jornada, economia, p. 16, January 14, 2011).

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